
Linda Dillon and Graham Dewyea: Be Gentle with Yourself

Linda Dillon and Graham Dewyea: Be Gentle with Yourself

In this week’s Heavenly Blessings, Linda Dillon takes a look back through the years and the teachings of the ascended masters, celestial beings, and others she has channeled and reviews the gifts that each has given us. Graham and Linda also discuss the applications of the teachings to their own lives and relationships. You may wish to couple this with Graham’s latest video at here.


Heavenly Blessings May 31, 2012 “Round Table” Discussion


GD: Hello and welcome to Heavenly Blessings with Linda Dillon, the channel for the Council of Love and author of The Great Awakening, I’m Graham Dewyea. We’re going to do something a little different today: on previous shows we’ve received lots of gifts and guidance and teachings from the Council to assist us with the Ascension, in the process of Ascension and today Linda and I thought it would be helpful to discuss the application and experience of what they have shared with us, what’s been coming up for us personally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, what’s been coming up for others. It’s certainly a significant time isn’t it Linda?


LD: It sure is and welcome Graham, thanks for having me and welcome everybody out there. This has been a heck of a time, yeah, and I think a lot of people are experiencing different things and so I think our idea of sort of just talking about what we’re going through together and what some of the tools and gifts and blessings, how they can help us and what their deeper meaning is might be really timely.


GD: Lao Tzu was talking recently, a couple of weeks ago, on one of our shows about past life reviews and what really stuck out for me is that the past life review is not about beating ourselves up about ‘oh, I should have done this’ or ‘I could have done that’ or it’s not about regrets it’s really about reflecting on what we’ve accomplished and how much we’ve done and there’s an invitation to extend forgiveness and compassion to us.


LD: Exactly, and especially to ourselves, it’s the one consistent message that we hear again and again and again from the Council of Love is “no judgment.” And judgment really encompasses so many of the old false grids and illusions of what we call now the old 3rd. And so, when we’re doing our past life review and I don’t know about you but I have had so many thoughts and memories and things come up that I haven’t thought about in years.


GD: Oh yeah, same here.


LD: And it is this sense and I think, as a collective and I think it’s even more true of lightworkers, that we often tend to say ‘I should have’, ‘I could have’, ‘I might have done better’, ‘I could have done more’, ‘I could have helped more’, ‘I could have been stronger’ and that’s like you said, that’s not what the past life review is about. It’s looking back and really seeing that in spite of everything, because I think for most of us this hasn’t been a straight shot life, and in spite of that look at what we’ve done and what we are doing and what we’re committed to doing.


Perseverance and fortitude and prudence and all those things that we don’t like to talk about, we’ve been practicing and we have seen the fruits of that labor, of that consistency. Maybe not always how we expect it or how we thought we wanted it or how we thought we were asking about it, but we are seeing the fruits of that labor.


GD: I really resonate with the word ‘compassion’ and so as things have been coming up for me, past memories and experiences that could be painful or where I’m shown how I was in a situation, it feels so healing and so nice to extend compassion to that situation and toward me and I’m giving myself permission just to really take that in and change the experience that I might have with that past memory. And I see that as a clearing, I see that as a releasing and I think that’s right in concert with where we’re going as a collective to clear and release, wouldn’t you say?


LD: I would absolutely agree. The compassion piece as well and the forgiveness piece which Archangel Michael and Universal Mother Mary (1) have really been talking to us a lot about. I’m also finding that when I’m going back and I’m looking at those situations I may have forgiven or let go, situations that I encountered in my life, in you know personal relationships or professional relationships, it doesn’t really matter, but what I’m finding is I’m seeing or I’m feeling a new level of compassion for the other person or persons involved as well. So that’s been interesting because I’m visiting a lot of old friends.


GD: Linda, I so appreciate you speaking to that. It reminds me of my ex-wife and I’ve come to a place of seeing her as my greatest teacher in this incarnation and it’s been a highly volatile, challenging experience and I extend respect and loads of love to the situation and to her and so I’ve come from a place of feeling that ‘geez, I’ve got to get out of this situation, I don’t even want to be around this, I don’t want to be around the drama’ and really wanting to just escape the experience, and this is over the course of a number of years and I don’t mind sharing this personally, I hope that it would be helpful and it certainly is helpful to reflect on it.


So I’ve gone from a place of really wanting to push away her and the experience to a place of really embracing her as such a great teacher because it’s put me in a position where there’s an invitation to practice extending unconditional love to her and if I can do that with her, I can do that with anyone and so as a lot comes up for a lot of people and you just said it, where there’s an opportunity to forgive, there’s also an opportunity to extend love and light as we, as a collective start to understand on a larger level what’s been happening with those that have tried to control earth and what they’ve done to humanity to that end there is going to be a lot of feelings coming up. And so I’m trying to hold on to the fact that yes, let’s extend forgiveness, let’s extend love and light and recognize that there are roles that people are playing and a larger perspective from a higher good, it’s assisting in many ways, in ways that we might not know about.


LD: It is assisting and you know what else I think, Graham, is that as we do, as we extend that compassion and forgiveness, even though we may not even see the person, we may not have seen them for 20 years, is that I believe, no I know because Archangel Gabriel is giving me the nod, I know that it also effects them, that it helps them in ways that we don’t even have the foggiest notion about.


GD: Right.


LD: But we’re just releasing that energy and just staying in the love. I’ve never understood when people can be madly in love and married or in sacred relationship one day and the next day they can’t stand the person and they never want to talk to them again. It like, whoa what happened? Because what we’re always guided to do is let the relationship shift, stay in the love, hold the love for them, but change the relationship and what it looks like. And one of the things that’s coming up for me and my past life review is really honoring peoples choices.


I’ve had situations over the years and mostly in my intimate, sacred union partnerships where my partner chose, and not just once, to not be on the same path or have the same understandings or beliefs that I do. And I loved these people and it was very hard because what it did was it made the relationship untenable and that was really hard. So one of the things that has been coming up for me is not just the compassion and forgiveness, because I still love these people, but the really deep respect as you’re saying, the honoring of peoples choices because they’re in their human journey, they’re in their spiritual journey and you know what, their choices aren’t always going to match up with ours.


GD: Boy, I really resonate what you’re saying and I really appreciate what you’re saying. We’re all on this unique adventure together, the Ascension process is so individualized and so unique and our own journey and our own soul contract is very unique and different. One of the things that we’ve been learning is that as the old paradigm starts to melt away we’re looking at relationships, we’re looking at what we choose to do for work, we’re looking at our beliefs, we’re seeing old habits start to change, we’re even seeing people, and I’m experiencing this, people are talking about their lack of interest in anything from food to maybe movies that they used to watch.

Just going back to relationships, relationships are definitely changing and people are really evaluating, does this serve me? does this make sense? And what you were saying about a partner not being aligned on your path but still loving them and honoring them and accepting them for the choices that they need to make and it may be taking a different path.


LD: Yeah. And when Quan Yin gave us her pink pearl it gets to that point where that grain of sand, which may be a real irritant, actually can evolve and morph into something incredibly beautiful and that we can share it and keep it in our hearts, tuck it away somewhere and just remember that what may have felt like a rejection or abandonment or separation at that time, wasn’t. It contributed to who we are and it contributed to their path and to our path.


GD: I’m thinking about Archangel Michael who has said numerous times to not engage in the drama and to hold on to the love, and again I’m talking about relationships here, hold on to the love, the form may change, but keep the love and not engage in the drama. I really like that.


LD: Yeah. And it’s so important, we talk about Archangel Michael and he gives us so much guidance and advise and I think that one of the things that during this process of Shift, Ascension, whatever you want to call it, is that we have to keep our field, our energetic field, our huge field, really clear. So using that sword and cutting away cords which, you know cutting cords is not a one time deal, it may feel like a huge release the first time you do it but we all get cords, sometimes they are skinny little strings, sometimes they’re big, fat cords, but we all get cords from time to time. And sometimes we get them from the most caring and compassionate feelings and relationships. But right now it’s so important that we not be really attached to outcome or to situations or to people or their things or drama that we really are in that place of yes, being proactive but at the same time really being our Buddha selves and being the observer. And you can’t be the observer if you’ve got cords tied to you.


GD: That exercise I found particularly helpful and the way he described it and the way I followed up on it with the idea of taking the sword and cutting emotional cords with a person that I have had cords tied to and visualizing and seeing that sword as I go to my right, in the front, in the back of me, on my left side, underneath my feet, I felt that clear.


LD: Oh yeah, you can feel it.


GD: Help me understand this, oh yeah and then I felt the need to do it again and I did it a number of times, but emotionally it shifted for me, I felt better. The cord, or the connection to the Divine coming from the crown of our head, we have to be careful about cutting that though, right?


LD: But, yes we don’t cut our cords that are connecting us either to Gaia or to the Divine, you know our golden cord and our red cord out of our root chakra, but there are cords that can be coming out of your head as well, so it’s important to use your sword like 360°, above your head, below your feet, everywhere because also what we sometimes form cords to are our own belief systems or our own desires, what we think, and I think it’s more think than feel, what we think we need or what we think we deserve and you and I have had some conversations on this one, but it’s sometimes we get attached to an idea when in fact what the universe is trying to give us is something so much bigger.


