
Jennifer Hoffman – Q&A : What’s Wrong With Our Leaders? – 7 March 2013


This week’s Q&A is an expansion of some insights I shared on my Facebook page about leadership and specifically, the death of Hugo Chavez who was a polarizing figure, to say the least. We look at people like Mr. Chavez, the pope, presidents, Queen Elizabeth and wonder what is wrong with them. Why can’t they be more honest, open, incorruptible, supportive, and doing the ‘right’ thing? What is it about power that makes it such a corrupting influence? And why do all leaders seem to fall into the same trap?

Then I started thinking about the concept of leadership and people in power, whether it is in politics, government, social, work or religious environments, and how they are often dishonest, corrupt, self-serving and dictatorial. What is the connection between power and the negative results we experience from its use and abuse? I found an answer in how we define the word ‘lead’, which actually means ‘to guide’ and comes from a 9th century word which meant ‘travel’. So a leader started out as a travel guide. Interesting. How many of today’s leaders would you trust as your travel guide?

In the simplest terms, a leader is someone who guides or shows us the way. As a travel guide, a leader would be our assistant, which implies that we’re on the same path, heading in the same direction, sharing a similar philosophy and they’re helping us get somewhere we want to go, to arrive at our destination. What a novel concept. How many of today’s leaders actually do that, without inserting their personal or private power agendas into the process? Now all leaders are not bad but something happens when a well-meaning person steps into a powerful position, and we give them our power. Their leader-ship shifts into ruler-ship. And when that happens they move from being a travel guide into becoming someone who tells us what to do, sets self serving policies, engages in backroom deals and instead of leading (in the true sense of the world), expects us to blindly follow their agenda. Our leader how now become our ruler.

How does this shift happen? When we think that a leader can do for us what we think we cannot do for ourselves. In the context of 3D energy, there is a power shift, where we give our power away to someone who tells us that they will use our power to help us become more powerful. When we think about it that way, it doesn’t make sense. But we do it all of the time. And we’re seeing the results in every area of the world today, from corporations to governments to churches.

When we follow a guide, we’re traveling together and they are serving our needs. We expect our travel guide to help us with our travel plans and ensure that we have the best experience. Can you imagine hiring a travel guide who plans the vacation they want to take, expects you to go along and pay for it, carry all of their baggage, and sit in coach while they travel first class? That travel guide wouldn’t have much business but this is how our leaders operate.

The resignation of the pope, hospitalization of Queen Elizabeth, the death of Hugo Chavez, resignation of Cuba’s president, the sequester of the US government are all signs of the demise of the 3D concept of leadership — rulership by a few that is made possible by our desire to be taken care of through the surrender of our power. As they step aside or are pushed aside because the new energies do not support this type of power concentration, we are also being pushed into taking our power back, becoming more powerful, using our own power to create all of things we want in our life, things we may not believe we are not capable of creating. We are, but only when we accept the responsibility for our power and use it with wisdom and discernment. The things we expect our leaders to do for us are things we can and should do for ourselves. We have too many examples, throughout history, of the misuse of power. That won’t change until we stop giving our power away to those who will abuse it and victimize us in the process.

We are now angry that our leaders are taking us on a wild ride that we don’t want to be on, to a destination that we don’t want to travel to. Then we get angry at the leader but they’re just doing what we have allowed them to do, shift from being travel guides to being rulers. We let them use our power and expect them to take care of us. The choice we are faced with now is, do we follow the leader or do we powerfully travel along a shared path with those whose will guide us into more expansive ways of using our own power? A leader may lead you astray; a guide will accompany you on your own journey. Do you want to be guided or led? If you choose to be guided, you will attract leaders who act as true travel guides, respecting your power and assisting you in your evolution. If you choose to led, you will attract rulers who will be more than happy to take your power but don’t expect them to take care of you.

These are lessons in empowerment, from which we have to decide whether we are going to be asleep or awake, empowered or victimized, actively creating our life or passively accepting a path that someone else creates for us, according to their agenda and needs. Every student must eventually become their own teacher and today’s leaders are very polarizing but they are also our empowerment teachers. We are evolving from 3D to infinity and ‘leading’ or ‘being led’ is a 3D paradigm. Guidance, support, acknowledgement, respect, kindness, compassion and integrity are part of the infinity paradigms, beyond 3D. While they sound good, we have to be willing to embrace our power to access them, to acknowledge responsibility for our well-being and learn to lead ourselves while allowing ourselves to be guided by those who share our path.

Copyright (c) 2013 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, link to, translate or share this article on free sites only, as long as you include the author’s name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.

www.enlighteninglife.com / link to original article

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RemovingTheShackles – Translators Needed – And The Forum Is Up And Running! – 7 March 2013


Hello my friends!! First off, the RTS forum is now up and running again!! New and improved!


now….. the Australian RTS’ers might have an issue as it’s still loading over there, but it’s the middle of the night for you guys so hopefully by your morning it will be fully functional. lol.

So……. as we are expanding and expanding, we are getting more and more requestion for documents to be translated into other languages.

If you are fluent in any language and have the time to help out with translating, please let us know at opptgroundcrew@gmail.com

in other news… are you ready to Rock and Roll?!

www.removingtheshackles.blogspot.nl / link to original article

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The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum

The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum

Posted by on March 7, 2013   /   Comments Off
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International Women’s Day 2013



Over time and distance, the equal rights of women have progressed. We celebrate the achievements of women while remaining vigilant and tenacious for further sustainable change. There is global momentum for championing women’s equality.

Each year around the world, International Women’s Day (IWD) is celebrated on March 8. Thousands of events occur not just on this day but throughout March to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. Organisations, governments, charities, educational institutions, women’s groups, corporations and the media celebrate the day. Many groups around the world choose different themes each year relevant to global and local gender issues.

“The Gender Agenda: Gaining Momentum” is the 2013 theme of our internationalwomensday.com website. Last year our 2012 theme was Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures which supported the United Nation’s (UN) first International Day of the Girl celebrated on 11 October 2012. The UN declares an International Women’s Day theme and for 2013 it is “A promise is a promise: Time for action to end violence against women”. In 2012 it was “Empower Rural Women – End Hunger and Poverty”. Many organisations develop International Women’s Day themes relevant to their local contexts. For example, the European Parliament’s 2012 theme was “Equal pay for work of equal value”.

