
Message from the Ashtar Command 7/11/12 ‘Media: Do What it is You do Best’ | The Galactic Free Press


Message from the Ashtar Command 7/11/12 ‘Media: Do What it is You do Best’

Remote sections of our overall plan are now being implemented in your world. We are taking note and watching over the continuing arrests of the many members of your criminal cabal and their underlings, and we see these arrests continuing smoothly and efficiently with no harm whatsoever coming to the courageous men and women on the front lines for you, the people of Earth. We are detecting a number of cabal agents and associates attempting to flee to avoid prosecution at this time. What we wish to do is contain these individuals and restrict their movements so as to better allow our Earth allies to move in and procure these arrests. How we wish to do this is a matter we will share directly with our Earth ally teams in the fields. We do not wish to tip our hats, as it were, and release this information to those who are targeted for these arrests.



We, naturally, do not wish to be overconfident and advise those who are to be arrested as to the methods of our operation and surveillance. We will say though that our methods and techniques are considerably more advanced than the methods of surveillance and tracking applied here in your 3rd dimensional world. We can monitor an individual’s heart rate from many miles and even dimensions away from the individual. We do not necessarily need to be in the same room, house or building as an individual to monitor his movements or even his thoughts, as we can do this if we so choose. We wish to remind you, our brothers and sisters, that we do not use these methods of surveillance with you. You are our brothers and sisters, you are family, and we do not have any need or want to surveil you or monitor you in this way.


There are those of you who, either before your current incarnation or even during your current incarnation, have agreed to take part in our measures of the human in thought, in physical functions and emotions, and for these individuals we do monitor them and keep abreast of developments in their health and their activities, but this is something far different than the norm for your people, as only a very select few have been partnered with us for this sort of monitoring and research. The purposes of this research is to gain clearer understandings scientifically and medically of the human species, as we wish to learn all we can about your people, your vessels and your physical and thought processes, all in the name of improving your stations and assisting you on your journey. These are the reasons we perform these tasks and for no other reason. We wish to make clear again that our purposes here are not for conquest or control, as this is hardly the case and far beneath the levels of our spiritual growth. We are here in service to our Creator and to you, and all our projects, surveys and research are designed to assist you and to help you advance to a much higher level of existence.


Our efforts to assist you in removing these individuals of your criminal cabal are another area of our endeavor where we feel our efforts will greatly assist you to advance to much higher standards, as these individuals have grown into a very formidable power and have been able to successfully repress your people, your sciences, your health systems, your wealth systems, your freedoms and even your thoughts and expressions for many eons of time, but their time has now come. Their numbers who walk in freedom today have dwindled already significantly, though there are so very many of them that these arrests will continue on into days and into weeks, this is a certainty, but we tell you with every hour, with every day, more of these dark ones are being rounded up and taken into custody by your human brothers and sisters who have dedicated themselves to carrying out this cleansing of your society.


What a joy it is to watch from our positions above them and beyond them, in a sense, and observe as they perform their duties courageously, professionally, and with great efficiency, skill and determination, as they locate and apprehend these individuals one by one, and in some cases in small groups, as some have gathered for their last days, hours and moments of freedom before they face justice which has always been inevitable for their crimes against you, our brothers and sisters.


There was never a moment where we, the Ashtar Command, did not fully believe and know that these individuals would be taken into custody, removed from your society forever. Knowing what is going to transpire and experiencing it are two very vastly different emotions and experiences. To be blessed to behold these arrests that have been planned and talked about for so very long is an experience beyond description, an enjoyment beyond description, a relief beyond the limiting words of language. We wish so dearly for you, our beloveds, to enjoy this experience just as we are and even more so, as it is your planet and you have been the oppressed for so very long and it is only right that you be permitted to behold and to see these individuals being taken into custody and removed from their positions of power and authority over you.


This cleansing is a purification of your world on many levels, and we wish for every individual of your planet that wishes to take part in this process, at least as an observer, to be permitted this right. We ask again today of the members of your media outlets all around your world to break free from those who have also oppressed you, who have also controlled, manipulated and threatened you, and even in the past have done harm to some of your profession who have tried to tell the truth and break free from these chains. Tell your oppressors no more will you control me, no more will you own me, no more can you bribe, threaten or manipulate me. Speak up and tell them their time has come and this time is now ours, and give this signal to your teams of reporters, cameramen, and sound and video technicians to get out there with these troops and law-enforcement officials all around your world and do what it is that they do best, do what it is that they have been so highly trained to do, do what it is they love, and do what it is they've taken a solemn oath to do and report the news to the people of your world who want this news, who need this news, who have longed for this news for ages.


It is their world, it is your world, and you will all share in its grand rewards very shortly we assure you, but something has to be done today before all these wonderful doors open for you. The people of your world need to see that these individuals who have controlled them, oppressed them, pushed them to the brink of financial ruin, starvation, illness and disease, have been cleansed from their society and no longer possess the ability to do them any harm in any way. This is what we ask of you today; do what it is that you do so well. Do what it is that you promised you would do if these arrests were to begin. They have begun. They are not in their early stages, but they are in a state of full momentum, and we tell you they will not slow and what has already taken place will not recede like the hands of a clock being pulled backward. We tell you that time will not rewind, and these individuals that have already been taken into custody will never see the light of day again until they are completely and purely rehabilitated, you have our word on this.


These individuals will not find legal loopholes or take refuge behind brilliant and cunning legal minds to wriggle out of the predicament they have gotten themselves into. There is only one escape for them, and that is full and complete rehabilitation, overseen by our professional staff who are highly experienced and skilled at what they do. We assure you once again that these individuals once taken into custody will not again be mixed with your people ever again unless they reach a state of spiritual and ethical understanding, and tell you that there is no faking this, that there is a very sound and accurate means to measure a beings vibrational frequency, and that this is precisely what we will do with these individuals.