I’ll share a personal example, I’m getting better at sharing my personal stories, this is new for me, but years ago I lived in Niagara in a cute little town Port d’Lucie in Canada and I had a beautiful house, well it was beautiful to me, it was a cottage on the water and it was an old ship captain’s house and it was sweet and it was, it was my nest let me put it that way. But I’d had some issues where I felt that, I’m going to make this brief, where someone was either trying to break in or stalking me.


GD: Oh, geez.


LD: Yeah. And so it started that my guides, particularly Archangel Gabrielle, started waking me up just as dawn was breaking, so like 4:30/5:00 in the morning, and I’d have to get in my car and drive and she would take me way out into the Niagara farm land and down this dirt road to a place where there was even a chain across the road and I’d take the chain down and there would be this little cottage right out on a spit of land on Lake Ontario and it was beautiful.


What I care about when I’m looking for my nest isn’t so much that the house has to be perfect but the setting and the land and they kept saying to me ‘We want you to move here, we want you to move here, we want you to move here’ and I’m thinking but I love my home; and I was really attached to my home and I was attached to my community, all my girlfriends were there, my friends were there, it was just perfect. Long story short, there was someone stalking me and it’s my new neighbor who had moved in across the street turned out to be one of the only mass murderers that Canada has ever had.


GD: Gosh, gosh.

LD: They moved me in the space of about 10 days, sold the house for the price I asked, moved me to this cottage that happened to be “available” and there I was and it was a happily ever after story. But the point was that I was really attached, I had cords coming out the ying/yang with this house, I didn’t want to leave but the Council had a bigger plan and so while I was hanging on in my attachment and to my idea of what I wanted to create, they were saying “no, we’ve got something better and more suitable for where we’re taking you on this journey.”


GD: Well you’re bringing up an excellent point and as we’re letting go of the old paradigm of the 3D world we are in a position and the invitation, what we keep hearing from the Council is to let go of our construct or our idea of how life should be or has been and really let go of those attachments with everything. And in doing that we create the void or an opportunity for the universe to create likely something much, much better, I mean it will be better.


LD: It will be better, we may not know what it is and that as human beings straddling dimensions can be hard because it is, we are moving into the unknown and I don’t care whether it’s you and I or other channels or other writers, none of us really know fully what Ascension is about and I’ve gone through the Ascension process so I’m in the middle of it as you know, but none of us really know what the future world is looking like. We get glimpses and it is amazing and it’s beautiful but together we don’t really know so it is this huge walk of trust.


GD: Well, let’s talk about fear. As things are coming up for a lot of people and as we talk about stepping into the unknown and as we talk about letting go of the old world and attachments and as things are coming up for people, the whole gambit, right, emotions and things are happening physically and relationships are changing and housing and work and the list goes on and on, it’s likely to bring up a lot of fear. And so, one of the great messages that we’ve been hearing as a theme I think in many of the shows that we’ve been doing is changing that and getting to a place of joy, a high vibrational state.


I’m thinking about Archangel Gabrielle and I want to share a little story about fear; as you know I just previously have been living in a cabin in the woods and I was coming around from the back side of the cabin one day and right in front of the cabin was a big black bear 15 feet away and I just froze and the bear had already seen me by the time I saw it and so it was already walking to the other side, toward the back of the cabin, but I was still 15 feet away and it kind of grumbled and I didn’t know at that point if it was going to turn on me or do what and I just froze and I called in reinforcements and it was great that I was mindful and aware enough to do that and the bear went on its way behind the house, I certainly didn’t follow it to make sure it took off down the woods, but I immediately went inside the house, cabin really, it’s just this rustic little cabin and I just went into lockdown mode.


And then I thought to myself, “well, wait a minute” and of course my adrenalin is pumping, it was just whoa, and it was a big bear, I’ve seen bears enough to know, from a distance, it was a good sized bear and you don’t ever really know, especially with a bear that’s hungry and it’s springtime and you are really close and I didn’t know if I surprised him or her, but so here I am, I’ve locked all the doors and I said to myself “you know what? I’m not going to do that.” It’s a beautiful night, I was loving the sounds, I was loving the breeze and so I opened up the main doors, I had the screen doors shut, I locked them as if that would really do anything if the bear really wanted to come in, but it was a conscious choice of really, and this is what I’ve been practicing, it’s really about choosing how I want to experience my reality.


And I keep going back to that quote that’s often referred to as Gandhi “be the change you wish to see in the world”, so the practice of, if I’m feeling fear to change that and obviously when fear comes up and that this exercise is being driven by the ego and we want to be mindful of any situation that might be unsafe, but for me I felt that I could stay at that cabin and I think at that point I was a week into it, I could keep the door locked every night and just stay in lockdown mode or I can say “no, I’m not going to do that” because I don’t want to feed into the fear.


It’s been a practice and an exercise and I’m changing that default setting and so if I’m thinking about “oh man I don’t know where I’m going to live or I don’t know what’s going to happen with money.” I know one of the things that Lao Tzu was talking about which I really resonated with is the first thing is get into the moment, get into now and then in that place I can say “you know what? I am safe, I have food, I have shelter, I have my health, whatever it may be extend gratitude for that and it may be the sun is shining or I just had a nice little note from a friend or the fact that I can speak or the fact that I can…whatever it is. And then it completely shifts my mindset in thinking out of that fear mode I’m in the moment, I’m in the now and then I can start extending gratitude and it completely changes my state to higher vibrational state. And it’s an exercise that I’ve been learning from our shows that I have been putting into practice and it’s resulted in a much more peaceful way of being. Now grant it, I keep on having these default settings come up but they don’t last as long.


LD: And they’ll last probably shorter and shorter because, you know what I want to say is “Bravo” because we do have that fight or flight and that’s different but what you did was you didn’t go into the house and like you said lock it down forever and you didn’t go into that place that every time you heard a noise outside that you knew the bear was coming to eat you.

GD: Right.

LD: And so often that’s exactly what happens and the Council always tells us that “fear freezes”, so as soon as we go into fear whether it’s that full blown panic which we’ve all experienced, or even that mild trepidation that keeps us hanging back, fear stops the flow. So it’s literally like being frozen where you are and the best way to get rid of fear is exactly like you say, it’s a choice and if you think that you’re frozen because of fear give it away, give it away to your guides, give it away to Archangel Michael, you remember one of the first shows we did, Mary’s Removal Exercise, the rolling out exercise, give it to Mother Mary, bring in courage, bring in bravery but don’t get caught in fear.


And that’s one of the things too that the Michael shield is for; it’s for us, when we’re in scary situations or if you’re with people or in situations that you know you have to deal with but the drama is high, you hold that shield up and it will bounce off anything that is not of love. So you don’t have to go into the fear mode, you don’t have to go into that protective mode. And the other thing we sometimes forget is that Michael’s sword also transmutes and morphs, so if we’re tired and that’s one of the things I’m hearing a lot from people as well, if you’re tired, if you’re not feeling well and there are a lot of people who are experiencing illnesses and things they haven’t experienced in years coming up.


GD: Sometimes referred to as the ‘Ascension Flu’.


LD: Yes, Ascension Flu, Cosmic Flu, Psychic Flu…That sword will morph into the staff of life so that you have something to lean on as well.


GD: Perfect. Let’s talk about peaks and valleys or the crests and the troughs. We touched upon that the last show but I think as we’re talking about all this stuff it’s important to come back to this. What do you do when…I’ll just back up…a lot of people are reporting and I know you and I have shared this, that we’re experiencing with all the wonderful love energy downloads, moments of wonderful euphoria and bliss and concurrent or immediately following sometimes, feeling these real troughs and it may be on the heals of a life review or maybe experiencing some of the symptoms and the discomfort along with it, what are some of the strategies that you apply when you are in that trough state?


LD: Allowing, acceptance and that ever unpopular word fortitude, but I, as probably most people these days, I think probably as a collective we’re all a little too busy. But one of the things that these troughs are showing us and teaching us is that when you’re there you need to just allow yourself to be there and if it means feeling weepy, crying supposedly for no reason, or feeling emotional, or feeling as if you don’t even have enough energy to go and make a cup of tea, or that everything you’ve ever wanted isn’t there and what’s the point? or why am I going through this? is this really ever going to happen? We need to embrace those feelings, not to stay with them but when again, as soon as we judge them, as soon as we get fearful that we’re not going to get out of the trough then what happens is of course we’re stuck there.


So if we just can allow ourselves to really say “ok now this is my sacred integration time” because that’s actually what the trough is about, it’s about the integration because our physical bodies as well as our energetic bodies that are growing phenomenally, we’re not used to holding so much love energy. And so our bodies are catching up with what’s happening on the unseen levels and the Council has talked a lot about “making peace with the 3rd”, we’re not going to be able to leave the 3rd dimension until we made peace with it.


So it’s not a matter of ‘I’m going to jump the heck out of here’ it’s about really being at peace and what’s the first way to make peace with the 3rd I think is making peace with your body. And I know I’ve had people say to me, gosh my sweet cousin Patricia says “wait a minute, Ascension is so joyful, the whole process is about joy and expansion, why should we have any of these symptoms? It doesn’t make sense.” And I look at her and I think, you know you’re absolutely right, but the point is that we are having these symptoms and they’re emotional and they’re mental and we’re questioning our belief systems and we’re questioning what the heck’s going on. But it’s because our forms are trying to catch up.


GD: Well right. I mean we’ve been using what 3% of our DNA, 10% of our minds, our cells are changing from carbon based cell structure to crystalline based and so there’s this huge expansion and changing that’s going on with our bodies to bring in that light energy, more light.


