
Alice Miller, psychoanalyst and author, dies at 87

Alice Miller, one of my all times heroes, the courageous Mensch who spent all the 20th C advocating for Children. HER FINDINGS "Violence is not Genetic". Her contribution to humanity and the human mind is just invaluable.

I remember the day when I started reading her book "The Drama of the Inner Child" . Suddenly the sky was wide open. Her ideas resonated so much with my own ideas. I can't begin to describe...actually some of my friends would tell you. I kept talking about her for years. Like a broken record. I have written about her in my blog. Every time I have a chance I name her and her amazing contribution.

That was the beginning of my Inner Child Journey. She inspired me to go inside myself and explore how gifted I actually was...somehow giving me permission for what I already knew and had forgotten...and the rest is history. She was who inspired me to embark in this adventure of becoming some kind of midwife who helps people give birth to their Inner Child. It is in her honor for her efforts that I can stand here with this mission today. She gave me the torch. Life was so much easier after I found her. She could have been my mother. I am 61.

One of the things I love the most about her is how she points out there is always an "Enlightened Witness" or a Lightworker behind a neglected or .abused child. The person who gives them their integrity by believing in them. That as a rule is the difference between them becoming a criminal or not.The Enlightened Witness Making the difference can change the outcome.

That is why she inspired me to create an army of Enlightened Witnesses to make sure children can reclaim 100% of their integrity. And we all can go back to innocence, truth, play, creativity and oneness.

This is somebody who confronted the Nazi status quo. Talk about courage. I honor her life, her passion and her dedication to ensure a better and healthier psychological environment for children. Our thoughts create our reality. We have to go with the program and raise the collective consciousness of the Inner Child. Yes Yes Yes, Alice !!! Thank you for persevering until you proved with science what was always in your Heart. You were right on. Violence is not genetic. Violence is not Genetic. Thank you for that amazing torch sister! Rest in Peace.

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UFO | UFO Videos | UFO Sighting | Extraterrestrial | 2010

Interesting article about Astronomers finding Ice and Organic Molecules in an Asteroid Between Mars and Jupiter.

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2009 January | Soul Hangout The Dark Secrets of Sales, only for Sales Professionals

The Dark Secrets of Sales, only for Sales Professionals. The thinking behind the 21st C Sales Mindset.

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Facebook | Lola Koumantzias: Conversations Between Babies - written 4 years ago.

Mothers gather in churches in Australia to share the mothering experience. What a healthy concept. Must read, especially if you are a mother. Enjoy!

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Sodade - Soul Hang Out

My friend Laura Wasson, got inspired with the Condor Energy music and sent me this beautiful song. Enjoy!

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Check out this website I found at facebook.com

Join me in this 40 Days Together In Worldwide Oneness! See you there. Raising the Collective Consciousness of the Inner Child. Erase negative Thoughts!

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Gail Lynne Goodwin: 10 Tips for Creating Remarkable Success: An Interview With Tim Storm

Remarkable people seem to create remarkable businesses. It would be quite easy to create a list of top CEOs who run "normal" businesses, but much more difficult to create a list of remarkable businesses that truly stand out.

In today's tight economy marketplace, standing out, being different, being better -- is what it's all about. If you want to succeed, being remarkable is the only way to go. Today's Inspirational Luminary, Tim Storm, founder and CEO of FatWallet.com is just that and more.

From launching his business with just $100 from a spare bedroom in his home, to creating one of the top Internet businesses, he is considered a pioneer in the industry of online discount publishing.

Even more importantly, this remarkable man is humble, has his priorities straight and is a mentor to many by the example of how he lives his life.

It's rare to meet an incredibly successful entrepreneur who inspires not only by his brilliance, but by the quality of his humility, kindness, generosity and compassion for others. It's no wonder this man is revered by his employees and honored by his peers.

10 Tips for Creating Remarkable Success from Tim Storm:

Be humble.
When we act with more concern for others than for our self, we can't help but succeed.