Break free from the chains that have tied you to these dark souls now, there is no better time for this, there is no better day and there is no better occasion. Now is the perfect location to break this story and share it with the eyes and ears of your entire world. Whomever is the entity, whether it be an individual or a media corporation, will be regarded immediately by your people as a hero, a pioneer, a groundbreaker, and yes, in a way even a savior, although you all are your own saviors, we wish to make this clear to you. You are not waiting on anyone to come and save you. It is you, the people of Earth, who have the opportunity and the means to save yourselves from another day of oppression and a life within the limitations of lack and scarcity, conflict, destruction, pollution, misery and hardship. It is time for all of you to work together and lift yourselves far beyond the borders of this limiting dimensional existence. You can do it; you now have the tools, you now have the backup, you now have the golden opportunity to change for the better your entire reality and the lives of each and every individual all across your planet.


We are with you every step and every breath of the way, and we will do everything within our power to prevent any harm to come to you or any of your loved ones, friends, coworkers, and even acquaintances. We have superior means of protection and surveillance, and we are in position at this very moment and will not take our eyes off you for one second while you think about what it is that it is now time for you to do. Thank you, the courageous men and women on your front lines and we ask you, the men and women of your worldwide media; isn't it now time you joined your brethren in this fight, this struggle for true freedom, peace and prosperity for the people of your world?


We are your friends, your family and your coworkers who exist within the higher dimensional levels of this universe, but we are also right here with you, our brothers and sisters of Earth. We are the Ashtar Command.


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Cobra- The Plan | The Galactic Free Press


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Plan


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Kauilapele's Blog A Message of Clarity Regarding “Mass Arrests”… from RS | The Galactic Free Press

Kauilapele's Blog A Message of Clarity Regarding “Mass Arrests”… from RS

Posted on 2012/07/11

This message from RS came to my inbox today, and I felt strongly that it was to be shared. This may assist some, many, a “mass” of you, as it did me. Thank you, RS, for this. [note: go to 2012 Scenario for a number of articles discussing "containment"]


July 11, 2012 9:16 AM
Hello K,

First and foremost thank you for your diligent work as a lightworker!!!
Your ‘site’ and “insight” brings me great joy and comfort daily.

I often get my own messages from source and I received something last night that I felt worthy of sharing with you.

I, like many others, was looking for the Mass Arrests several weeks ago and was concerned over the appearance of delays. (this originally was as I “thought” they should look, complete with perp walks and jailing)

Then it occurred to me we do “have” mass arrests right in front of us!

When I do get my messages from source they are NEVER wrong or inaccurate, and the only time they appear “off the mark” is when I have layered some part of my own human perception onto the words, symbols or messages I have been given.

I was told to examine each of the words in Mass Arrests by definition to see if that resonates with greater clarity. The key is to define each word of Mass Arrests.

a) pertaining to, involving, or affecting a large number of people
b) a collection of incoherent particles, parts, or objects regarded as

1. To stop; to check or hinder the motion or action of; as, to arrest the current of a river; to arrest the senses.
2. The act of stopping, or restraining from further motion, etc.; stoppage; hindrance; restraint; as, an arrest of development .

If we are to truly embrace this transformation then we must remove our 3D expectations and see things for how they manifest / appear.


By looking at the two words MASS could mean the many particles and parts that form one governing body of Cabal/ illuminati/ or the PTW Powers That Were,
and ARRESTS could mean the act of stopping or restraining from further motion.


In that case, I feel like we all have abundant confirmation that Mass Arrests by means of containment or other divinity have and are taking place.


And the “light” bulb moment for me was “of course there would never be “PERP WALKS AND JAILING!” How UNEVOLVED and cabal-like that would be!!!

I hope this might resonate and bring great peace to you or your many loyal followers.

Much love and light, RS



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MSNBC: A scandal over rate-fixing is about to hit the US | The Galactic Free Press


A scandal over rate-fixing is about to hit the US

© Phil Noble / Reuters / REUTERS

A branch of Barclays bank is seen in northern England.

By Roland Jones

It may seem like just another obscure banking scandal at a 322-year-old British bank, but there are a number of good reasons why you should care about the LIBOR rate-rigging scandal now roiling the world’s biggest and most powerful banks, including that it probably cost you money if you own a mortgage.

In late June, Barclays paid $453 million to regulators in the U.K and the U.S. to settle accusations that it had tried to influence LIBOR, or the London interbank offered rate -- a benchmark interest rate that affects the price at which consumers and companies across the world borrow funds.

The rate, which is fixed via a poll of banks by the British Bankers’ Association, an industry group in London, is the benchmark for setting payments on some $360 trillion worth of financial instruments, ranging from credit cards to more complex derivatives, such as futures contracts.

The potential scope of the unfolding scandal, now acquiring global significance, is enormous. Other banks that have disclosed that they are under investigation for LIBOR manipulation include big U.S. banks, such as Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase, and also HSBC, Deutsche Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland.


read more: http://marketday.msnbc.msn.com/_news/2012/07/11/12684779-a-scandal-over-rate-fixing-is-about-to-hit-the-us


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JPMorgan Complicit In Vatican Bank Money-Laundering: Jamie Dimon Seeks Time Alone With Pope To “Confess” | The Galactic Free Press


July 3, 2012

Embroiled in another financial scandal pertaining to the laundering of money, the Vatican bank has been called by Forbe’s “the most secret bank in the world” and faces international scrutiny in its highly secretive banking model. Although details are limited to the public, it is clear that the Vatican bank is facing pressure from Italian and European officials over its innerworkings. In short, the bank has laundered billions of dollars. It has had help of course, in the deeply interwoven network of high finance, and none other than US bank JPMorgan abetted highly suspicious transactions, although the bank has yet to be accused of laundering itself. Though, this is a no-brainer considering the accounts the bank hosted for the Vatican.