LD: Exactly. And you know, Archangel Michael has been telling us that there are parts of our brain that are being activated with this love energy every single day and that he’s activating it with his Blue Flame of Truth. And then we have St. Germaine penetrating us with the Violet Flame doing the same thing so our bodies are really trying to catch up.


GD: People have been reporting headaches, sometimes really strong headaches, people have been talking about you mentioned it, sleep patterns changing, diet changing, a lack of interest in food or not as much interest in food or changes in eating habits, what else, what else has been coming up?


LD: The joint pain.

GD: Oh right.


LD: People having old injuries, if fact years ago I had torn my rotator cuff and dislocated my shoulder, part of my car accident scenarios, and that recently flared up on me and I thought “what the heck, I haven’t had this problem in years.” Knee pain, hip pain and of course when we look to the emotional things, all of that is about going forward, all that is about flexibility, but I also…when you’re ill and I’m talking to a lot of people who have had persistent illnesses like chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, diabetes, and it is, it’s disheartening and there are moments in there of despair where you think “I’m praying, I’m doing everything that’s being asked of me, why isn’t this lifting?”


And the thing is, love it, because when we’re sick, when we’re in that dis-ease or un-ease zone we really begin to disconnect from our bodies. And the key is to absolutely love the diabetes, love the fibromyalgia, and I know because I’ve been there, it’s hard but that’s the key. So go lie down and cherish yourself, hug yourself, send yourself some love energy and if you don’t feel like you can do it then ask your guides, your guardian angels to fill you. And all you have to do is, remember the ‘good old days’ when you would pull up to a gas pump and they would come out and fill your tank? Well just flip open your crown as if you were flipping open your gas tank and ask your guardian angels to fill you. And as they fill you what happens is that empty feeling, the despair, the dismay, the disappointment will flow out of you, it will go away.


GD: Well that’s key and it’s good for me to hear this and remember to continue to ask for help, we don’t have to do this alone. We have so much help from the angelic and heavenly realm, our star brothers and sisters, our higher self, friends, family, there’s just so much help and to continually ask for that help.


LD: Yeah, and sometimes we think we’re supposed to be able to do it on our own but another element of where we’re going and the theme for this year has been not just Ascension but unity and community. And so when we’re in community, when we’re in that unified field not just with our human friends, but with our star brothers and sisters and with the Ascended realms, and if we never ask then we don’t receive because they don’t interfere.


GD: Good point. Good point. Can I go back to something you were saying? I just want to pick back up on it. I think I get what you were saying about disease and illness, I’m of the mindset that whatever you think about you bring about and that’s not my quote, I’ve heard it and I really like it, it’s catchy. So you focus on, you grow or whatever you put energy toward it grows and so if I’m thinking about a disease what I’m hearing you say is, so in that mindset my inclination is not to even think about the disease because I don’t want to give it energy, I don’t want it to grow. But what I’m hearing you say is to give firstly yourself love but also to extend love energy to the disease and is the goal there to transmute it with that love energy?


LD: That’s exactly right. You know we do healing work LaHoChi that Lao Tzu has talked about, 83% of all physical maladies, whether it’s a full blown disease or just a headache of the day, they emanate from our mental and emotional bodies, primarily emotional but it’s not like a cement wall they flow back and forth. So often we’ll have an idea about a disease and then of course it enters our emotional or visa-versa until it comes into our physical body and then it manifests. And when it comes into our physical body it’s the universe, it’s our higher self, it’s our guides saying “please, this is urgent, please pay attention.” So very rarely does dis-ease or illness or whatever you want to call it start in the physical body.


So what happens is, and I want to sort of tip my hat also to people who have had chronic, long term disease and some of you have been doing it because you’ve been helping to transmute for the collective and that’s a selfless, thankless job so often. But what happens is when you are in that place of pain, of chronic pain or debilitation, it’s really hard to say “I’m not going to think about my disease” but you’re absolutely right, it’s like ‘what you think…you are what you eat kind of thing.’ But if you send, if you can take the time and send the core issue, the core energy the love, starting with your physical body and working your way back then that’s going to start to ease.


The other thing is don’t give up because let me tell you, in the higher dimensions, in the 5th dimension, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, there is no disease. That came from the false illusions and the false grids of the old 3rd; that’s part of the illusion of separation, lack, limitation, death, destruction, disease that we formulated, that came from the human race and nowhere else. So as we transmute it with love energy because when we do healing energy all we are doing is sending love. Love is the entire essence of the universe, it’s the sub-atomic fibers. So yes, as we love it, as we love that child that was injured at 3 or 2, you know the young person that was disappointed because their dreams didn’t come true or that their love life fell apart, as you go back to the core then it starts to change things. And it’s right back to where we started which is compassion and forgiveness. I still think that Louise Hay You Can Heal Your Life and that chart she has, I tell you it’s the only book I’ve bought literally dozens and dozens and dozens of times and I continue to give away because it’s truth.


GD: Well this is a perfect segue to the manifestation process that we’ve been told by a couple of our guests, Archangel Michael, and was it Archangel Raphael?


LD: Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Sanat Kumara is the king of the Creation Codes but yeah, they all have been talking about it.


GD: Well they’ve shared the manifestation process as intent, stillpoint, action, equals manifesting, or equals bring about what you want…


LD: Creation.


GD: Creation, thank you. And I think it’s important to speak to that, so obviously the intent is there to put out, to visualize, to get really clear on what that which you wish to manifest and let’s maybe connect back to this idea of ‘perfect health.’ So the intent, and I’m just going to use this as an example because I think it illustrates such an important exercise, as we’re creating and co-creating this new earth this manifestation exercise is going to be more and more powerful and relevant for us.


So I’ll put out the intent for perfect health, I’ll visualize it, I’ll experience that and then there’s this idea of ‘stillpoint’ which before we were doing the shows I never really understood or embodied, but I think it’s really key and of course Linda, you really know this well, I’ll speak to this so jump in, but stillpoint really being getting into that place of stillness, that place of calm and quiet and taking that vision and bringing the creation particles into your being and I like to see it as ok there’s perfect health all around me and I actually take my hands and I scoop up the creative particles if perfect health and I breathe that into my being and I hold my breathe in a state of relaxation for about 17 seconds and just let it just be there and I experience the joy and the bliss and the reality of perfect health. And then I just send it out, breathe out, exhale, send it out to the universe and I do that repeatedly and when I feel inspired through intuition or through divine guidance to take action I do that. Is there anything to add to that exercise or does that pretty much nail it?


LD: That’s pretty much it, now I want you to think of that if was on a chalk board or in a basket, the basket that the creation code, that formula, that creation formula sits in is a basket of gratitude, joy and love.


GD: Excellent point.


LD: So if you, and we’ve all done it and even Mother Mary has said to us “sometimes screaming is expression of intent”, so it’s not that we have to be in our perfect space because we’ve all had those times when we are screaming at heaven “help us.” But once you’ve done that you have to bring it to that place of stillpoint and it’s the feeling of no breath, no movement, no nothing, that you really just entered that void. And that’s where that moment of what Einstein calls implosion/explosion, a fertilization takes place and then it drops down out of your heart as if you have a hole at the bottom of your heart into your solar plexus and when you exhale it it’s literally coming out, and now because it’s gone into your solar plexus, it’s infused with Divine will and your will. And it is released out into the universe, the molecules have been collected, the creation codes have been collected and now you are magnetizing it to you and you’re taking appropriate action to do.


So for example, you know if you’re, and I’ve used this example before, but if your looking for perfect health and you’re only eating garbage or you’re never exercising or you’re never taking time for your sweet self, if you are not eating green, and by that I mean eating love, then you’re not going to manifest that perfect health. Now one of the things we don’t talk about too much is when we’re taking something, and we all do it, admit it, we all do it, we eat something or drink something that isn’t of the highest vibration or the best for us, but during these times too, you are either not interested in food or you might go through periods where you’re ravenously hungry, it seems to be both extremes, hold that food in your hands or hold that pill, that medication in your hand for a wee minute, you know just like we’ve seen how the transformation of prayers for water, well it’s the same thing. If it’s medication or food or what-have-you hold it for a minute, pray and in your hand allow the substance and we’re not talking a long time, a moment, allow the substance to be transmuted into pure light and love. And then take it, drink it, eat it, but take that moment to bless it and to allow the light to just fill you.


GD: Perfect. Perfect. We don’t have much more time left and I wanted to get into doubt and strategies for keeping vibrations high, talk about joy. One of the things I wanted to mention that I heard that I think is really important on one of our shows, it might have been Archangel Michael, is in the manifestation process to not give up and don’t stop asking.


To your point earlier, are angelic and heavenly guides and brothers and sisters, they can’t intervene without us asking, and it may not occur right away, but they are working on it and to keep asking and to keep asking and sometimes it’s hard to put trust into that. And doubt creeps up and that’s something we’ve talked about on the shows is doubt and you touched upon earlier. When are things going to happen? I don’t see anything happening. I’m talking about the Shift and signs that the Shift and Ascension is happening and having doubt in so many things and one of the things I really appreciated was the suggestion to hand doubt over to the Creator, hand doubt over to the universe and that’s something that I’ve been doing so when I feel doubt crop up I actually take it and hand it over and it actually works, it really does.


LD: Yeah it does.