Previous United Nation International Women’s Day themes:

- 2012: Empower Rural Women – End Hunger and Poverty
- 2011: Equal access to education, training and science and technology
- 2010: Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all
- 2009: Women and men united to end violence against women and girls
- 2008: Investing in Women and Girls
- 2007: Ending Impunity for Violence against Women and Girls
- 2006: Women in decision-making
- 2005: Gender Equality Beyond 2005: Building a More Secure Future
- 2004: Women and HIV/AIDS
- 2003: Gender Equality and the Millennium Development Goals
- 2002: Afghan Women Today: Realities and Opportunities
- 2001: Women and Peace: Women Managing Conflicts
- 2000: Women Uniting for Peace
- 1999: World Free of Violence against Women
- 1998: Women and Human Rights
- 1997: Women at the Peace Table
- 1996: Celebrating the Past, Planning for the Future
- 1975: First IWD celebrated by the United Nations

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OpEdNews – Gabriel Donohoe – Great News Or Disinfo? — All Global Banks & Corporate Governments Have Been Foreclosed And Their Assets Seized! – 7 March 2013

The Fed Foreclosed by www.peoplestrust1776.org

The news has been sweeping across the Internet for weeks that all banks, corporations, and corporations masquerading as governments have all been foreclosed, legally and lawfully, and their assets seized.

In a series of public filings, the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) have foreclosed on the Powers That Be — now called the Powers That Were (PTW) — using the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the code for all global commerce.

The One People’s Public Trust was set up for all the people of the planet and all are named as beneficiaries. Among the trustees is former attorney Heather Tucci-Jarraf, an expert in UCC who once worked on the inside for the Powers That Were.

In a clever and insightful move, Heather and her colleagues bonded themselves to the Trust that was framed in the original U.S. Constitution of 1776 — the same Constitution that was abandoned with the corporatization of the United States government in 1933. They then bonded every human being on earth to the Trust as Beneficiaries in Equity, to be known as the “One People, created by the Creator”. This means that the Trust has a superior claim to any other — there can be no higher claim than that of the OPPT, unless it is made by the Great Creator Himself.

The OPPT has charged the corporate beast — government, banks, corporations — with fraud, treason, and slavery. In the filings, they claim that these corporations collectively, aka “the Debtor”, “knowingly, willingly and intentionally committed treason” by “owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems” and “operating Slavery Systems used against”citizens without their knowing, willing and intentional consent“.

As a remedy, the OPPT has foreclosed and terminated the governments, banks, and corporations responsible and confiscated all their assets and infrastructures, including all gold & silver held by the banking system. The OPPT claims these assets on behalf of the One People. This is all done legally and lawfully in accordance with internationally accepted rules of the Uniform Commercial Code.

The governments, banks, and corporations failed to rebut the charges, a fatal thing to do in the laws of commerce. Perhaps they realized that if any one of them raised his head above the parapet he risked going straight to jail. (The Pope’s threatened arrest may have unnerved them; also the hasty stepping down of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands.) Their failure to rebut or answer the charges led to Default and Termination.

All filings are a matter of public record. Copies can be viewed or downloaded at the OPPT website: http://www.peoplestrust1776.org/   Many of these documents make heavy reading for the layman but are extremely interesting nonetheless. More layman-friendly information can be seen on other sites listed at the end of this article.

One interesting OPPT document is the Courtesy Notice. The CN empowers an individual to respond to demands or threats from banks, corporations, or governments by informing their pursuer that he or she no longer has a corporate safety net to fall back on but are now acting on their own unlimited personal liability. This is a scary position for a bank manager or debt collector.

The OPPT has also provided for Creator’s Value Asset Centers (CVACs) to take over from corporate-run governments. There is one CVAC in place for each country of the world. An equivalent of 10 billion U.S. dollars has been set aside for each human on the planet. This is to fund a new way of living where there is no debt, taxes, or controlling powers over you.

Also, previously hidden technology will be put in place to give us free energy. This arises from the discoveries of Tesla, Keshe, and others.

Can this all really be true or is it disinformation from the elite of the NWO?

When you read all the filings, the information on many websites, and listen to the trustees on podcasts one does get the sense that this is all genuine and truly inspirational. Sure, there are naysayers. But that is to be expected.

If the United Nations, the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Government, and others cannot rebut the serious charges brought forth by OPPT, then there has to be some real substance to it. You’ll see on the Net where certain attorneys and judges have looked at the filings and called them “bullet-proof”.

If, on the other hand, it is a scam devised by the NWO to confuse and dishearten us, then it has spectacularly backfired. News of the OPPT is awakening people at an exponential rate, people who might otherwise remain fast asleep. In early January this writer noted that Google returned only a few thousand pages on One People’s Public Trust; last week there were over 8 million pages and a short time ago Google returned 17,600,000 pages in .31 sec.

Furthermore, once the People see what awaits them around the corner they will settle for nothing less.

Please look at the filings and do your own research. Are we on the cusp of a New Golden Age?





The Guardian Express covers the OPPT in this article: http://guardianlv.com/2013/02/in-the-money-oppts-ucc-filing-explained-what-this-means-for-all-of-us/


Current incarnation – Gabriel Donohoe: Writer and Natural Health Therapist. Presently based in Ireland. Sometimes uses the name of Fools Crow.

www.opednews.com / link to original article

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Revealed: Pentagon’s Link to Iraqi Torture Centres

Revealed: Pentagon’s Link to Iraqi Torture Centres

Posted by on March 7, 2013   /   Comments Off
Category: Torture   Tags: , ,

David Petraues in Iraq at the time. Screenshot from the documentary

David Petraues in Iraq at the time. Screenshot from the documentary

Revealed: Pentagon’s Link to Iraqi Torture Centres

Stephen: As the narrator to the documentary (see link below) says: “This is one of the great untold stories of the Iraq War: how, just over a year after the invasion, the United States funded a sectarian police commando force that set up a network of torture centres to fight the insurgency”. The film also reveals the direct link between the torture centres’ commander, James Steele, Donald Rumsfeld and former Director of the CIA, the then-General, David Petraeus…pictured in Iraq, at left.

By Mona Mahmood, Maggie O’Kane, Chavala Madlena and Teresa Smith,  The Guardian – March 6, 2013


Exclusive: General David Petraeus and ‘dirty wars’ veteran behind commando units implicated in detainee abuse

Watch the full-length documentary film of the 15-month investigation

The Pentagon sent a US veteran of the “dirty wars” in Central America to oversee sectarian police commando units in Iraq that set up secret detention and torture centres to get information from insurgents. These units conducted some of the worst acts of torture during the US occupation and accelerated the country’s descent into full-scale civil war.

Colonel James Steele was a 58-year-old retired special forces veteran when he was nominated by Donald Rumsfeld to help organise the paramilitaries in an attempt to quell a Sunni insurgency, an investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic shows.

After the Pentagon lifted a ban on Shia militias joining the security forces, the special police commando (SPC) membership was increasingly drawn from violent Shia groups such as the Badr brigades.

A second special adviser, retired Colonel James H Coffman, worked alongside Steele in detention centres that were set up with millions of dollars of US funding.