This part of the story begins when Gottii Tedeschi, now former head of Vatican bank, was relieved when four men waiting for him in the street while he was on his way to work were not hit men. They were investigators with the Carabinieri, Italy’s national military police force. Before he had reached his car, they had served him a search warrant. They escorted him back to his house, where they for many hours searched through his home office. Simultaneously, the military police force was searching through Gotti Tedeschi’s office in Milan. They confiscated two computers, two cabinets’ full of binders, a planner and his briefcase. The documents confiscated from Gotti Tadeschi, who was once a confidant of the pope, “provided Italian law-enforcement officials insight into the innermost workings of the Vatican bank.” According to Germany’s

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How the New York Times Hides the Truth About Wall Street's Catastrophic Misdeeds | The Galactic Free Press

The paper of record is in serious need of a fact checker when it comes to whether the Glass-Steagall Act could have prevented the financial crisis.

AlterNet By Pam Martens
July 1, 2012

The following piece is a co-exclusive

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

How the New York Times Hides the Truth About Wall Street's Catastrophic Misdeeds | The Galactic Free Press

The paper of record is in serious need of a fact checker when it comes to whether the Glass-Steagall Act could have prevented the financial crisis.

AlterNet By Pam Martens
July 1, 2012

The following piece is a co-exclusive

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Governments Don’t Manipulate the Price of Gold … Do They?

By Washingtons Blog - July 11th, 2012, 1:30AM

Gordon Brown Sold Britain’s Gold at Artificially Low Prices to Bail Out a Large American Bank


The Telegraph’s Thomas Pascoe reported Thursday:

One decision stands out as downright bizarre, however: the sale of the majority of Britain’s gold reserves for prices between $256 and $296 an ounce ….

When Brown decided to dispose of almost 400 tonnes of gold between 1999 and 2002, he did two distinctly odd things.

First, he broke with convention and announced the sale well in advance, giving the market notice that it was shortly to be flooded and forcing down the spot price. This was apparently done in the interests of “open government”, but had the effect of sending the spot price of gold to a 20-year low, as implied by basic supply and demand theory.

Second, the Treasury elected to sell its gold via auction. Again, this broke with the standard model. The price of gold was usually determined at a morning and afternoon “fix” between representatives of big banks whose network of smaller bank clients and private orders allowed them to determine the exact price at which demand met with supply.

The auction system again frequently achieved a lower price than the equivalent fix price. The first auction saw an auction price of $10c less per ounce than was achieved at the morning fix. It also acted to depress the price of the afternoon fix which fell by nearly $4.

It seemed almost as if the Treasury was trying to achieve the lowest price possible for the public’s gold. It was.

One of the most popular trading plays of the late 1990s was the carry trade, particularly the gold carry trade.

In this a bank would borrow gold from another financial institution for a set period, and pay a token sum relative to the overall value of that gold for the privilege.

Once control of the gold had been passed over, the bank would then immediately sell it for its full market value. The proceeds would be invested in an alternative product which was predicted to generate a better return over the period than gold which was enduring a spell of relative price stability, even decline.

At the end of the allotted period, the bank would sell its investment and use the proceeds to buy back the amount of gold it had originally borrowed. This gold would be returned to the lender. The borrowing bank would trouser the difference between the two prices.

This plan worked brilliantly when gold fell and the other asset – for the bank at the heart of this case, yen-backed securities – rose. When the prices moved the other way, the banks were in trouble.

This is what had happened on an enormous scale by early 1999. One globally significant US bank in particular is understood to have been heavily short on two tonnes of gold, enough to call into question its solvency if redemption occurred at the prevailing price.

Goldman Sachs, which is not understood to have been significantly short on gold itself, is rumoured to have approached the Treasury to explain the situation through its then head of commodities Gavyn Davies, later chairman of the BBC and married to Sue Nye who ran Brown’s private office.

Faced with the prospect of a global collapse in the banking system, the Chancellor took the decision to bail out the banks by dumping Britain’s gold, forcing the price down and allowing the banks to buy back gold at a profit, thus meeting their borrowing obligations.

I spoke with Peter Hambro, chairman of Petroplavosk and a leading figure in the London gold market, late last year and asked him about the rumours above.

“I think that Mr Brown found himself in a terrible position,” he said.

“He was facing a problem that was a world scale problem where a number of financial institutions had become voluntarily short of gold to the extent that it was threatening the stability of the financial system and it was obvious that something had to be done.”


Responsibility is evaded by all bar those on whose shoulders it ought to rest. The gold panic of 1999 was expensively paid for by the British public.

JP Morgan was wildly short gold in 1999. See this and this. As Reginald Howe has noted:

Prior to 1999, [JP] Morgan had never held more than about $20 billion in total gold derivatives, nor more than 28% of the total outstanding for all banks. But beginning in the second quarter of 1999 [before Brown announced the British gold sales], Morgan took on a much larger role in the under-one-year maturities, possibly presaging the the British gold sales. Then, during the last half of 1999, Morgan more than doubled its total gold derivatives, taking them from $18.4 billion to $38.1 billion, which amounted to 43% of the total for all U.S. banks reporting to the Comptroller of the Currency. What is more, Morgan’s over 40% dominance stretched across all maturities. In the fourth quarter alone, it increased its gold derivatives with maturities over one year by more than 80% to $17.1 billion from $9.4 billion.