GD: So I don’t feel as much doubt and there’s a difference between, I think it’s important to think through things and have healthy discernment and follow our inner guidance and compass, as a young child friend of mine used to say “I’m the captain of my own ship”, we are driving this and it’s important to be mindful of this journey and how we want to play it out. And if something comes up that doesn’t quite ring true to listen to that but if it’s a fear based doubt kind of thought to hand it over because I’m actively working on creating and manifesting the world that I want to see come to fruition and if I have doubt that creeps up in me and says “you know what, this isn’t going to happen” just be mindful of that and I hand it over and I think that I just share that as a powerful exercise for me.


LD: It’s a very good exercise because we know that doubt is the twin brother or sister of fear so you know, very often we will go into doubt and we just slide right into home base with fear. And it’s just the same way as trust and hope are twins as well and Mother Mary says to us “without hope there is no life” and if you really think about that statement it’s true. If we don’t have hope then what do we have? So when the doubt comes up because it hasn’t happened and give yourself a break, we’re in human form and what we’re doing has never been done and certainly not on earth while maintaining our human form, this form which is going through all these massive changes. So when doubt comes up acknowledge it and then hand it over because it is, it is a choice.


GD: As you experience the troughs and the crests and we’ve touched upon this a little bit, I think it’s really helpful to talk about strategies for one, right it’s important to let these experiences happen and at the same time recognize when we’re in a low vibrational state and we have the power to transmute it. If I stub my toe my automatic default is to swear.


LD: Yeah.


GD: And it’s been that way for years, right? But at least I’m appreciating where I’m going with it because right after I can say “ok Graham, that’s not the state you want to be in, so change it around” and I try to think of something, while I’m grimacing, that puts me in a higher vibrational state and so I’ll turn on some nice music and I did this the other night, I started rocking out to some really fun dance music that I haven’t listened to in a long time and it totally transmuted that experience and I forgot all about it. And there are other things that bring me to a state of peace and good vibes, being out in nature definitely does that, meditation, yoga, maybe seeing a good you-tube video, some neat thing that a community did to come together and help solve a problem. What kind of things do you do to help get in a place of high vibration and peace?


LD: Well I have a file on my computer of you-tube videos I call ‘feel good videos’ and it’s everything, the last one yesterday were a mother moose and two babies playing under somebody’s backyard sprinkler.


GD: How fun.


LD: Yeah, I go and I sit in my garden and I watch the birds, I feed the birds, I go for a walk with my dog down to the river and if I’m really lucky I might see an eagle ‘cause there’s an eagle’s nest in the preserve across the river, I have an automatic mood change,r now I’m lucky because I live in Florida and I have a tiny little lap pool and if I get in that pool it’s instant, my vibration changes and that’s true if you get into a bath or the ocean or a lake or a river because the water is emotion and it’s going to shift and absorb our emotion and help us relax into a higher state.


And sometimes it is, it’s movies it’s just what Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary are saying to us “be gentle with yourself.” There’s a new emphasis on being gentle and kind to ourselves and you know, I don’t hear a lot about kindness any more, it’s something that they’re reviving, there’s a ‘kindness revival’ and if we’re not kind to ourselves then we’re missing an important ingredient because love is kind.


GD: Yeah. I love it. You know what I’m just thinking of Linda, I’ve been really enjoying bubble baths lately, I’m letting myself be a kid, I went out, I could say it’s for my 8 year old son, and I told him it’s kids bubble bath, and I said “buddy I got this for the two kids, you and me” so when he’s with me he had this really great bubble bath, he had bubbles all over, one minute he was Santa Claus, the next minute he had this huge mop of bubbles all over his head, well I’m doing the same thing so I’m being a kid too and I absolutely love it, so a bubble bath just to soak in the tub. But you know what you just reminded me of, if I put intention and love and all kinds of good stuff into that tub before I hop in, I was just talking about this with someone recently, the study that was done on the chemical composition of water, depending on what energy you give to it, so if you give a glass of water love energy or if you give a glass of water hate energy, what’s that study, do you know the one I’m talking about?


LD: Yes it’s the Japanese…


GD: Yeah I’m forgetting his name but he was able to display, for those of you that haven’t experienced this or know about this, he was able to showcase how giving love energy, oh it was writing joy on a cup of water and hate on another cup of water, something like that, or love on a cup of water, so the love/joy water chemical composition was this beautiful crystalline display. I want to look back into this to remind me or refresh my memory. And the other one was convoluted and dark and looked angry.


LD: Yeah.


GD: So next time I take a bath I’m going to follow your lead, I’m going to send it all kinds of love and good vibes and joy and I’m going to have a good, dandy old time.


LD: Well you know St. Germaine taught us and asked us years ago, and we teach this in the healing classes, to not only program our water but to go and whether it’s in your bathtub or your sink or in your glass of water is to write ‘love’, just take your finger and write ‘love’ in the water, in the ocean, in the lake, in the streams, and then the other thing he asked us to do was to write it in the air and then just whoosh it away. So that we can be cleaning our water whether it’s going down into the sewers or the septic or it’s going in the ocean and in the air up to the…

GD: What a great exercise.

LD: Yeah, and I always do it in bright violet-purple because that’s his color and it changes the vibration. Programming your water is probably the most important thing you can do in terms of your health and if you take the – Emoto, Dr. Emoto – if you take his cards and you put it, some of those beautiful joy or gratitude cards and you put it underneath your glass of water and just leave it for a few minutes it will absorb that beautiful energy into the water that you are drinking.


GD: Wonderful, beautiful. We only have a few seconds left and you know me, I really like to end things on a really happy note, and we’re talking about high vibrations anyway, Archangel Gabriel talks a lot about joy. What do you want to say to that?


LD: It’s our birthright, we are worthy of it, it’s who we are, sometimes we forget but it’s inside of us already so let it just bubble up from your heart, from your tummy, let it be part of every day.


GD: That’s our natural state – joy and love.


LD: Yeah.


GD: Beautiful, well this has been great Linda, this has been so great I’m going to listen to this a bunch of times, just remind myself of everything we’ve been learning and discussing so, thanks for doing this.


LD: Oh you’re welcome and next week we’re going to start back to our old format.


GD: Sounds great. Looking forward to it.

LD: Thanks Graham.



(1) Whereas Linda sees the Divine Mother as the Universal Mother Mary, as is her preference, the being she is referring to is, I believe, actually the second member of the Trinity, the Divine Mother, known to Christians as the Holy Spirit and to Hindus as Shakti. The Divine Mother will appear to the devotee in the form the devotee wishes and so she appears to Linda, I believe, as the Mother Mary. She appeared to Sri Ramakrishna sometimes as a young girl and sometimes as clouds of consciousness. Others see her in a fearsome aspect as Kali.  She descended on Jesus in a form like a dove.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light – 2 June 2012

Response to The Galactics via Greg Giles:



Dearest Friends and Companions of Destiny- wherever you are!


You asked for more posititve feedback regarding this process of the expansion of One in this article channeled by Greg,,, and it is my humble perspective that the pulse of the frequencies may be the simplest explanation of the flip-flopping of that many exhibit.  I believe that the collective consciousness is slowly dividing like a cell and the "separation" that is experienced will "soon" enough disappear from our awareness. 

I, for One, am aware of the effects of my focus, and it seems that many othrs are as well... but there still seems to be alingering compulsion to "do" something about it. 


What is there to do beside persist our endeavours to turn and look in the direction of our deepest wanting individually first....and this will affect the Collective stream. 

It is so easy most of the Time.  Our patience and compassion filtered through forgiveness seems to straightn and smooth out the road long enough to see the actuality of the method of Presence of One focus. 


Personally, at this point, I AM aware that i no longer believe in the 3D reality for the better part of my day. yet i can still feel the fluttering of the pulses reflected in the presentation of the ourter reality with the "othersSelves" . 


Escaping duality as a collective is new to our global consciousness as a unit.  As a spark of One that has never fit in to the collective control madness, i nontheless unwittingly participated due to the fear programing that is the training field focus for our Divine Sovereignty.  I cried out "UNCLE!"  many times in my life only to implode at the thought of the ludacricy of the idea that i had to PAY for absolutely everything to survive and thrive here. 

I wake up daily and say: "This is NUTS! and, I'm OUT!" . 

I AM THAT I AM.  One with the Logos, so why is it i cant seem to focus on this long enough to break completely out of this constrictive Time dimension and into one that is more condusive to my unlimited Divine presence?   Pectice, Practice, Practice!

It has been my most persistent observation that we are simple here to test our Divine Love, and TRUST that this is simply a thought field, a dream- if you will- that is our training ground for this reclamation of our Divine Self, and our Sovereign birthright.


The cabal, etc are the gatekeepers, the test administrators of this expansion.  We dont move forward unless we hold the Knowledge in focus consistently.  How to measure this is becoming clear in the manifestations that we are only beginning to become accountable for, but perhaps it is safe to say that at least a majority percentage of our daily focus in Knowing that we are ONE, and All is Well will advance us to where we will not have toreturn to the testing center. 

We are constantly threatened with physical death in this illusion, but when we stop and take a few moments to ground and observe, we see that this threat is hollow, and we are free for a bit to ruminate on the simple beauty of our connection to Source and the "salvation" that this comforts us with. 