Coffman reported directly to General David Petraeus, sent to Iraq in June 2004 to organise and train the new Iraqi security forces. Steele, who was in Iraq from 2003 to 2005, and returned to the country in 2006, reported directly to Rumsfeld.

The allegations, made by US and Iraqi witnesses in the Guardian/BBC documentary, implicate US advisers for the first time in the human rights abuses committed by the commandos. It is also the first time that Petraeus – who last November was forced to resign as director of the CIA after a sex scandal – has been linked through an adviser to this abuse.

Coffman reported to Petraeus and described himself in an interview with the US military newspaper Stars and Stripes as Petraeus’s “eyes and ears out on the ground” in Iraq.

“They worked hand in hand,” said General Muntadher al-Samari, who worked with Steele and Coffman for a year while the commandos were being set up. “I never saw them apart in the 40 or 50 times I saw them inside the detention centres. They knew everything that was going on there … the torture, the most horrible kinds of torture.”

Additional Guardian reporting has confirmed more details of how the interrogation system worked. “Every single detention centre would have its own interrogation committee,” claimed Samari, talking for the first time in detail about the US role in the interrogation units.

“Each one was made up of an intelligence officer and eight interrogators. This committee will use all means of torture to make the detainee confess like using electricity or hanging him upside down, pulling out their nails, and beating them on sensitive parts.”

There is no evidence that Steele or Coffman tortured prisoners themselves, only that they were sometimes present in the detention centres where torture took place and were involved in the processing of thousands of detainees.

The Guardian/BBC Arabic investigation was sparked by the release of classified US military logs on WikiLeaks that detailed hundreds of incidents where US soldiers came across tortured detainees in a network of detention centres run by the police commandos across Iraq. Private Bradley Manning, 25, is facing a prison sentence of up to 20 years after he pleaded guilty to leaking the documents.

Samari claimed that torture was routine in the SPC-controlled detention centres. “I remember a 14-year-old who was tied to one of the library’s columns. And he was tied up, with his legs above his head. Tied up. His whole body was blue because of the impact of the cables with which he had been beaten.”

Gilles Peress, a photographer, came across Steele when he was on assignment for the New York Times, visiting one of the commando centres in the same library, in Samarra. “We were in a room in the library interviewing Steele and I’m looking around I see blood everywhere.”

The reporter Peter Maass was also there, working on the story with Peress. “And while this interview was going on with a Saudi jihadi with Jim Steele also in the room, there were these terrible screams, somebody shouting: ‘Allah, Allah, Allah!’ But it wasn’t kind of religious ecstasy or something like that, these were screams of pain and terror.”

The pattern in Iraq provides an eerie parallel to the well-documented human rights abuses committed by US-advised and funded paramilitary squads in Central America in the 1980s. Steele was head of a US team of special military advisers that trained units of El Salvador’s security forces in counterinsurgency. Petraeus visited El Salvador in 1986 while Steele was there and became a major advocate of counterinsurgency methods.

Steele has not responded to any questions from the Guardian and BBC Arabic about his role in El Salvador or Iraq. He has in the past denied any involvement in torture and said publicly he is “opposed to human rights abuses.” Coffman declined to comment.

An official speaking for Petraeus said: “During the course of his years in Iraq, General Petraeus did learn of allegations of Iraqi forces torturing detainees. In each incident, he shared information immediately with the US military chain of command, the US ambassador in Baghdad … and the relevant Iraqi leaders.”

The Guardian has learned that the SPC units’ involvement with torture entered the popular consciousness in Iraq when some of their victims were paraded in front of a TV audience on a programme called “Terrorism In The Hands of Justice.”

SPC detention centres bought video cameras, funded by the US military, which they used to film detainees for the show. When the show began to outrage the Iraqi public, Samari remembers being in the home of General Adnan Thabit – head of the special commandos – when a call came from Petraeus’s office demanding that they stop showing tortured men on TV.

“General Petraeus’s special translator, Sadi Othman, rang up to pass on a message from General Petraeus telling us not to show the prisoners on TV after they had been tortured,” said Samari. “Then 20 minutes later we got a call from the Iraqi ministry of interior telling us the same thing, that General Petraeus didn’t want the torture victims shown on TV.”

Othman, who now lives in New York, confirmed that he made the phone call on behalf of Petraeus to the head of the SPC to ask him to stop showing the tortured prisoners. “But General Petraeus does not agree with torture,” he added. “To suggest he does support torture is horseshit.”

Thabit is dismissive of the idea that the Americans he dealt with were unaware of what the commandos were doing. “Until I left, the Americans knew about everything I did; they knew what was going on in the interrogations and they knew the detainees. Even some of the intelligence about the detainees came to us from them – they are lying.”

Just before Petraeus and Steele left Iraq in September 2005, Jabr al-Solagh was appointed as the new minister of the interior. Under Solagh, who was closely associated with the violent Badr Brigades militia, allegations of torture and brutality by the commandos soared. It was also widely believed that the units had evolved into death squads.

The Guardian has learned that high-ranking Iraqis who worked with the US after the invasion warned Petraeus of the consequences of appointing Solagh but their pleas were ignored.

The long-term impact of funding and arming this paramilitary force was to unleash a deadly sectarian militia that terrorised the Sunni community and helped germinate a civil war that claimed tens of thousands of lives. At the height of that sectarian conflict, 3,000 bodies a month were strewn on the streets of Iraq.

CV: James Steele


Jim Steele’s first experience of war was in Vietnam, where from 1965 to 1975 US combat units were deployed against the communist North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong. 58,000 Americans were killed, dealing a blow to the nation’s self-esteem and leading to a change in military thinking for subsequent conflicts.

El Salvador

A 1979 military coup plunged the smallest country in Central America into civil war and drew in US training and funding on the side of the rightwing government. From 1984 to 1986 Steele – a “counterinsurgency specialist” – was head of the US MilGroup of US special forces advisers to frontline battalions of the Salvadorean military, which developed a fearsome international reputation for its death-squad activities. Prof Terry Karl, an expert at Stanford University on El Salvador’s civil war, said that Steele’s main aim was to shift the fight from so-called total war, which then meant the indiscriminate murder of thousands of civilians, to a more “discriminate” approach. One of his tasks was to put more emphasis on “human intelligence” and interrogation.


He became involved in the Iran-Contra affair, which saw the proceeds from covert arms sales by senior US officials to Iran used to fund the Contras, rightwing guerrillas fighting Daniel Ortega’s leftwing Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Steele ran operations at El Salvador’s Ilopango airport, from where Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North illegally ran weapons and supplies to the Contras.


Soon after the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, now retired Colonel James Steele was in Baghdad as one of the White House’s most important agents, sending back reports to Donald Rumsfeld and acting as the US defence secretary’s personal envoy to Iraq’s Special Police Commandos, whose intelligence-gathering activities he oversaw. Drawn mostly from violent Shia militia, the commandos developed a reputation for torture and later for their death-squad activities directed against the Sunni community.