(Citi was the third American bank with a huge short gold position in 1999, trailing JP Morgan with the biggest position and Goldman with the second largest.)

But would government employees actually manipulate the price of gold?

Yes, actually. As Fed chairman Alan Greenspan said in official remarks in 1998:

Private counterparties in oil contracts have virtually no ability to restrict the worldwide supply of this commodity. (Even OPEC has been less than successful over the years.) Nor can private counterparties restrict supplies of gold, another commodity whose derivatives are often traded over-the-counter, where central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise.

Many other governmental sources have confirmed gold manipulation as well.

As CNBC reports today:

Gold may have been manipulated like the London interbank rate or Libor over a long time frame, Ned Naylor-Leyland, investment director at Cheviot [with around $300 million under management], told CNBC.

The scandal surrounding the fixing of the Libor has opened markets up to “more scrutiny and more investigation,” Naylor-Leyland said.

He expects to see revelations over the next few months that the price of gold was also manipulated because “gold and silver reflect the true value of money the same way interest rates do.”

“It is effectively an intervention in two ways; one would be the fact that for central banks, gold and silver going up doesn’t make their currency look any good, and secondly a number of the big commercial banks have very large short positions which they like to manage and make easy money from,” he said.


Chris Powell, Secretary and Treasurer of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee told CNBC in June that “as central banks are interested in supporting government bonds and the dollar and keeping interest rates low, they continue to manipulate the gold market”.

And raiding so-called “allocated” gold accounts is another form of manipulation.

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~The Galactic Free Press Short Update~ Intense Energy has Been Released~




Greetings Love Beings, We come with a short update to share with you what is Currently Unfolding. We now have a Huge Energetic Wave of an intense Energy which was released over the past 72 Hours. This Energy will be bursting forth in a very High Vibrational Rate into Your DNA. Like Red Energy bursting forth from within You.



Through Synchronostic Events in these Last 72 Hours we were guided to be in nature as this Energy was released. During these Moments, We also Had an Amazing Event With Musician Ben Harper, whose Synchronostic Music we have shared many times in Our Updates and Love Parties. He was playing at a nearby Festival. During hearing him play, 3 of our craft appeared in the sky directly ahead of US. Giving a Thumbs Up. These next 8 Days will Be Very Powerful for those Awake In the Light.


A Picture of our Campground V= Victory



We would Like to Reheart you, all the events we have been sharing will and are occurring Synchronostically, which means in the Present Moment of Now. If you are not present you will not be experiencing what is unfolding. Our Roles are to report to you The Present Moment as this is the Real Galactic Center and The Complete Alignment of Humanity's Destiny for 2012. All of Humanity is Moving together into The Present Moment of Now.



Ben Harper High Sierra Festival 2012 Diamonds On the Inside


We Will have more to share about what is Now unfolding in our Next Regular Update.


~Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies~



Ben Harper Better Way


 Central Stargate~Portal of Light Has Formed and Stabilized…



by ÉirePort
This Stargate-Portal is named such as it connects Galactic Center to Sol center to Gaia center. Direct connection of these energy centers enables direct communication of each, for each, as well as direction communication of Galactic Sol with Hue-man Soul. For those that receive this direct communication, those shall be beams of Light for all within their locales. No effort is needed and none is requested. Only receptivity at Higher Levels.

The close-minded of all types are being removed to their next house of containment. The close minded are no longer permitted to distribute lower energies to Hue-manity. The Central Stargate Portal has sealed the fate of those limited ones, and they shall be repaired elsewhere.

The Central Stargate Portal may be called on by all those with open minds and hearts and desire to attune with, assist, and ascend with Gaia. All requests with such alignment are honored, and manifest as needed for each individual, group, and planetary body.

We thank those who have continued on in the face of what has been termed "delays". None of those exist in truth. Timing is in perfection, and Central Stargate Portal assures all Light from Cosmic Central supports ascension.


Evaluations Complete. Channels Selected. Preparations for next phase have been completed. Awaiting signal to proceed.


Montague Keen through Veronica Keen "The movement towards the Light is gathering momentum. Please do your utmost to spread the Light to those who have not, as yet, embraced it."


 Conversation on July 9th, 2012 [2:55:48 PM] Denize Sarikoz: felt the portal opening and had a blast this weekend...it was like so fluid energy when you guys were up there and hold that love energy...saturday morning around 5am i saw the pink energy on the nature...and felt the highest healing energy...Mother Earth is so happy and I was flying like a kite


 July 9th [6:23:00 PM] Denize Sarikoz message to Mother and Father God: "there is cloud shape like a lion sitting and chin up...and across from it there is another cloud shape like an eagle...my heart says this is the sign for the completion...balance harmonics...energies are balancing and the Love Everywhere Present has been achieved & anchored in Planet Mother Earth...yessssssssss Finally!!!"

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous





by GLR Astrologer Salvardor Russo


Beginning July 13, 2012 the false empire that has been erected over humanity by those who serve evil and who rebel against God will experience a controlled demolition that will stun and stagger those with the eyes for it. An onslaught of covert strikes will be dealt to them from beyond the boundary of space-time that will induce sudden catastrophes, malfunctions, and terminations of their efforts to enslave and destroy life on planet Earth. As many of their leaders fall voids of authority will allow for humanity to gain vantage points that will allow for the Light to overtake once dark territory. As this ancient battle continues wondrous cultural and evolutionary changes will enthrall the citizens of Earth. This retrograde, which ends December 13th, leads us to the doorstep of a new age. I welcome all who seek higher awareness about the momentous times in which we live to my humble interpretation of the 2012 Uranus retrograde in the House of Aries.