Meditation for the sake of being affectatious is spinning the wheels.  "Meditation " is any moment or span of focus in the NOW.  How hard is it to simply STOP and Be STILL so that you can actually HEAR your Self and observe what it is that you truly Know without outer diatractions.  Because distraction - smoke and mirrors- is exactly the work of the negative/fear pushing gatekeepers are there to do for us.  Love them, and tell them that you are "getting it" , daily.  Oh, maybe an occasional test might be warranted/needed- but on the whole- DON'T you get it Now?  Don't you see how this is all working toward the point of Divine SELF awareness, not 3d global awareness.

We don't need to "save" Gaia- that seems to be mis-place ego-centricity....we need to save our Divine Selves, and the rest of the relfection will heal in accordance with our awareness of One-ness.   


The Earth, as a sentient consciousness is aware fo our imminent graduation from 3-4D Time.  But, we will exit 3D first, and some will spend a while messing about with 4D until the illusion of Time is not longer needed.  As i listen to those speak of the diverse options available to each of us regarding where we are to go next, and many of them are very uplifting, i also continue to hear the gate keepers upholding their purpose of solidifying our Knowing of our Divinity and our unlimited choices of how to "Be". 


I, personally have begun remembering my commitment to be an "instigator" for the "return", but i have come to a larger understanding of this mission.  Realizing that: I AM THAT I AM was the illusion breaker for me, and each of my otherSelves are learning this as I unfold this more consistently to my Divine Self. 

In order for the Self to awaken, we are advised to remember that this reality experience is best understood through Allowing and Forgiving first, then the Love rushes in and seals the Knowing, which brings the Peace. 


Lately, i cry at anything and everything that inspires Love in my Heart Knowing. My heart swells and the tears begin to flow.  My motto has been "It's ALL Good", but i have been chastised for using the subjective word "good".    Woudl you all feel more comfortable if instead i  said: "All is Well."   Feels the same to me, so use whatever words you need to to make your self relax, hold the positin of observing and let the Love work it's magic.  Holding that moment of Satori, and milking it for as long as you can IS the "work" we can to do- NOW, anywhere.  All else will take care of itself....it's just a dream-field anyway, remember???  Yes, i know you do.   


As i tap into the global situations concerning environment, economics, human rights, etc.  i have to acknowledge that all of those issues are going on right inside of ME.  And, this is the connection : I AM ANOTHER YOURSELF.  I no longer need to pay anyone to tell me that.  Like Dorothy, Toto, we aren't in Kansas anymore.  I wear the ruby slippers- and always have this whole "Time". 


At this juncture of my personal awakening, I AM reflected in the collective shifts, and I AM accountable.  As i learn to focus more consistently, the pulses- or waves- of reactivity and manifestation move in accordance with these thoughts, and YOU are right here in me, participating.  this is why collective, focused intentions are all the rage right now....we are finally Knowing that it OUR intention that will dictate how this storyboard goes.  You would thing that participating as often as possible would expidite the process.  Yes.  It will, but where are we rushing off to, anyway?????  Yes, the focus WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE, but the axiety that we hav to do it ASAP is the shadowey mis-step that engages our fear buttons again adn thereby delaying the desired outcome. 

Now- is our point of power.  "WE", individually, might consider chilling and being NOW to serve the collective best.  Why do we need to make it so complicated?  It is not, that is the persistent illusion presented to test us.  We KNOW this, so let's just BE with that, and trust. 


In a sense, we are ALL Bohdissatva, are we not?  Earth Time is shifting out of the denser illusion and steppiing into the Next phase of our conscious integration, but these are pulses, waves, that are generally increasing.  does this pulse come from the Galactic Center... YES!  and, I AM One with the first source and Center- therfore the pulse is coming from ME. 


In a short while of Time, i will be moving on to my next place of focus, and i have to say- i am done here.  Oh, i know i still have a few fur-balls,and bubbles that have yet to surface for the clearing, but, I noticably less and less fear regarding them.  I give mySelf a Gold star, and a kiss on my forehead these days for sticking it out,...don't you?

I certainly appreciate what the gatekeepers have given me in mirroring a reality that is as limited as my Time within it.  But, there is no more "fight" with me, so please don't expect me to "do" anything except express my Now Beingness with more clarity and Peace.  I'm done performing stupid human tricks, and they'vbe become quite funny to me these days... and i can almost see the guides and the gatekeepers smiling and nodding in agreement just about everywhere i look. 


I'm almost ready to go "home", be that a hovering Biosphere where my galactic family awaits my return, or to a non-physical dimension that i Know is truly my Home, reunited fully with the ONE.  I don't think tha ti have decided yet. 

firstly, i do love to be challenged...and remaing within the galactic reality seems fun and exciting to me still, as a physically focused Being.  Secondly, i am still doing a bit of reconciling with the individual mirrors in my lifetimes that i am still attached to. 


I'm having bubbles of memories of people and past silly situations that i haven't thought of in years and years.  I'm going throught the file cabinets in my subconscous and clearing out the things i have been holding on to, both in my waking hours and in my dreams.  I AM experiencing my life review, absolutely!  I'm finally coming out the other end of the shadow world -- yep, i can see the Light at the end of the tunnel and there are moments when i really wish i could just step through and move on already!


I Know- even if i don't remember some moments- that If you/i are afraid of Self, and what it has experienced for your/my benefit, it WILL be painful.  The memories make you/me cringe that you did this or that and you wish you could go back and make it right/change it/appologize for your spiritual immaturity.  But, i have been assured by the many otherSelves that i am observing and hearing that this is not necessary. 

The only necessary action to take- if you can call it an "action"- it really is more an adoption and securing of an attitude: Forgiving.  Yep, we're hearing alot of expressions regarding this phase, this pulse of presence.   The more i fought certain memories that stimulated shame, the more painful it was- is. 

Cry if you need to- i do often lately, and it feels better afterward. Confess if you want to, but somehow we know we are always Loved and guided by the desire of Logos to expand- so talking about it again is NOT necessary....it might even keep the guilt and shame stimulated for longer if you persist in this expression.  And the LAST thing i'm going to do is PAY someone to listen to me regurgitate painful memmories, thereby enabling me to be stagnant.  But, hey, that's just ME.  YOU do what you gotts' do for your own Self.   I do however hve a couple of Loving friends who will listen then give me the push i need to keep it moving forward.  Now, THAT'S true Love! 


We have- ALL of us- perpetrated crimes upon our bretheren.  We are experiential Beings in the shadowey side of the classroom of Time.  The Love of our companions of Destiny, including all those Beings both physical and non=physical have been the relfection of our Self awakening, and I AM awake and aware of All of You Now. 

I encourage All of my otherSelves to take responsibility for what you are focusing on and creating!


I Love you, too!  And I'm anticipating many Joyful visits on this journey with you as I/WE move toward our full awakening, and our ultimate remembering of our Self as Sparks of the Source/Center/One.


See you in the Mirror!  Namaste'!

Rev. Dr. Carmelle, the Empress of Time









Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

The Death Of Gemini JFK, Hacking The Timeline, Venus Retrograde With Mary Pinchot Meyer And Finding Your Tribe Posted on June 2, 2012

Remember him?

History has a funny way of disappearing, or as Steve Miller once said, “Time keeps on slipping’ into the future.” Have you ever thought about the weight of memory and the mnenomic strategies we employ just to remember who we are against a psychic landscape that is becoming increasingly distorted and abstract? When you hear about a naked man eating someone’s face in the streets of Miami, you immediately and quite unconsciously do something that seems familiar; check a sports score, listen to a familiar song, stare at a photo of someone you love. While the past is being unmade through the de-sequencing of time lines via the eradication of people that are no longer in the present, the future is coming at us like some sort of weird phantasm that is getting harder and harder to recognize. Don’t worry, Jon Stewart will make a joke about it and make you laugh just a little–or try to.

Flesh eating zombies, remote controlled aerial killing machines, fetuses encased in gold, smuggled in brief cases in Asia, a chef in Japan cooks, then serves his own testicles. The invisible past. The nightmarish future. You in the present.

The Venus transit is big. Really big. We’ll get to some of that sticky syncy stuff a little later. But for now, I am going to take you down the memory hole, to try to preserve the image of a man that history here in the US is all too eager to forget and sweep under the doormat of time: John F. Kennedy.

If and when we speak of presidents past now, Lincoln’s name is almost always near the top, followed by FDR and then Reagan. Washington gets a bit of a nod since he got first. But rarely is Kennedy spoken of or mentioned and if he is, he’s associated with some weird curse that haunts a fallen Irish family; old dirty money frayed and eaten away by invisible moths that dust them with the spell of death, from generation to generation.

Kennedy was a Gemini–an archetypal Gemini. He lived in two worlds, dated and bedded multiple women, even while married and was mastering the art of double switch and double cross. What we saw of Kennedy was the fusion of practical idealism, the Saturn/Neptune conjunction in the 10th House. What we didn’t see was the horny Mars/Jupiter conjunction in the 8th, along with just about every other planet of significance there as well; Mercury, Sun and Venus. Five very personal planets, hidden from the public’s prying eyes. But that 8th House is the skeleton key to Kennedy. To understand it and JFK, we must first meet his father Joe.

The old man was born in 1888 and lived until 1969. His father, “PJ” made his money in saloons and was a bare fisted street politician, organizing the rough and tumble Irish immigrants into a political machine. Let’s cut to the chase with Joe. He was brilliant and shady. He made a fortune during prohibition (which he fought for BTW). He bought Canadian Whisky from the Bronfmans in the north and rum from Onassis in the south. Yes, that Onassis, who imported not only distilled sugar cane, but other, more deadly vices. Joe Kennedy made a killing on illegal booze. (Though there are those that will dispute this).