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Posted by on March 7, 2013   /   Torture   /   Comments Off

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Revealed: Pentagon’s Link to Iraqi Torture Centres

Revealed: Pentagon’s Link to Iraqi Torture Centres

Posted by on March 7, 2013   /   Comments Off
Category: Torture   Tags: , ,

David Petraues in Iraq at the time. Screenshot from the documentary

David Petraues in Iraq at the time. Screenshot from the documentary

Revealed: Pentagon’s Link to Iraqi Torture Centres

Stephen: As the narrator to the documentary (see link below) says: “This is one of the great untold stories of the Iraq War: how, just over a year after the invasion, the United States funded a sectarian police commando force that set up a network of torture centres to fight the insurgency”. The film also reveals the direct link between the torture centres’ commander, James Steele, Donald Rumsfeld and former Director of the CIA, the then-General, David Petraeus…pictured in Iraq, at left.

By Mona Mahmood, Maggie O’Kane, Chavala Madlena and Teresa Smith,  The Guardian – March 6, 2013


Exclusive: General David Petraeus and ‘dirty wars’ veteran behind commando units implicated in detainee abuse

Watch the full-length documentary film of the 15-month investigation

The Pentagon sent a US veteran of the “dirty wars” in Central America to oversee sectarian police commando units in Iraq that set up secret detention and torture centres to get information from insurgents. These units conducted some of the worst acts of torture during the US occupation and accelerated the country’s descent into full-scale civil war.

Colonel James Steele was a 58-year-old retired special forces veteran when he was nominated by Donald Rumsfeld to help organise the paramilitaries in an attempt to quell a Sunni insurgency, an investigation by the Guardian and BBC Arabic shows.

After the Pentagon lifted a ban on Shia militias joining the security forces, the special police commando (SPC) membership was increasingly drawn from violent Shia groups such as the Badr brigades.

A second special adviser, retired Colonel James H Coffman, worked alongside Steele in detention centres that were set up with millions of dollars of US funding.

Coffman reported directly to General David Petraeus, sent to Iraq in June 2004 to organise and train the new Iraqi security forces. Steele, who was in Iraq from 2003 to 2005, and returned to the country in 2006, reported directly to Rumsfeld.

The allegations, made by US and Iraqi witnesses in the Guardian/BBC documentary, implicate US advisers for the first time in the human rights abuses committed by the commandos. It is also the first time that Petraeus – who last November was forced to resign as director of the CIA after a sex scandal – has been linked through an adviser to this abuse.

Coffman reported to Petraeus and described himself in an interview with the US military newspaper Stars and Stripes as Petraeus’s “eyes and ears out on the ground” in Iraq.

“They worked hand in hand,” said General Muntadher al-Samari, who worked with Steele and Coffman for a year while the commandos were being set up. “I never saw them apart in the 40 or 50 times I saw them inside the detention centres. They knew everything that was going on there … the torture, the most horrible kinds of torture.”

Additional Guardian reporting has confirmed more details of how the interrogation system worked. “Every single detention centre would have its own interrogation committee,” claimed Samari, talking for the first time in detail about the US role in the interrogation units.

“Each one was made up of an intelligence officer and eight interrogators. This committee will use all means of torture to make the detainee confess like using electricity or hanging him upside down, pulling out their nails, and beating them on sensitive parts.”

There is no evidence that Steele or Coffman tortured prisoners themselves, only that they were sometimes present in the detention centres where torture took place and were involved in the processing of thousands of detainees.

The Guardian/BBC Arabic investigation was sparked by the release of classified US military logs on WikiLeaks that detailed hundreds of incidents where US soldiers came across tortured detainees in a network of detention centres run by the police commandos across Iraq. Private Bradley Manning, 25, is facing a prison sentence of up to 20 years after he pleaded guilty to leaking the documents.

Samari claimed that torture was routine in the SPC-controlled detention centres. “I remember a 14-year-old who was tied to one of the library’s columns. And he was tied up, with his legs above his head. Tied up. His whole body was blue because of the impact of the cables with which he had been beaten.”

Gilles Peress, a photographer, came across Steele when he was on assignment for the New York Times, visiting one of the commando centres in the same library, in Samarra. “We were in a room in the library interviewing Steele and I’m looking around I see blood everywhere.”

The reporter Peter Maass was also there, working on the story with Peress. “And while this interview was going on with a Saudi jihadi with Jim Steele also in the room, there were these terrible screams, somebody shouting: ‘Allah, Allah, Allah!’ But it wasn’t kind of religious ecstasy or something like that, these were screams of pain and terror.”

The pattern in Iraq provides an eerie parallel to the well-documented human rights abuses committed by US-advised and funded paramilitary squads in Central America in the 1980s. Steele was head of a US team of special military advisers that trained units of El Salvador’s security forces in counterinsurgency. Petraeus visited El Salvador in 1986 while Steele was there and became a major advocate of counterinsurgency methods.

Steele has not responded to any questions from the Guardian and BBC Arabic about his role in El Salvador or Iraq. He has in the past denied any involvement in torture and said publicly he is “opposed to human rights abuses.” Coffman declined to comment.

An official speaking for Petraeus said: “During the course of his years in Iraq, General Petraeus did learn of allegations of Iraqi forces torturing detainees. In each incident, he shared information immediately with the US military chain of command, the US ambassador in Baghdad … and the relevant Iraqi leaders.”

The Guardian has learned that the SPC units’ involvement with torture entered the popular consciousness in Iraq when some of their victims were paraded in front of a TV audience on a programme called “Terrorism In The Hands of Justice.”

SPC detention centres bought video cameras, funded by the US military, which they used to film detainees for the show. When the show began to outrage the Iraqi public, Samari remembers being in the home of General Adnan Thabit – head of the special commandos – when a call came from Petraeus’s office demanding that they stop showing tortured men on TV.

“General Petraeus’s special translator, Sadi Othman, rang up to pass on a message from General Petraeus telling us not to show the prisoners on TV after they had been tortured,” said Samari. “Then 20 minutes later we got a call from the Iraqi ministry of interior telling us the same thing, that General Petraeus didn’t want the torture victims shown on TV.”

Othman, who now lives in New York, confirmed that he made the phone call on behalf of Petraeus to the head of the SPC to ask him to stop showing the tortured prisoners. “But General Petraeus does not agree with torture,” he added. “To suggest he does support torture is horseshit.”

Thabit is dismissive of the idea that the Americans he dealt with were unaware of what the commandos were doing. “Until I left, the Americans knew about everything I did; they knew what was going on in the interrogations and they knew the detainees. Even some of the intelligence about the detainees came to us from them – they are lying.”