Chaos For Their Order


For centuries the Sons of Darkness have attempted to gain total control of the Earth with arrogant defiance and utter contempt toward the will and authority of God. Their reward during this retrograde will be a paralyzing level of disruption and disorder that will rapidly escalate into various forms of unmanageable crisis and breakdowns of command and control. This state will come by way of the following types of events: violent accidents, assassination, murder, suicides, disappearances, sudden health failures, emergency evacuations, factional war, defections, high-profile lawsuits and scandals, arrests, forced resignations, the abandonment of positions, the seizure of assets, broken alliances, insider whistleblowing, equipment failures, mass revolts, and unexpected changes of heart. The scale of the disaster will demoralize even the most loyal among them and will scatter the less dedicated like roaches under sunlight. The lawless should fear this period of time.


Media Fanfare


During this time the mainstream media will be riddled with unprecedented numbers of special reports and bulletins, many of which will interrupt regularly scheduled programming, to cover these monumental and historic events as they break. Jupiter’s Gemini influence will ensure maximum exposure in the realms of broadcast and citizen journalism, television, radio, internet, newspapers, and social media. Shame will shower those involved as the subject matter will center upon sordid topics like atrocity, human rights abuse, and high crimes. The coverage of grotesque frauds, corruption, and conspiracy will follow suit. There will be many failed attempts to conceal and distort these types of events, reports, and investigations.


Whistleblowers will play a special role as their disclosures will create instant shifts in dynamics and public perception. Many sectors of the criminal consortium will implode from pressure as free-fall collapses in trust and value occur. The industry titans who have long colluded with world government and banking institutions at the expense of the people will suffer greatly. As their masks are removed confidence and trust in them will shatter like glass blasted by bullet spray.


Checkmate Cyberspace


One of the more spectacular elements of this retrograde will focus on what occurs in cyberspace. Advanced technologies from friends in high places who are beyond the reach of retaliation will decimate the systems and technologies that are most intimately connected with warfare, spying, and gross violations of personal privacy. The agencies involved with these activities will suffer indefensible attacks, irrecoverable losses, and massive leaks of sensitive information. The international hacker group known as ANONYMOUS will be highly effective against these agencies using methods yet unseen. With time it will become clear that the element of surprise has and will always belong to the Almighty.


Revolutionary Effects


Drastic increases in collective awareness will come naturally during this period. The magnitude of the exposures will be impossible to deny or ignore and will prompt a re-ordering of the social structure from the ground up. The public will mobilize and campaign furiously against those connected to the abuse and subjugation of mankind. As their dark ranks are diminished individuals who serve the will of God will find themselves in increasingly higher stations of authority and influence. Social cohesion will surge as an “us versus them” mentality spreads. Low and middle ranking defectors will align themselves with the people to produce force multiplication effects. As victories fuel motivation an emboldened population will press for and secure positive social changes during and beyond this retrograde phase.


Society In Transition


As it becomes increasingly understood that the systems and structures that we’ve trusted and relied upon for decades are broken and corrupt beyond repair new inventions, services, and support systems will begin to appear to create success where they have failed. The retrograde influence will stimulate innovative and pioneering approaches that will be necessary to transition society into the new paradigm of science and spirit. By adapting to inevitable change and choosing to serve social needs one will find success with speed.


Expect to witness the rise of self-sustaining communities that decentralize power from those who have sought to obtain oppressive control. A growing sense of cultural self-reliance will rise along with easy-to-replicate systems, models, and processes that local governments will use to effectively and prosperously meet the needs of their constituents. These types of solutions will be exported and implemented in other locations with ease, like software being shared amongst computers. Technology will play an increasingly important role in the healing of society, the global economy, and the potentiation of mankind.


Saturn Enters Scorpio


As the Sons of Darkness and their human servants are shocked and stunned with setback and loss a foreboding event will occur on October 5th: Saturn will begin its 29 month transit through the House of Scorpio. Saturn’s Scorpio transit will see crippling physical limitations and forms of curses placed upon those who have chosen to work against humanity in secret and subversive ways. Horrifying disclosures that will implicate the highest offices with the most heinous crimes will be a major transit theme. Take comfort in knowing this higher truth: that as we embark into the Age of Aquarius those who rebel against God will find themselves in their weakest state and on a trajectory that will further worsen sun by sun and moon by moon. Shackles, weights, and unbearable exposure come for them as Saturn enters Scorpio.


Higher Self Activations


One of the most wondrous things that will happen to people on a personal level during this time will be the sudden establishment of conscious connection to their Higher Self, a profoundly liberating and empowering event that changes the nature and course of one’s life forever. Clear and constant Divine inspiration is the benefit of such a connection. It allows one to consciously choose the most optimal life course, dramatically improve their circumstances, and willfully participate in the building of God’s kingdom here on Earth.


The point at which one is awakened to this higher state of consciousness is encoded in the DNA and becomes activated by planetary gravity as our luminaries transit into specific astronomical degrees. Those who have birth planets between the 4th and 8th degrees should be especially alert during this retrograde as you will be affected far beyond those without them. For those to whom this passage will apply this will be a time of unparalleled excitement and self-discovery. The realization of the Higher Self is the first true step in a human’s multidimensional awakening.