The old man was a shark and an opportunist with an eye to the future; as a result, he got into show biz. Moving to Hollywood, he formed the famous studio, RKO Pictures and even produced a few films, mostly for his Hollywood squeeze on the side; “Gloria Swanson.” Joe made his money in movies and theaters and got out. The real killing to be made was in the stock market, where he was tipped off to the great crash before it happened. Then he sold short afterwards and made money while people were losing it. Then he moved back into the market, buying millions of shares for pennies. The old man was connected. He would later use those connections, many of them of the rather sordid, underworld type to get his son elected. In essence, Papa Joe was connected to the elites of his time. Its important to understand this, because it impacts the dual nature of Kennedy and the rather secretive ways played out through his 8th House.

Joe Kennedy called in his old pals to get his son elected. One of them was Meyer Lansky, the famous Jewish gangster. Lansky would provide money and more importantly media clout. He could spin the right headline, in the right paper, on the right day, in the right town, while suppressing news on his rival; Richard Nixon. The only thing that Lansky made the old man promise him, was the the kid would have to keep his nose out of Israel’s affairs. The Kennedy clan heartily agreed and the favor machine was in motion. This would prove to be a fatal mistake for them.

Once JFK got elected, it didn’t take him long to go back on some of his promises. He had his brother go after Sam Giancanna. Bobby was attorney general and had the Sicilian mob boss in his cross-hairs. Meanwhile, JFK became increasingly impatient with Israel and its expansionist aims in the middle east and actually had veto measures against Israel in the UN. This did not sit well with them.

That’s where we get double cross, double jeopardy moves that Kennedy orchestrated. One week they’re at the Sands in Vegas watching MK beta moll, Marilyn Monroe sing, while Sam Ginacanna’s in the same room. They’re buying each other drinks and passing Marilyn around like she was plate of hors d’oeuvres. John, Bobby and Sam were all doing her. The next week, they’re busting illegal trucking rings and making Giancanna’s life a mess.

Gemini is the sign of spy craft and double cross.

For all of his star power (Kennedy was the first rock star president), his Sun is marginally aspected. He has a Sun/Moon square, a Sun/Venus conjunction and Sun/Neptune trine. The Sun/Moon square is interesting, since his Moon was in Virgo, noted for its overly moral outlook, especially when it comes to being harshly critical of the emotions. Gemini is not into morality plays. Its into experience without judgment. The Venus conjunction of course gave Kennedy sex appeal. He was the first president that unrepentantly flashed it or maybe even had it, though I think that the traitorous (and vain) Woodrow Wilson fancied himself a dandy of sorts.

With all those planets in the 8th House, Kennedy was aware of conspiracies. One of his greatest speeches of all time touches on this very fact. And you wonder why he’s elbowed out of the margin of the frame, edited out of the movie? One of the turning points for JFK came when he had one of his 8th House dalliances–perhaps the most potently transformational. One of Kennedy’s hottest and certainly his most fated affair was with Mary Pinchot Meyer (10/14/20).

Mary Pinchot Meyer was the ex-wife of Cord Meyer, then head of the CIA and a 20 degree Libra. Her Sun was exact to JFK’s 20 degree Libra Ascendant. She also had Moon and Mercury in Scorpio in his first house. To say they had a connection was an understatement.

This was also when the CIA was experimenting heavily with LSD. They had a Harvard professor by the name of Timothy Leary on their payroll. It has been speculated by insider heads that Mary Pinchot Meyer knew Tim Leary through her husband and was getting grass and tabs of acid from him. Powered by an intense Scorpio stellium, she was passing it off to her girlfriends, who were having affairs with elected officials and heads of state. This wasn’t random. This was an inside job. The goddess was supplying her minions with colorless, odorless, micro-powered gnosis. They were instigating the awakening of the feminine spirit in American politics, dosing the patriarchy, staging a psychic coup. And Mary Pinchot Meyer’s alchemical flame was JFK. She would wind up dead in a D.C. park, just less than a year after JFK’s assassination.

When the two of them would steal away to a Georgetown apartment, Kennedy’s consciousness was getting an epic re-set between the sheets, with the ex-wife of the of the heads of one of the world’s most powerful spy agencies. The Vietnam war was in its initial stages, still a “conflict” and had not yet become the blown out social battlefield it was fated to be.

With Pluto in the 9th, JFK had a deep desire to effect profound and lasting change on the world. He was ready to not just wind down the war, but to set the United States on a very different path.

While it seems like Obama is enacting an executive order every other day now, the EOs have their genesis in the Kennedy administration and were being set up to be used in times of emergency. Well once they were put into place, Kennedy drew up “EO 1111.” With its enactment, he took silver out of circulation for the minting of coins. Kennedy, the master Gemini dualist had a plan. He was going to essentially corner the silver market through the Hunt Brothers and John Connelly, then governor of Texas. They were going to run the silver table and then have it become the default currency of the US, displacing Federal Reserve notes. They were going to do this through Texas, which has the right and power to print its own money, since it is a country unto itself, with a renewable treaty, that as a formality, gets re-upped each year. Kennedy, Connolly and the Hunt Brothers were engineering their own clear break. Unfortunately the silver price was manipulated and the Hunt Brothers were left holding silver and silver certificates that dipped wel below their market value. They were ruined. And Kennedy, well you know the rest and if you don’t, well let’s get into it a bit. Grab your miners hat and follow me down the rabbit hole.

JFK was killed on 11/22 which is of course 33 and the number of the “Sovereign Inspector General” in the Scottish Rite. Dallas is just beneath the 33rd parallel (32+).

The Sun was in Scorpio at 29 degrees (11). The Moon was in Aquarius at 11 degrees. The True Node was in Cancer, also at 11 degrees. Add all three together and you get 33. Chiron was in Pisces at 10 degrees–in the first house. The event will the have its Chiron return in 2013 on March 13th. Chiron in Pisces is about lifting the veil of illusion, denial and shame and it is very prominently placed in this chart. The Sun at the time of his death was conjunct the mid-heaven at the anoretic degree. But the key elements/symbols to the chart are Saturn/Moon, both in Aquarius, in the 12th House. Classically, the 12th House represents hidden enemies. It has loftier meaning as well, but I am really interested in the Aquarian connection here. Saturn/Moon conjunction can be hard, especially in the air signs. In Aquarius, the emotional body in these two planets is cold, detached, almost clinical. Saturn here is about to be born into awareness as it rises into prominence, in the first house.

If the Kennedy assassination as some speculate was a ritual, what was it for? In addition to removing a president that was becoming problematic to a number of disparate factions; Israel, The Mob, The MIC, The Black Families, it also triggered the birth of “The Age Of Aquarius.” We can see this with Saturn/Moon, cold, unfeeling and detached, getting ready to hatch.

On the same day that Kennedy was killed, the Beatles released their second LP, With The Beatles which was their first release in North America. Their previous record, Please, Please Memade its debut on 3/22/63. They began the recording sessions for Please, Please Me on 9/11/62. The album art for both records is interesting, but notice not only the darkness and shadow of With The Beatles but also the single vision, the eye of Horus imagery on each one of the lads from Liverpool. 9/11, 3/22, 11/22. In 1968, on 11/22, The Beatles released The White Album which contained both “Revolution 1″ and “Revolution 9″ along with of course, “Helter Skelter.” It also happened to be the five-year-anniversary of the death of JFK.

So here is is my theory; It is my belief that the Kennedy assassination was more than just a conspiracy or even a dark magical ritual–it was an event that hacked and altered this timeline. As a result of Kennedy’s death at that exact time, we’re now occupying the shadow of the the age of Aquarius, a darker, alternate manifestation of what was “supposed” to occur, which would have been a more true and organic realization of unity consciousness rather than the current synthetic version, which would be peddled by another Gemini, two decades later–we’re talking Gemini, George Bush and the “New World Order.”

With Saturn in Aquarius and the profound Uranus/Pluto conjunctions set to happen up through the “Summer Of Love” not just the US, but the world was aligned to truly “Come Together” and what really happened was that it was ripped apart, torn asunder, trampled under foot by trauma after trauma. We saw the rise of conflict between blacks and whites, women and men, parents and children, the establishment and youth. The Vietnam war was a massive wedge cleaving through all of them, separating, dividing and conquering and not without blood. The war begat violent social activism and spawned the likes of Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground. Ayers would then go on to eventually mentor Barack Obama and even write one of his books, “Dreams Of My Father.”

If Kennedy had lived, the Vietnam war would have ended earlier and there is no Bill Ayers as we know him and Barack Obama might have had just as good a time running a Hawaiin shirt shack on the North Shore as he’s having now as president. Nixon would have likely never served as president and the dollar would never have been adopted as the world’s reserve currency, used specifically to purchase oil and now teeters on the edge of extinction.

When we look at cultural ciphers and touch points for the dark age of Aquarius and the crooked timeline we’re now inhabiting, we see Betty Friedan publishing “The Feminine Mystique” which becomes the Gideon Bible for feminists and ultimately fuels more division. In September of 1963, Marvel released the first “X-Men” comic. The “X-Men” are thoroughly Aquarian; rebel mutant outcasts, fighting for acceptance and fighting against the forces of evil that would enslave the world that castigates and demonizes them. And of course, there’s the Beatles, who on the heels of the death of Kennedy, would have themselves inserted into the public’s consciousness and offer up a new form of worship. LSD would become the social sacrament for a generation ready to taste a new religion of electrified revelations. The Beatles in turn would become the avatars of this alternate, dark-new-age.