Just before Petraeus and Steele left Iraq in September 2005, Jabr al-Solagh was appointed as the new minister of the interior. Under Solagh, who was closely associated with the violent Badr Brigades militia, allegations of torture and brutality by the commandos soared. It was also widely believed that the units had evolved into death squads.

The Guardian has learned that high-ranking Iraqis who worked with the US after the invasion warned Petraeus of the consequences of appointing Solagh but their pleas were ignored.

The long-term impact of funding and arming this paramilitary force was to unleash a deadly sectarian militia that terrorised the Sunni community and helped germinate a civil war that claimed tens of thousands of lives. At the height of that sectarian conflict, 3,000 bodies a month were strewn on the streets of Iraq.

CV: James Steele


Jim Steele’s first experience of war was in Vietnam, where from 1965 to 1975 US combat units were deployed against the communist North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong. 58,000 Americans were killed, dealing a blow to the nation’s self-esteem and leading to a change in military thinking for subsequent conflicts.

El Salvador

A 1979 military coup plunged the smallest country in Central America into civil war and drew in US training and funding on the side of the rightwing government. From 1984 to 1986 Steele – a “counterinsurgency specialist” – was head of the US MilGroup of US special forces advisers to frontline battalions of the Salvadorean military, which developed a fearsome international reputation for its death-squad activities. Prof Terry Karl, an expert at Stanford University on El Salvador’s civil war, said that Steele’s main aim was to shift the fight from so-called total war, which then meant the indiscriminate murder of thousands of civilians, to a more “discriminate” approach. One of his tasks was to put more emphasis on “human intelligence” and interrogation.


He became involved in the Iran-Contra affair, which saw the proceeds from covert arms sales by senior US officials to Iran used to fund the Contras, rightwing guerrillas fighting Daniel Ortega’s leftwing Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Steele ran operations at El Salvador’s Ilopango airport, from where Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North illegally ran weapons and supplies to the Contras.


Soon after the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq, now retired Colonel James Steele was in Baghdad as one of the White House’s most important agents, sending back reports to Donald Rumsfeld and acting as the US defence secretary’s personal envoy to Iraq’s Special Police Commandos, whose intelligence-gathering activities he oversaw. Drawn mostly from violent Shia militia, the commandos developed a reputation for torture and later for their death-squad activities directed against the Sunni community.

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OPPT Q&A With Trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf -- March 5th

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

OPPT Q&A With Trustee Heather Tucci-Jarraf -- March 5th

Note: CN=Courtesy Notice -AK

OPPT Q&A w/Heather -- March 5th

Here is the link to the article on RTS:

Question: Ok what I think is people are worried about who is in charge and who's going to be dictating what they can spend their new funds on and the properties they acquire will be in the hands of the Trustees…

Heather: you are in charge of your own value... spend it on what you choose by your free will without damaging another... it is unlawful and illegal for any one to dictate to any one else against their free will... even if you damage another, the remedy is already set...you are responsible and liable for damages. That is what we have been telling the people on the planet...BE conscious...BE responsible...everything you DO, you are responsible and liable for...not any other's DO'ing and BE'ing...

Question: Is the National Security Act of 1947 going to shut down? I heard there was a lot of illegal operation, black operation to support the parallel government that runs behind National Security Act of 1947.

Heather: PTW [Powers that Were] put the whole planet under UCC...the people took it back the same way it was taken...as it is bound so shall it be unbound.

Question: HEATHER, please respond to this video when able.

Heather: it's data of the Absolute Data. Beautiful contrasts have been becoming visible and more obvious every day! It is the moment NOW for all to make some choices based on the data of NOW... and then from there, more data becomes visible and more obvious and more choices are made....etc. CHOICE NOW? Are you going to BE responsible and liable for your BE'ing and DO'ing? or NOT? If you are... then your every thought, word, and action of DO'ing and BE'ing protects and guards that. If NOT... then your every thought, word and action does not protect and guard your BE'ing and DO'ing... which one do you think the PTW are focused on right now?... have always been focused on and tried to increase the numbers of?

Question: Heather, I had someone mention to me that a cestui que vie trust is very similar to the OPPT filings.

Heather: That was probably the most boring and complex part of the investigations. we did the investigation and boots in the trenches on that matter though so that we could make sure that no one else would have to ever wade through that crap again... all that is left is BE'ing and each is responsible for them self... the sole trustee, custodian, administrator, beneficiary, and executor of their BE'ing.

Question: It doesn't matter that trust has been crushed by OPPT.

Heather: It was collapsed by REGISTRATION of the BE'ing...because that collapsed the straw man which was the PTW's construct "state of body" to enslave...now you are all just "states of body of BE'ing"

QUESTION: Has been coming up regarding student loans, mortgages, etc.

Heather: Almost every loan, if not every loan, is fraud… No loan was made. If no loan was made then no debt could lawfully or legally exist. Was a loan made? Here is what they would have to produce in order testability that a loan was made that you may have a debt:

1. Produce documentation of prior title, ownership and rights to the money they purportedly loaned you;

2. produce documentation of the history and origin of funds that they purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to that they purportedly loaned you (banking requires 3 generations at least if not all the way back to issuance/creation of the alleged funds...this is why banks issue a letter of origin/history of funds);

3. produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds (prior title, ownership, and rights) from loaner to borrower (invoicing/receipts) there is a difference between a "loan" and "debt", conceptually and factually.

Look up the definitions of loan and debt. [Look up the] difference between statement and invoice...only an invoice has to be paid...however they would first have to show that they made you a loan...if no loan, each invoice is fraud, mail fraud, etc.

Question: Does the UCC apply to countries besides America?

Heather: Regarding other countries saying the UCC is not applicable to them. The Prime Commercial Registry is broken down into branches internationally [like a franchise or department]. UCC is one of them, through the Principal Agent Doctrine, UCC 1-103, Any and all state, national, and international equivalents… All were served, noticed, and registered by entering the Prime Commercial Registry from any one of its branches/franchises/departments...OPPT entered in through Washington, D.C. … in UK…the branch/franchise is London City. And every country has their own... they hide them well... just Google Commercial Code, Commercial Law, Commercial Regulation, to ferret [find] out the particulars for any specific country... however as stated above it was already lawfully and legally taken through the branch right to the Prime Commercial Registry and is applicable to each and every branch/franchise/department of that Prime Commercial Registry on the planet.

Question: When will the CVACS be available for new community like enterprises such as a farm purchase for an eco-community?

Heather: I am working on CVACS now to get the 193 set up... then the first system of assistance that will go live after CVACS established is the system of treasury. The rest of the systems of assistance will follow that first system of assistance.