Evolutionary Upgrades


One of the most exciting elements about this retrograde is the effect it will have on the evolution of humanity. The energy emitted by planet Uranus will be unlocking our DNA in mysterious, radical, and unexpected ways that will enable quantum leaps in ability, extrasensory perception, and intuition. The source of these enhancements is found in the awakening of dormant areas of the human brain, for example, in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain that processes what we know commonly as psychic ability. Spontaneous higher mind functioning will manifest as new neural networks, connections, and pathways are formed which will allow for astonishing new levels of function and performance. The purpose is aimed at one primary objective: to enable humanity to live multi-dimensionally.


Group Souls Unite


As Earth citizens awaken into higher consciousness they will begin to congregate and collaborate with one another to fulfill group soul objectives, meaning, that the souls who incarnated on Earth to help one another accomplish otherwise impossible tasks will be finding each other in droves during this retrograde. The connections will be extraordinarily synchronistic and occur in relative secrecy. There will be an overwhelming sense of guidance that is felt as these spiritual teammates find each other. They will fit together like pieces of a puzzle and they will complement each other perfectly. Their destinies will be fulfilled through one another and their contributions will eventually culminate with the permanent overthrow of darkness on Earth. Be watchful for unusually positive chemistry with those whom you happen to meet by “chance.”


Angelic Interface


One of the most beautiful things about this retrograde period will be that more and more contact will be made between human beings and God’s loving and virtuous angels. The higher multi-dimensional awareness and perception that Uranus enables will promote conscious observation and interaction with benevolent life that exists in the higher frequency ranges otherwise known as the Divine realms. Angels exist to serve the will of God and so they are our spiritual partners here to assist us in our individual and planetary ascent. God’s angels will reveal themselves in subtle yet unmistakable ways, for example, by introducing flashes of brilliantly colored light into your line of sight, sending gentle energy pulses into your hands and feet, and by filling your heart with sudden and overwhelming joy.


Prophetic Dreams


For the first time ever and because of the Uranus retrograde influence vast portions of Earth’s population will begin to dream about the future, for themselves, for others, and for the world. Dreams where potential futures are revealed will be the most common, their purpose being to encourage, forewarn, and to help us choose the most optimal life directions. God’s angels will deliver these dreams so be sure to take them seriously and to diligently interpret their highly symbolic and allegorical meanings. I encourage you all to share and discuss what you receive in your sleep. In truth, the dreams that we have mirror the cosmos as we sleep.


Anger Weaponized


For the sake of vigilance I wish to shed light on some important points that will forewarn you of tactics that our enemies will try to use against us during this time. I’ll begin with anger and rage as these emotions belong to the lower vibrational spectrum of Aries, the House that Uranus currently transits. These emotions have an incredibly toxic and limiting effect on human life. They are destructive and they will be used to try and sabotage the success of positive social change as well as the spiritual ascent of the populace. Recognize those who propagate these vibrations into the world as agents of the old world who wish to stifle the coming glory that is promised to the Earth. Avoid the venoms of anger, rage, violence, and destructive acts lest you become paralyzed by them.   


Enemy Tactics


As the world is rocked by explosive revelations our enemies will attempt to capitalize on the instability by using divide and conquer tactics to try and circumvent unification efforts. Always remember that we have far more in common than we have not and that there is great power in unity. They know this and they fear this, that is why they will virulently attempt to pit us against one another by any means necessary. The truth is that the more we unite and focus our collective energy on achieving specific objectives that benefit all people, the faster the world transform in our favor. We must and we will be united.


Seek Outlets


There is a danger that some of us may be taken by overwhelming feelings of disenfranchisement and hopelessness. Always remember that radical, unexpected, permanently life altering experiences are part of the times in which we live. Do not allow these events to disable your ability to act in positive ways that benefit self and society. If these words become applicable seek outlets that will allow you to effect positive changes to your surroundings quickly and perhaps even exponentially. I assure you that there will never be a shortage of them. Positive and rapid refocus is the key. Uranus in Aries means that eventually we will all find ourselves in circumstances that require us to embrace something that is totally new and in a way that demands both confidence and courage to succeed. Be brave as the Earth is reborn.


Energy Overload


I must emphasize the importance of grounding during these times of unprecedented leaps in human evolution. It is possible for us to become physically overwhelmed by the high-powered attunements that come from the cosmos. Connecting with Mother Nature is the best way to ground excess energy that can manifest as mental overloads and energetic burnout. If you ever feel that you are crackling with an uncomfortable amount of energy try these simple steps to properly ground and stabilize yourself: walking barefoot in nature, holding, wearing, or meditating with smoky quartz, incorporating more foods that have grounding properties into your diet like the starches, roots, and legumes, staying super-hydrated, and getting as much extra sleep as possible. Evolution isn’t supposed to hurt. Look to nature for solutions.


Have No Fear


Never forget that the changes we will all experience are designed in God’s perfect love, wisdom, and power. It is His authority that guides Earthly events so as sudden changes in life trajectory manifest, embrace them with faith and trust instead of fear and doubt, no matter how drastic they may be. Evolution and revolution are linguistic siblings. Think of them as mascots of our times. If we’re not living in both an evolutionary and revolutionary way, then dear readers, we are living incorrectly. Keep these siblings close to heart as we journey together through and beyond this retrograde. As astonishing as this time will be for us it is but a glint in the sun of what comes for our race. May courage replace fear and may wisdom impart strength.


My Words To You


I myself have and continue to personally experience many of the things which I have written to you. I am not the person I was a few short years ago. I will never forget the days when Uranus struck, so to speak. March 11th, 2011, the day of the tsunami in Japan was one of those days. I recall how my wife and I, at that exact moment, were downloaded with our spiritual names as well as other profound insights. For me Uranus in Aries has meant the bold embracing of a calling and profession as an astrologer, something that never once crossed my mind in my entire life, until Uranus struck, so to speak.