Kennedy as we established was a Gemini. George Bush, the man who is said to be intimately connected with the Kennedy assassination is also a Gemini. John Hinckley, the would be assassin of James Brady and Ronald Reagan was born on the same day as Kennedy. Hinckley was the son of one of George Bushes business partners.

From a symbolic level, the death of Kennedy/Gemini also represents the death of duality. This would have its ultimate manifestation in the fall of the Twin Towers (Gemini) and the next great American conspiracy; 9/11.

With the erection of the “One World Trade Center” we’re going to witness the capstone of the great plan, which may or may not coincide with the collapse of the global economy, which seems to be creeping ever closer with each passing day.

In retrospect its easy to see why the life and death of JFK gets more generic and less memorable, whited out in the re-telling of history.

He was the last president that was an outsider and saw the opportunity to level the playing field. When listening to his speech on a vast global conspiracy, one gets a sense as to where he was headed. Flawed, human, but grappling with interplay of shadow and light through the labyrinth of deceit and illusion, Kennedy was the embodiment of America and the hope of true unification for not just the USA, but the world at large. Instead we’re now being force fed a synthetic hologram of disturbed consensus, polarized deeper and deeper at every turn, closer and closer to utter demoralization.


Something truly big is happening right now with relationships and I’m not talking about MK Beta Kitten, Mary Kate Olson (Gemini) shagging Nick Sarkozy’s brother. Something more slightly akin to the Kennedy/Pinchot Meyer connection. We’re talking soul-to-soul. Why this retrograde and why now? Well, it comes on the heels of the annular eclipse and as a preface to the Venus Transit, which we won’t see for another 155 years! And then there’s the Uranus/Pluto square, which could indeed usher in the clash of the will of the people (Uranus in Aries) and the established corporatocracy (Pluto in Capricorn). With NATO, G8 and Bilderberg all happening on American soil, together, for the first time, it signals that time is almost up here. “Prometheus” opened today and while it might be just propaganda for the gods that walk amongst us, from a Venus Retrograde perspective, its a prequel, which has us re-visit the original “Alien” and our relationship with it. There’s something about this Venus transit as it crosses the Sun, dwarfed by its solar magnificence, that re-kindles the memory and importance of finding your kin, the members of your own lost tribe and remembering why you decided to come here. This can obviously manifest in one-on-one relationships, but the Sag Moon is not one for sitting still. The human heart doesn’t idle for long in the Sagittarian Moon. The Sag Moon is about emotional FREEDOM. So the Venus transit sparks re-calibrating and renewing timeless bonds, but with the Sag Moon, it doesn’t settle. Its wild and free. Perhaps its the kind of love that Mary Pinchot Meyer and JFK had, re-uniting for a real purpose of somatic liberation, fusing sex and an awakened pineal gland for an opportunity to re-cast the world in a softer light with brilliant colors.

Watch for more and more chatter about timelines in the technosphere. There’s a reason for it. Time as we know it is about to change, and we have one shot at jumping tracks back to a more congruent reality. Find your tribe.

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The Supreme Court Justices’ Shocking Conflicts Could Determine The Fate Of Obamacare

Abby Rogers
Source: Business Insider
20 minutes ago, June 2, 2012

sonia sotomayor supreme court

AP Images         Sonia Sotomayor.

The Supreme Court’s anticipated ruling on Obamacare this month could be its most far-reaching decision in the past century.

But just as important as the decision itself are the personal conflicts of interest the justices have brought to the bench.

At least four Supreme Court Justices have blatant conflicts of interest, including investments in companies that would be directly impacted by health care reform.

But Chief Justice John Roberts pretty much torpedoed the idea of justices recusing themselves from the case.

So all that’s left is to wonder if, and how much, these conflicts swayed the justices’ votes.

Click here to see the conflicts >

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The USA: Military Arm Of The New World Order – thanks to D. Don’t miss the article. It isn’t easy to read, but if we are to leave this behind, I think it it is necessary to look this in the eye. ~J

Posted on May 31, 2012
Source: cosmicconvergence2012

Is there any doubt that the United States of America is the military arm of the New World Order (NWO), as it has been since World War I?

Just as the City of London has functioned as the world headquarters for the financial arm of the NWO, and Vatican City has functioned as the religious headquarters for the NWO, Washington, DC has functioned as the military headquarters for the NWO.

Surely you have read or heard by now that each of these city states were set up as autonomous political entities so that no one could control them except their masters within the Global Control Matrix (GCM). When you understand this reality, you can clearly understand all that has taken place with the US of A for the past hundred years. Viet Nam (What on earth were we ever doing there?), Korea (Why was MacArthur willing to drop an atom bomb there?), Argentina (The CIA plot to assassinate Allende was also about what?), Iraq (Twice!!), Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran (Economic warfare and stealth bombings), Cambodia and Laos, Cuba and Grenada, Nicaragua and El Salvador, Honduras and Panama, East Timor and Suharto’s Indonesian, Serbia and Bosnia, Somalia and Yemen, Libya and Syria, etc. etc., etc. Will the bellicose behavior ever end?!

If Americans only felt the pain and suffering caused by the US Government’s war machine….

Here’s a pretty comprehensive listing of most of the overt military aggressions, conflicts, interventions engaged by the USA since 1775. This listing of “Extraterritorial and major domestic deployments”, as Wikipedia calls it, is as lengthy as it is overwhelming.

Timeline of United States military operations

There is no country on earth, not even the once all powerful British Empire, that has been engaged in so much military aggression over the past 100 years. Clearly, America’s destiny was to act as the enforcement strong-arm for the World Shadow Government(WSG). And so it does. Right up to this very day in both Syria and Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan. Even when American troops leave those theaters of war altogether, the USA will still enforce the dictates of the WSG, carry out the orders of the GCM and follow the agenda of the NWO by proxy.

What follows is a short photo-documentary of the symbolism of the NWO, especially as it appears in the capitals of aforementioned city states. Each of these obelisks is purposely located, specifically positioned and deliberately placed in relation to other power structures, all of which are designed to draw energy from each other.

Washington Monument in Washington, DC

Cleopatra’s Needle in the City of London

Vaticano Obelisk in Vatican City

Architecture is both telling and significant in the unfoldment of the global agenda over centuries of the New World Order. In truth, what we see all about us is not the New World Order, but rather the Old World Order with a new and improved name — NWO. Looked at another way, the New World Order of which we all speak has been firmly in place for many decades in the US, and for many centuries throughout much of the world. With each advancement of the society and development of the civilization the NWO has simply morphed into a new manifestation.

However, the true hidden agenda remains throughout its entire existence, as do the basic strategies and tactics for keeping it in a position of ascendancy. Has anything really changed since the days of Rome – the First Reich? Or since Spain ruled a big parcel of the planet? Or since the days when the sun never set on the British Empire? Now that the Fourth Reich has come into its own in the form of Pax Americana, we can say that the 3rd Reich never even existed in Germany, except to set the stage for the American Empire.

So, there you have it — the 4th Reich is actually the nation which was supposed to have defeated the illusory 3rd Reich. What an awesome display of smoke and mirrors! Boy, did our history books ever miss this rather consequential and critical takeover of the 20th Century?!
United States Militarism, Global Instability and Environmental Destruction

What’s it like to live in the Belly of the Beast?

For all of us alive during the Viet Nam War, we can only answer that question by saying that it is at once wild and crazy, unpredictable and tumultuous, quite schizophrenic and frustrating. How so? When you pay unlawful taxes to a rogue government which uses the revenue to fund a military machine that wages war against the weakest nations among us, you … … …

When the electoral system is so fixed that both political parties are obviously two sides of the very same coin. And both candidates are beholden to the very same master. And when both platforms guarantee a war posture throughout the world that will always come at the expense of economic justice, social equity and environmental concerns … … …

“Juggernaut: a massive, inexorable force that crushes everything in its path.” — Oxford Dictionary

As US citizens who have grown up within the confines of American society, we have been so conditioned to believe that America can do no wrong … when in fact the US Federal Government has evolved into a global bully which can do very little right outside of its own borders. What can be said about a juggernaut that just rolls its well oiled military machine across the planet, anytime it wants to?!

The reason that the USA has institutionalized might makes right is because it possesses just enough might to hold sway. Where “You’re either with us or against us” worked during the Bush dictatorships, it won’t work in the years to come. Even with the fraudulent smiles of Obama putting a friendly face on war, American hegemony is on its last gasps. The financial and economic state of the union is making the projection of American power virtually impossible to sustain into this new millennium. The carrot and stick approach taken toward our international neighbors is simply untenable going forward. How do you spell E C O N O M I C —> D E P R E S S I O N ?

Neither the carrot nor the stick can be paid for any longer, especially with a federal debt ballooning out of control for decades. Which brings us back to the plight of the nation due to its role as the “Military Arm Of The New World Order”. The unfortunate predicament of the baby boomers and beatniks is quickly manifesting, as many have been forced to postpone their retirements. Many have even been financially compelled to come out of retirement. Not a nice situation! Especially when you have been sickened by the excesses of American corpocracy.