The sole purpose and order for the CVACS is to get Absolute Data on the Table and guard the space so that the people can choose by their free will what resonates with in each of them....the purpose of the CVACS is not to tell the people what to Do or how to BE...that is why the OPPT spent so much energy and time (has it really only been two months if that?) on focusing the attention on BE'ing...the energy of each of your BE'ing is what fills the CVAC, giving it life! J

Question: What is the 193 CVAC setup?

Heather: To make the transition from what you thought you all had to what you do have...we mirrored the old geographical locations for branches that assist the people wherever they may decide to venture...there are basically 195 registered corporations operating under the guise of government...COUNTRIES in the old system... the Vatican was one of the corporations...but for specific reasons that was not included in the 194 CVAC authorized BRANCHES.

Question: Can someone explain to me what the oppt logo means please and is Heather a member of the UCC as I have been told that for any UCC documents or filings to work you have to be a member.

Heather: It evolved throughout inception visibly giving notice of where we were at...the current logo has all separations recognized and put with in Circle of Absolute Truth...including the Commercial Registry. Oh, are you talking about David Wynn Miller's data? That data was changed as of May 4, 2000, and returned to the true absolute owners, the one people of the planet, equally, December 21, 2011...so, yep, we are all owners of it and can choose to DO with it as we see fit ;)

Question: If the UCC has been foreclosed on why is it still operating? 2) why has heather not started a court case or hearing for the foreclosure against the UCC?

Heather: Regarding protocols and delivery address for hard copy wet-ink originals...getting that prepared now...please...a little patience you beautiful DO'ers...it is the weekend and four little ones that I am having fun making crazy...or maybe they are making me crazy...lovin' mutual givin'! (chuckle)

Question: Is the OPPT is a public trust?

Heather: Its fundamentally and structurally different. It is a trust of creation... when you, I or any of the others were created... it was between each of us and Creator... creator domicile the value in the body... you operate the body and are responsible for the value... you are a trust... I am a trust... each of the others is a trust...we are all the trust... some are asking "who appointed those three"... as Trusts/Trustees of our Self’s... we each took responsibility and liability for our BE'ing and DO'ing and were going back in for the value commandeered and stolen... and recognized the Absolute Truth that all others were equal... so rather than just DO for our self’s...we also reconfirmed, re-verified, and DO guard, protect and preserve the Absolute Truth and opportunity for each of the others... for the others to make the choice whether they BE responsible and liable for their self and value by their free will choice... Does that clear that question up? There are moments when one of the three Trustee’s skills are more honed and that Trustee has usually rotated to the front of the guard to shield or highlight the appropriate data... Sometimes it is all three of us together... sometimes it is all three of us with the people together… right now... the Trustees are guarding the space from the PTS so that the people can remember how to BE and DO... And one day perhaps the tool of OPPT can be retired (heart) because every one is responsible and liable for all that they BE and DO.

Question: Their contention, that calling it a Public Trust, does not necessarily make it a Public Trust. Therein lies the dispute. They insist it is more like a cestui que.

Heather: "great!!!!!!! If there is a dispute, error, or falsity make AND deliver a duly verified sworn DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL to the duly verified, sworn and REGISTERED OPPT DECLARATION OF FACTS, point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under the penalty of perjury under any law you identify, that the forgoing is true and accurate, signed by your wet-ink signature."

Question: I was told that Heather is going to arrange to speak with Winston Shrout soon, if not today - about OPPT.

Heather: He only wants to talk in private no recording... after he started with public and transparency... I already offered to talk... transparently, but he is now not willing... I don't even have a number for Winston... I looked for a few the other day and found some website that looks to be his... so I just wrote an open letter instead giving him and the people more data in regards to the main issue of the "lien"/"levy" tools we determined were not applicable... still looking for a number... but if he doesn't want to talk now... and I am not up for a 3 hour like happened with Adnan [Sakli] and Mike (face palm)... there is other DO'ing happening right now that I do focus on for the systems.

( inserted note by D:  When a friend of ours approached Mr. Shrout to do a recorded conversation with Heather and himself, he received a reply from Linda Joslin stating that Winston would not do any more radio shows about/on OPPT- which in my opinion is sorta humorous...)

Heather:  funny...thought Winston wasn't doing any shows on/regarding OPPT?

Heather:  THIS will bring a great data festival!!!!!!  DHS, inclusive of Navy, old hitters, undercover agents within "patriot" movements, etc.... (heart)...perhaps this will be the catalyst for disclosure about the corporate/BANK/BIS/UN initiated movements and programs, including Arab Spring, OCCUPY WALL STREET, Watt riots, Seattle World Trade Center riots, etc....funnnnn!!!

(inserted note by D:  Charlie Miller will also be on this radio show with Winston Shrout.  According to the data I have been receiving, this will most likely be a last ditch effort to try to convince the world that he should be the boss of OPPT..... even though, he refused to sign a Bond to be Self-Transparent, Self-Responsible, Self-Accountable and Personally Liable for all that he does as a Trustee without condition, as the other Trustees- Heather, Randall, and Caleb- have signed.)

Question:  what does it mean to this 'process' that the state filings from WA were removed from the commercial registry - citing (in that letter you posted) that it's against policy to place a lien on public officials, etc. (even though a lien wasn't filed on public officials)?

Heather: you can "enter" things in the commercial registry from any of its branches, state and international portals... that remedy was entered from two portals in that example state (WA) and international (WA DC)... Caleb's was done using WA DC and OREGON, and Randall's was done using WA and WA DC.  The remedy presevered had specific process to do... if any part of that process is removed, then the whole remedy would be worthless... so the PTW thought at least.

Heather: except that it wasn't a lien... so there was no basis to destroy/remove any part of the process of remedy.  However, when they did it...they destroyed the preservation of remedy and rendered the system by their own actions, illegal and unlawful as a matter of law, fact and public policy.

Question: Heather, how do I go about creating a CVAC for a heart repair business? We are pulling out of February's funky energy, and moving into March madness... I have an established track record of fixing broken hearts. This week's incoming energy has been pounding me... I retired from the heart repair business in 2007, because I was worn-out and heart-broken, myself. I have been wondering about the direction I should take for the last 18+ months. This evening, I received clarity. How do I create a CVAC for a heart repair business?

Heather: You ARE the CVAC...your knowingly, willingly and intentionally BE'ing responsible and liable for all that you DO = value and any specific DO'ing, inclusive of creating a heart repair business, IS, and those you CO-DO or DO for in that business, you are liable to them and them to you as mutually agreed/contracted... if you feel you need a transition tool from that old paradigm of "licensing" under the private corporations that were foreclosed... one option is to REGISTER your business on the COMMERCIAL REGISTRY... BE'ing's as secured party and the "entity" as Debtor party... THEN you can use that registration UCC File No. as the entities "IDENTITY NUMBER" so that people can find it and confirm you BE/DO with full responsibility and liability.