Looking back I marvel because I realize the types of things that have happened to me have yet to happen to the majority of Earth’s population, simply because Uranus is young in its transit. I live in near-constant excitement because I know that what is happening to humanity is unstoppable and that it leads to our permanent liberation and fulfillment of our Divine potential. It brings me great joy to have begun to both understand and accept that there is far, far more to life than what meets the eye.


Through it all there has been one person who has always encouraged and supported me as I’ve grown into my new self. This person is none other than my beloved wife Alexis whose spiritual name is Amari. It was she who gave me the push to take the leap of faith required of me to embrace my new path. I am not alone in my spiritual service as Amari has been enormously blessed with clairvoyant ability that allows her to see and know all things about a person, often simply from a glance. I encourage my readers, especially those who are female, to become acquainted with her that she may serve you excellently with her gifts.


At last I commit this work into the benevolent care of God Almighty and His son whom I serve, the Light in my life, Jesus Christ, that it is guided according to His will.




Astrologer Salvador Russo


I welcome my readers to the free cosmic translations I share periodically on Facebook . Look for and "like" Starseed Astrology


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I welcome professional contacts @ www.linkedin.com/in/salvadorrusso


If you’d like to know how the Uranus Rx will impact you specifically I can be booked directly through the services page of www.starseedastrology.com.


My clairvoyant wife Alexis can be booked directly through her site www.mysticamari.com where her growing list of testimonials can also be viewed.


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PFGBest, Brokerage Firm, Missing Over $200 Million In Customer Funds As Founder Attempts Suicide | The Galactic Free Press


PFGBest, Brokerage Firm, Missing Over $200 Million In Customer Funds As Founder Attempts Suicide

Reuters Posted: 07/09/2012 8:33 pm Updated: 07/10/2012 1:09 pm
By Tom Polansek and David Sheppard

CHICAGO/NEW YORK, July 9 (Reuters) - More than $200 million in customer funds appears to be missing from the accounts of U.S. futures broker PFGBest, regulators said on Monday just hours after the firm's founder attempted suicide outside the company's Iowa headquarters.

The suicide attempt and missing money renewed anxiety over the stability of the brokerage industry less than a year after the collapse of much larger MF Global. PFGBest told customers their funds had been frozen and clients would be allowed to liquidate open trading positions, but would not be able to withdraw funds or make new trades until further notice.
The National Futures Association (NFA), an industry group that also plays a regulatory role, said it had issued an emergency order to effectively freeze PFGBest's operations after finding that a U.S. bank account the broker said contained $225 million in customer funds actually held only $5 million.

"It appears that PFG does not have sufficient assets to meet its obligations to its customers," the NFA said.

The disclosure came hours after owner Russell Wasendorf Sr., a 40-year veteran of futures markets, was found in his car near the company's new headquarters, having apparently attempted suicide. He is in critical condition at the University of Iowa Hospitals, according to local news reports.

PFGBest, which has brokered trades in U.S. commodity and forex futures and options for 20 years, told clients it was in liquidation-only status as "some accounting irregularities are being investigated regarding company accounts."

"What this means is no customers are able to trade except to liquidate positions. Until further notice, PFGBEST is not authorized to release any funds," the note said.

PFGBest officials were not immediately available to comment. Local law enforcement officials said the investigation would soon likely pass to the U.S. Attorney's Office.

With about $400 million in segregated customer accounts, less than a tenth the amount MF Global had when it filed for bankruptcy, the fallout will be less severe. But the news still sent shockwaves through the futures industry and added new agony for some traders still missing money from MF Global.

"For the futures market, it's horrible," said James Koutoulas, a commodities trader and president of hedge fund Typhon Capital, who has led a campaign among former MF Global customers to recoup their funds. "It's a crisis of confidence."

Koutoulas said he had nine accounts at PFGBest. His initial instructions to traders were not to liquidate the accounts. Instead, he will keep them open as long as he wants to be in the trades. He will liquidate if he does not like the positions before they are bulk transferred somewhere.


One broker at PFGBest said that Wasendorf's son, Russ Wasendorf Jr., briefed employees about the events earlier in the day, saying that a suicide note had been found alluding to some kind of financial troubles with the company. The younger Wasendorf "sounded like he was in another world."

"Everybody here is obviously in shock," said the broker, adding that some employees had begun packing up shortly after the announcements. "Pretty much everybody around here said we're doomed."

One former employee of the firm said he had grown concerned that Wasendorf did not do more to distance the company from a massive $194 million forex-trading Ponzi scheme run by Trevor Cook in Minnesota, who admitted defrauding more than 700 investors. Cook is serving 25 years in prison.

In February PFGBest, which had acted as Cook's broker, was fined $700,000 by the NFA for failing to notice the scheme. The company was subsequently sued for $48 million by the receiver rounding up the assets from Cook's scheme.

The NFA said on Monday that on June 29, PFGBest clearing unit Peregrine Financial Group (PFG) told the NFA that it held $400 million in customer segregated funds, of which more than $225 million was on deposit at an unnamed U.S. bank.

But on Monday, after receiving information that PFG's founder and owner may have falsified bank records, the NFA said that only $5 million was on account at the bank days earlier. It also said that previous bank balances from February 2010 and March 2011, reported in excess of $200 million, may in fact have held less than $10 million at those times.


PFGBest is far smaller than the big investment banks that dominate the brokerage business, but was among a dozen or so well-known independent firms that tended to cater to local traders, farmers or smaller market players.

Russell Wasendorf Sr. started as a commodities trader in the basement of his Cedar Falls home in 1972, offering seminars and educational programs to other traders. In 1990 he launched Peregrine Financial Group, which would become PFGBest, and was an early promoter of electronic trading systems.