Core values will keep you on track.
Having core values to use as a touchstone will keep you on track through uncertainty. Tim's core values are integrity, change, commitment, passion, balance, respect and FUN!

Expect change.
Being an entrepreneur is like riding a roller coaster, complete with high highs and low lows. Don't expect it to be easy or predictable and know that change is normal. In between the ups and downs there are stages that one will go through. The key is in knowing what to do when going up the hill and what to do when coming back down. Recognizing where you are on the roller coaster cycle and taking action accordingly will help you succeed through change.

Maintain your balance.
Create opportunities to recharge. Do what you can to take your mind off of business occasionally and set aside what preoccupies you most of the time. Like a unicycle, balance happens in all directions, forward, backwards and from side to side -- but you can't be balanced if you're not moving.

Don't be afraid to try.
You can achieve anything by taking the first step. Baby steps add up to experience and results that one can't fathom at the beginning of the journey. Understand your limitations but don't dwell on them. Remember, it all starts from not being afraid to try.

Adversity happens but take action anyway.
If you maintain the belief in yourself that you're going to find a way, you become unstoppable. Learn to succeed during the tougher times. Remember that races are always won on the uphill, so keep going! Don't allow someone else's restrictions to keep you from following your dream. Go in the direction that you want to go, move and grow. That's all you can really do, for it's the only thing you can touch. You can plan for tomorrow but you can only DO something today.

There's always a silver lining.
Even in the most challenging of times, there is always a silver lining when you learn from your experiences. If you don't understand "why" in the moment, trust that you will be able to see it later. When things happen that you don't understand, learn from them, as they will come in handy later. Adversity is an absolute waste if we don't learn from it.

Pride leads to happiness.
Do something that makes you proud! When you look at your accomplishments and see how many lives you've touched, the journey is worthwhile, regardless of how many mountains you've had to climb.

Charter your own course.
Don't live by someone else's rules. Do what makes you happy and follow your dream, even if that means you don't fit into the normal "box". Risk being called "crazy."

Experience is more valuable than possessions.
In the throws of great success, remember ... toys are fun but the things with the greatest value in life are not the things that one has to dust off each week. Create a life of experiences. No matter what happens, no one can ever take away the memories. When you do fun things in life, you create experiences that will help expand your view on life. If you're doing the same thing all the time, you don't grow!

Thanks for the great words of wisdom Mr. Storm. You continue to inspire me today and every day. ☺

We invite you to listen to today's FREE Inspired Interview with host, Gail Lynne Goodwin, Ambassador of Inspiration from InspireMeToday.com and today's guest, Tim Storm. Also, we invite you to check out our daily FREE inspiration! Thank you!

Follow Gail Lynne Goodwin on Twitter: www.twitter.com/inspiremetoday

Fantastic article about the Mindset of success. Enjoy!

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Slide FunSpace on Facebook

Check out this website I found at apps.facebook.com

My dear friend Eva Luna sent me this video. She has the ability to penetrate deep in my heart. I want to share it with you all. For the ones of you who love that river in the South Cone, "Rio de la Plata" ,it captures the Heart Condor Energy of the Andes Mountains, and the festive sea Ports. Thank you so much Eva Luna de mi vida Enjoy!

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Inner Child Inspirational quote of the day. | Soul Hangout

Have a Soulful and Playful day! You and your Inner Child!

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The Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven - Soul Hang Out

Moonlight Sonata by Bethoven was composed as the musician was grieving the death of his Mentor and a blind girl, a neighbor said to him she would love to be able to see only to see the moon. So he composed the musical notes of the moon for her, so that she could hear it through his eyes. A beautiful story. Enjoy! and enjoy the full moon.

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Sonata Claro de Luna by Beethoven - Soul Hang Out

To honor the full moon tonight. Sonata Claro de Luna de Beethoven.

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