Question: Technically, we shouldn't have to file in court, its a living soul to living soul interaction. No foreclosed courts needed.

Heather: All private Courts operating under the guise of public courts already foreclosed...they have to establish standing, authority, and law before they can even get to the point of "you are required to come" bit.

Question: "Notice to Principal is notice to agent. Notice to Agency is notice to principal.' Send it to the CEO [principal] you can almost always find their name on the company website. I know Heather mentions educating from the bottom up, however, why not start at the top down and or top down and bottom up.

Heather: Top already done... education so to speak is from the bottom up NOW and if the "bottom up" see the people standing and BE'ing and DO'ing kindly but firmly with grace and love... it starts up that water cooler talk within the offices, but also within the eternal heart and the mind. (heart)

Question: How many CVACs are up & running now? last I heard it was just the one. hopefully there are more now.

Heather: 7+ Billion on this planet... more in Source's Universe (going through similar thing or surprises that they did not expect (chuckle)) Many CVAC's are DO'ing and BE'ing awesome...some are a bit shaky, but holding that desire and absolutely starting to get it...a few are holding that contrast so that the others can consciously make an informed choice that they BE and DO by their free will with responsibility and liability... OR NOT.

CVAC SYSTEM (REGISTERED as GOVERNMENT)... one is up and running the remaining 193 are being refined for formal activation this week... the one that is up and running is also being refined for formal renewal.

Question: Guy in OPPT UK is going to jail for tax evasion. He done the OPPT notice but he still going to jail. Watt should he do. They claim UCC don’t work because tax evasion is criminal to them!

Heather: did "they" produce the documentation of their standing, authority, law and the original wet-ink signature accommodation agreement that this guy signed (not).

Question: These notices don’t enforce anything. We still getting walked over!

Heather: OPPT took care of the old stuff... the CN's are you BE'ing and DO'ing responsible and liable without confrontation, with grace. It appears they walk all over you and they hope that you will accept that as truth so that they don't have to answer... what DO you consciously choose... if they DO not answer then they cannot enforce as a matter of law, matter of fact and as a matter of public policy… you cannot stop them from making their free will choice to BE corrupt or ignorant, which are THEIR terms and conditions of offer to contract with you... but you can keep them liable and responsible by giving them your terms and conditions of offer to contract with fee schedules for what it costs them to be corrupt, irresponsible and ignorant, inclusive of failing to produce their standing, authority, law and a an accommodation agreement (that says you agree/belong to a corporation) with your wet-ink signature... give them your terms and conditions and offer to contract with courtesy notice of what was done by OPPT, the one people of the planet...by their own former "legal rules" they loose as a matter of law, fact and public policy that they all brought under UCC.

Question: I'm very ready to get started on bondservant/public servant.

Heather: Bondservants were certified as satisfied and reconciled back to Absolute...co-creator (because that is Absolute Truth and also because we did not want PTW to fabricate a "creator" to put us back into "divine" or other slavery where we would have to play "undivine" or "slave"...see December 10, 2012 UCC filing No. 2012132883... otherwise BE of service to self and help others if you so choose by your free will with responsibility and liability... no bond or "sign up" required by CVAC's to CVAC's...

Question: [Can you share your views] on Energy and its Harvesting and how collective Energy "has been" used and how WE can infuse a "kNew Energy" for Intentive Transformation , I imagine this knowledge shared from Her perspective centered in Love will create a "kNew" wave and Views of DoIng and BeIng .... many Blessings!

Heather: it is already happening... all your BE'ing and DO'ing, inclusive of between December 25, 2012 to present... has draw huge amounts of energy for you to pull down and manifest as you choose... no collective is required... the Absolute Frequency of that energy is pure... which is why the PTW cannot access it or use it directly... they hoped they could at least manipulate through old tools of fear, warring, separation and harvesting (religion, Gregorian calendar, schools, corporations, Face book, Google, etc.) to get you to all DO in the manner that serves their sole interests... your tools of resonance and following what resonates within has pretty much squashed that hope of theirs (chuckle)

Question: Foreclosures reversed: Story: my friend had a BOA person come to her house cuz she's behind/in foreclosure, and he told her that people are getting their homes back... they are going to court is what she said to me.

Heather: They know they can't just take the homes at this point as they had been DO'ing... the best option they concluded they had was to get the people to come into the private courts and consent (albeit unknowingly, unwillingly, and unintentionally) to a revised contract, reaging of the accounts revised model (that is why purported collection agencies demand that people pay even just five dollars over the phone (no cash) so that they can leverage the value that was just given them) (chuckle) similar to the TARP and mortgage programs that failed... the beginning of the investigations focused on that sham and the purpose of that... the value from that "program" 700+ billion USD had already been paid out to large fraudulent securities holders CHINA and others so that they wouldn't tell...

Question: Next step normally would be to set a court date, Everyone is familiar with the CN's,which say, no phone contract,, so question I have is, do I call Monday, or go to court house and inquire about a court day,, or call the Attorney, and ask him how his week end reading was?

Heather: Going in to (foreclosed) private court is consent to their offer to contract and terms and conditions (most tacit aka hidden or presumed with out giving notice or transparency)... did they accept your offer to contract? If it is ongoing matter, did you cancel the securities they cut/issued from your case? They use your signatures as the underwriting for securities... begins when you open a case or when you answer their complaint. Examples of collapsing the underwriting of the securities, known and unknown: AT 4:58 AM THERE ARE 3 PDF FILES THAT HEATHER PROVIDED. I DON’T HAVE HEATHER AS A CONTACT SO I COULD NOT OPEN THE FILES. PERHAPS YOU CAN?

Question: Is it possible to send out a blanket courtesy notice to a electrical company who are robbing a lot of people by putting the bills up and up, I was talking to someone who thought his bill was too high at 60.00 and mine is 136.00 way, way too high... and no I don't use a lot of power or have a lot of stuff plugged in.

Heather: yes... you want to focus on the contract that was cut giving that corporation power and authority over nature... energy... the contract and agreements are very interesting and detailed... the brokers/agents of the PTW want to secure their piece of the pie... it is hilarious and reliable.

Question: Does anyone know if I actually owe $$$$ if I received products from the use a credit card?

Heather: credit cards work the same as promissory notes... each credit receipt is actually a promissory note that is then leveraged... but they can't produce documentation either that a loan was actually made... (chuckle)

Question: Any thoughts on whether I can help someone with the CN? i.e.: get persons name and send on their behalf?

Heather: This is about responsibility and liability... as a former attorney... we are trained to do "on behalf of"... what they don't tell you is that "on behalf of" establishes the incompetence of the one you are intent on helping... hence, purported judges instance on labelling and recording you as "pro se" and not "pro per"... pro se = appearing on behalf of one's self (FICTION) vs. pro per = appearing as your self (BE'ing).