Corporate fascism will all but guarantee that every entitlement program will eventually come under intense scrutiny. Therefore, the entire security net placed around the society is vulnerable to being torn in various and sundry ways. Just like Rome, the price of empire must always be paid sooner or later. With the real estate and stock market crashes of 2007 and 2008 respectively, the repercussions are slowly being felt given the massive degree of asset deflation which has been taking place in slow motion.

How long before the USA decides to shrink its appropriations for defense (war-making and conflict management yankee-style)? How much longer can the Defense Budget be greater than all the other defense budgets of all the other nations in the world put together?! When total military outlays exceeds 50% of all expenditures made in the conduct of the nation’s business, we have a very serious problem. Either the USA has a lot of enemies, or the US Government plans on making a lot of enemies.

Did you know that “the United States accounts for 47 percent of the world’s total military spending, however the U.S.’s share of the world’s GDP is about 21 percent.”[1] There’s quite a bit of other very interesting information at the same site, incidentally at WarResisters.org. Like the answers to the question that is asked about how safe we are with so much military spending.

Modern-day coliseums, video games and bovine growth hormone

American society has been ordered in such a way so as to justify these wildly exorbitant expenditures on constant military buildup and war machine maintenance. This has been accomplished in a number of ways, most of which occur below the radar. The drumbeat heard in every sports stadium in the country is one example. Each athletic season has its own sport which so mesmerizes the nation that the Super Bowl commercials are the most expensive in TV history. The relentless and fierce competition keep a populace conditioned in the constant state of “taking sides”. Winning at all cost becomes the mantra, for young kids and elderly octogenarians alike.

The subliminal psychological conditioning which takes place throughout the sports culture is so effective it often forms the moral touchstone for youth even as they mature. The locker rooms they grew up in function as the gladiator pits of old. The constant din of drum and horn provide the foretaste of what is to occur before the athletic combat, just as occurred on the battlefields of yore. The cheering and hand-clapping provide encouragement to win … no matter what the sacrifice. To win at all costs.

The jam-packed stadiums provide a moral backdrop for all that transpires in these present-day coliseums offering both prestige and glorification for all the actions conducted in the interest of winning. The ubiquitous office betting pools even allow those who can’t attend the weekend ‘big event’ to participate vicariously through their bets, small though they may be. Of course, the hats and caps, shirts and jerseys, keep alive the mantras of athletic battles, mimicking the helmets and shoulder pads worn on the field.

Welcome to the dominant American past-time, *football* seven days a week during season and especially on every major holiday.

Next we come to violent video games. What better way to capture a young and impressionable mind than to steer it in the direction of gratuitous and mindless violence. After years of exposure to this highly effective mind control program, some kids will quite willingly pick up a gun and shoot their own friends, much less ‘the enemy’ in a foreign land. Not too difficult to perceive the agenda behind the extraordinary proliferation of shockingly violent kid vids.

Then there are all the food additives, vitamin enrichments, protein powders, super hormones, muscles mass builders and other newfangled chemical magic that is supposed to make the kid … adolescent … young adult bigger and stronger, faster and taller. Bovine growth hormone is just one of many measures taken to ensure that the kids who grow up in the land of American Empire will assume a profile on the battlefield that is substantially larger and more intimidating than any foreigner he comes face to face with in any combat zone around the globe. Also known as BGH or BST (short for Bovine somatotropin), this synthetic hormone is of course a product of Monsanto and guaranteed to grow you big.

“Since 1994 it has been possible to synthesize the BST hormone using recombinant DNA technology to create recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST), recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), or artificial growth hormone. Monsanto was the first to develop the technology and marketed it as “Posilac”—a brand now owned by Elanco Animal Health, a division of Eli Lilly and Company.
Posilac was banned from use in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel and all European Union countries (currently numbering 27), by 2000 or earlier.”[2]

What does an Iraqi or Afghani think and feel when confronted with such a real life character?

Sure is a nice way to meet your neighbors, isn’t is?! Especially when that huge muscular body is attired in full body combat gear. Would you want to mess with a piece of work that looks like this ? ? ?

When you’re buying guns, you’re not buying butter.

The USA has been known for years not to take care of their poor, their homeless, their war veterans, their single moms, their mentally handicapped, their physically disabled, their medically uninsured, their unborn. Basically the most vulnerable and powerless in American society have always received short shrift. Except now that predicament is about to be extended to an entire demographic(s). From baby boomers who cannot be supported by a shrinking tax base to recent college grads who can’t even get a job, and who are living with their baby boomer parents. All because the USA is used as the military arm of the World Shadow Government.

Wow, where do we go from here?

What else is sacrificed in the interest of controlling the natural resources of the planet? Well, just about everything eventually. The whole way of life has been mortgaged for so long, and for so many years into the future. When the federal debt ceiling is forever increased to accommodate war expenditures which have no basis in reality, what can possibly be expected.
At this late date, we truly wonder what could save the USA from the crazy and convoluted karma it has created for well over a century. Should the Highest Power grant a reprieve surely such mercy would come with the price tag of good ole fashioned repentence, yes? Perhaps the following omen ought to be considered much more closely.

9/11: An OMEN for the New Millennium

In the meantime we all suffer with the following facts of life in a country that is consigned to starting and ending all wars throughout the earthly realm:

(i) a flouridated water supply to compromise the pineal gland and remove critical thinking from the populace
(ii) chemtrail-laden air to weaken and undermine the immune system forcing the unaware into the clutches of the pharmaceutical-medical complex.
(iii) food that is devoid of minerals and other essential nutritive constituents because of chemical farming, which also poisons the land and leaves toxins in the produce.
(iv) vaccination programs which inject mercury, sqaulene and other dangerous substances into the delicate and sensitive bodies of our children.
(v) a pharmaceutical regime that is enforced and promoted with zeal in every medical establishment across the land
(vi) an all-powerful medical complex that encourages chemo, radiation and surgery, as it discourages the alternative healing modalities, holistic wellness approaches and natural methods of curing
(vii) an obnoxious TV or two or three in every household beaming negative energy and propaganda messages which disseminate violence, profanity, sex and crudity 24/7
(viii) an educational system which indoctrinates with propaganda and brainwashes with false facts and figures that are as meaningless as they are dangerous to the impressionable mind
(ix) a political order that does’t even maintain the appearance of propriety or act in the interest of the people
(x) an economic marketplace and financial system devoid of integrity, whose institutions have been in a free-fall collapse since the crash of 2008
(xi) social disintegration lead by the destruction of the nuclear family, proliferation of sexual deviance, promotion of the celebrity society, glorification of mercenary sports, spreading of fanatical religiosity, and worship of the Almighty Dollar

Chemtrails are a form of Atmospheric Engineering which contain barium salts and aluminum oxide.

Let’s stop here before anyone gets too depressed and falls into despair. There is after all a very bright side to this whole undeniable scenario. It is this:

Each of us was put here to live our lives the best way we know how. During the Viet Nam War (VNM), the hippies and beatniks and peace activists were successful in shutting down a major corporate-driven war. Perhaps the first time in recorded history that a popular movement was responsible for accomplishing such a feat. An extraordinary feat of courage and bravery, of principle and idealism, of perseverance and endurance, of faith and love. Truly, the termination of the Viet Nam War was one of the greatest acts by the greatest popular movement of the modern era.

What does the VNW have to do with us and where the world is today? The very same spirit that shut down that war can bring the current USA war machine to a halt. Just as Ron Paul won most of the straw polls within the Republican primary season because of his platform to close up the US military bases worldwide and bring home the troops, a political sea change is ripe for the happening because there is a very strong and pervasive sentiment to change the course of American foreign policy …  forever.

Only the people can alter such a deeply rooted military culture. Only the electorate can vote out of office the war parties and war candidates who are personally enriched by such a self-destructive agenda. Only a steeled will and courageous heart can break the military arm of the NWO.

Cosmic Convergence Research Group
Submitted: June 1, 2012

[1] The Federal Pie Chart: “Where Your Income Tax Money Really Goes” — WarResisters.org

[2] “Bovine somatotropin” – Wikipedia @http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bovine_Growth_Hormone

**Pat Tillman, an American football star who volunteered to serve his country as an Army ranger, found out the hard way about the real US foreign policy that is administered at the end of the barrel of gun. After the US Army used his image to draft lots of 18 year olds, Pat was killed by friendly fire after revealing his anti-war views and intentions to tell the truth about the illegal invasion of Iraq. He came to regard the US military involvement in Afghanistan as a war crime, which he then made the mistake of sharing during his tour of duty there. In Pat Tillman’s case, we have a true hero not because he served bravely in the Armed Forces, but because he was willing to sacrifice his reputation and life to tell the truth about the barbarism of American war policy.

©2012 Cosmic Convergence 2012®. All rights reserved
Permission is granted to post this essay as long as it is linked back to the following url:http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=1167

Author’s Note:
The following satirical opinion(s) expressed in the political cartoon that follows quite nicely represents those held by the authors. Yes, we give it a hearty endorsement.
Furthermore, we strongly feel that each and every politician who votes for war ought to be present on every battlefield before, during and after the mortal combat takes place. Perhaps their next decision in similar matters will be better informed by the carnage and destruction that they have personally wrought in the lives and homes of folks who are usually just perfectly innocent people. That’s right, human beings with nerve endings just like you and me.

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