Question: I'm looking for a remedy of not having the funds to pay my back taxes, the only remedy that is offered is to sell my home at tax sale, and that’s not very appealing, so this would make their actions illegal wouldn't it?

Heather: AND who is asking for payment (purported taxes)? Did you require them to produce their standing, authority, law, and the accommodation agreement with your wet-ink signature? They have to show those before they can demand something.

Question: Heather can you explain how the penal code (law) fits in with OPPT? Is there a hierarchy of law? Which law takes precedence over the other, which one is more important? Common Law or other Laws?

Heather: penal code... criminal code... all codes are private corporate rules operating under the guise of government, unless they can produce documentation of their standing, authority, law and your accommodation agreement with your wet-ink signature..."no one goes to jail without their consent" (from a retired judge).

Question: In a Federal Case brought against a friend and her Son for growing Marijuana for medicinal purposes in CA (where it is actually LEGAL TO DO) what would the best OPPT approach be. They are facing 15 years each. She had a Son who died of cancer when he was 9 and his oncologist was the one who taught her how to use it. The court will not allow medical data as a defence (even though it manufactures and exports it to other countries for medicinal use). She goes to Court on April 2nd I believe.

Heather: Is this about her and her story or is this about her saying to them "what is your standing, authority, law, and the original accommodation agreement with my wet-ink signature?" If they produced any of those documents then you would understand exactly how they got you to unknowingly, unwillingly, and intentionally consent to something you did not have the material facts to... and in the same instance they give you the evidence of their own "crimes" (chuckle)

Question: I wonder how will we travel from nation to nation with passports? Or with out Passports? Maybe another kind of Passport document?

Heather: ask for identification interview... they cannot lawfully and legally stop or deny any one the right to travel... unless you consent to them doing so.

Question: how can I use the CVAC to stop paying for the registration to the state on my car without having trouble with the so called police?

Heather: your car was still in the system prior to OPPT filings? There was a process to take it out of system (all car titles were held by agents of PTW... WB/IMF/BIS, etc.)... OPPT took care of all that in the filings... Courtesy Notices reference all of that and give them the terms and conditions to engage with you and your car (chuckle)...

Question: I have a mandatory invitation from the police for today - claiming something about purchase, possession and processing of some healing-herbs - that I NEVER "purchase" but FIND - NEVER claim to "possess" but merely >utilize and >share* - and the "processing" is more like an involuntary but definitely *desirable* occurrence.. I’ll just ignore that I guess.

Heather: Send them a courtesy notice with your terms and conditions to contract in order to engage with you... inclusive of condition to produce documentation of their standing, authority, law and original accommodation agreement with your wet-ink signature.

Question: Hemp is a great resource for lot of things. This is no joke. I heard hemp make very good writing paper.

Heather: Hemp plant... hhhmmm... restricting nature? What is their standing authority law and the accommodation agreement... have you seen the patent and the former UN treaties on marijuana/hemp? Oh my gosh it is as hilarious as CHINA making it illegal for any one to reincarnate without prior government approval (ROTFL)... ahhh but the Absolute Data on THAT is interesting! ;)... and no it is not a China/Tibet only issue...

Question: Is the National Security Act of 1947 going to shut down? I heard there was a lot of illegal operation, black operation to support the parallel government that runs behind National Security Act of 1947.

Heather: Cancelled last summer.

Question: If I understand the Doing correctly, in order to DO, it should be without reservation and with total and full BElief in what one is DOing; we have listened to many speak of this on the radio shows.

Heather: not belief... just conscious knowing, willing and intentional responsibility and liability for what one is DO'ing... knowing is more powerful, effective and attracts more energy behind it than belief... belief more than faith... all those are more when done consciously than unconsciously.

Question: You answered a previous question about Doing for someone else regarding the CN and I got that; my question is, when and how will this cease to be an issue for BEings that may not have the ability to do this on their own?

Heather: That is where I would say...Caleb, Randall, and I were knowingly, willingly, and consciously responsible and liable for what we chose to DO... BE responsible and liable for our respective BE'ing and DO'ing... but also consciously choosing to preserve that opportunity to BE and DO with responsibility and liability if they chose/choose to DO so. ASSISTING OTHERS TO ASSIST THEM SELF. I worked for over a year to make sure and refine my own process of assisting others to assist them self and NOT FOR BE TO DO ON THEIR BEHALF... wasn't perfect at it for sure... maybe still not... (heart)

Question: However, what if that person IS incompetent? We are paying my mother-in-law's mortgage and debts. She has stage 3 Alzheimer's and my husband has invoked the poa (power of attorney) for her. Can he send CNs on her behalf? Or should we have her sign the CNs, even though she would have no idea what she is signing (plus she is blind so signature, in addition to not being legible, would be nowhere near the line).

Heather: That is a different situation in where you consciously choose to be of service, with full responsibility liability... same as what the Trustees did with the foreclosure and preserving the opportunity... the people may not have asked for us to do that, but we had access to the mechanisms, operations, and data that the people did not (those that did have it were either participants/beneficiaries/agents of PTW, receiving an unlawful and illegal benefit... and then there were a few who tried to force their way into the club meanwhile charging those of the people they deemed worthy of taking with them or saying "I’ll get you this if you give me the authority to act for you, but I can't disclose things to you or none of us get paid... same game PTW played with their agents...THE PEOPLE DESERVED BETTER in our knowing... they deserve what is theirs)... sooooo DO consciously with full responsibility and liability... you are her co-custodians... DO'ing by preserving her opportunity to DO if and when she can.


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  1. Dear AK/Brian,
    Listening to a radio show it was mentioned that a detailed list of Judges etc causing harm to others is to be published. It was suggested it be called Treason Trackers. The energy of this action and this name hit me strongly as being harmful to you. Please explore this action. Perhaps a more fitting name might be Bright Lights blinded by darkness or some name that recognizes these souls that are still lost in transisition. For truly many are just doing their jobs and do not know the truth of the energetic accounting. Just my suggestions to help convert rather than bash these wayward sparks of humanity.
    "Kindness is Power"

  • I agree with you, it was not the kind of energetic we want to be working with, and the way the pitchfork crowd jumped on it was very disconcerting to me, D, KP, and Heather and others. We need to be careful in our word choices, that includes all of us.

    I deleted the post and had the video removed shortly after it went online. I don't want to discourage people from doing and being, but when something goes wrong we need to fix it, and we did.

    Creator Source knows exactly who these people are and we don't need to be compiling lists of them. We don't know their motives and what forces compel them to make the choices they do.


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    It is impossible for us to distinguish one anonymous poster from another, so please don't get upset if we don't remember your prior comment. There are good reasons for anonymous posting, but also remember the limitations it presents us on our end.

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