He expanded the business in the late 1980s after making a windfall profit for himself and customers by advising them to short the financial futures market 10 days before the "Black Monday" stock market crash of 1987, the firm's website says.

The firm grew significantly over the past decade, opening offices in Canada and Shanghai and buying smaller rival Alaron in 2009. It also moved its headquarters from Chicago back to a purpose-built facility in Wasendorf's hometown of Cedar Falls, with plans to accommodate up to 300 employees.

It was outside the firm's 50,000 square-foot, three-story glass headquarters - an $18 million structure that was celebrated for its eco-friendly construction and four-star employee cafeteria - that local authorities found him shortly after 8 a.m. local time.

The Black Hawk County Sheriff's Office responded to a report of a suicide attempt and transported the victim to the local hospital, Sheriff Tony Thompson said. He declined to identify the victim or say how the victim had attempted suicide.

The county sheriff will likely pass the investigation over to the U.S. Attorney's Office within the next 12 hours "based on the nature of the investigation," Thompson said. He said he could not release additional information.


PFGBest Missing Customer Funds Held In JPMorgan Chase Account

Posted: 07/10/2012 12:35 pm
By Mark Gongloff

Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, testifies before the House Financial Services Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, on Tuesday, June 19, 2012.

The unfolding PFGBest debacle looks like the MF Global debacle in a lot of ways, including missing customer funds held in a JPMorgan Chase account.

JPMorgan has not been accused of any wrongdoing in the case -- and probably won't be. But this is another problem to add to the biggest U.S. bank's long and growing list of problems, from its London Whale losses to its involvement in the Libor scandal.

PFGBest, a brokerage firm based in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Monday froze its client accounts and disclosed that its founder had been hospitalized following a suicide attempt. The National Futures Association and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission have filed enforcement actions against the firm, accusing it of irregularities in its accounting of customer money.

The amount of client money missing is smaller in this case than in that of MF Global: about $200 million missing, compared with more than $1 billion at MF Global. But, as with MF Global, PFGBest's customer money was held in a JPMorgan Chase account.

JPMorgan was not accused of wrongdoing in the MF Global case. But it did have to answer questions about the handling of MF Global customer funds. It may now have to answer questions along similar lines.

A JPMorgan spokesman declined to comment.

JPMorgan spokespeople have earned their keep in the past few months, starting with the bank's revelation that it had lost $2 billion and counting on bad credit-derivatives trades by a London trader known as "the London Whale." The bank is expected to reveal details of its losses on Friday, when it's due to report quarterly earnings.

Then last week brought a New York Times story that the bank had pushed mutual fund customers into its own high-fee funds. Meanwhile, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is investigating charges that the bank manipulated power markets in California and the Midwest.

And JPMorgan is one of the many banks reportedly under investigation in the ever-growing Libor scandal.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

All That Glitters: Is the Gold Market Rigged? | The Galactic Free Press

GFP Note: A recent article indicates that silver will form the final stake that brings down the "Banking Industry."

Exclusive: Mark Leibovit on how recent events will affect precious metals.

WND Commentary
by Mark Leibovit


In my VR Gold Letter, I have recently pointed out the “seasonal” tendency for a rally in July, even though there could also be risk of another sell-off into the fall before the traditional September-to-February bigger seasonal rally. Well, it appears we’re underway.

Interestingly, the confluence of potentially bullish regulatory/political events has helped confirm these positives, most notably the work of Ron Paul, the Barclays Libor scandal and the accusation that JP Morgan has been “manipulating” (suppressing) the silver market for several years. Bringing these events to light might now dramatically change the dynamics of the metals markets – allowing supply and demand, rather than illicit actions, to determine prices.

Market manipulation

One of the biggest issues for the gold and silver markets has been the consistent interference on the part of world governments, especially the U.S. government, in the silver and gold futures markets. Gold is so important that Western central banks – particularly the U.S. Treasury and its Exchange Stabilization Fund, the Federal Reserve and allied central banks – rig the gold market every day, even hour by hour.

Why do they do this? Because gold is a powerful competitive currency that, if allowed to function in a free market, determines the value of other currencies and influences interest rates and the value of government bonds.

So, although “conspiracy theorists” have argued for decades that the gold and silver markets have been manipulated by central governments, it is not conspiracy. It is fact.

GATA to the forefront

The work of Bill Murphy and Chris Powell at the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, or GATA, has been invaluable in seeking out the truth. To obtain proof of its allegations, GATA has sued central banks and particularly the U.S. Federal Reserve, against which in 2011 it won a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The lawsuit produced a written admission by a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Kevin M. Warsh, that the Fed has secret gold-swap arrangements with foreign banks and that the Fed cannot ever permit these gold-swap arrangements to become public. Interestingly, last December, soon after resigning from the Fed’s Board of Governors, Warsh wrote a piece in the Wall Street Journal complaining about the new central bank policy called “financial repression.” He asserted that government policymakers now are “finding it tempting to pursue ‘financial repression’ – suppressing market prices that they don’t like.”

GATA also has proven gold-market manipulation by examining trading data, most notably in a study by its board member and market analyst Adrian Douglas showing that, as GATA says, “the gold price during trading in the London market has gone down steadily for 10 years even as the worldwide gold price has gone up steadily in that time. That is, anyone buying gold on the opening of the London market and selling it on the close every day over the last decade would have lost a huge amount of money even as the gold price rose steadily around the world.

According to GATA:

“… [R]igging the gold market is part of a general scheme by which a secretive and unelected elite in the United States controls the value of all capital, labor, goods, and services in the world – controls the value of everything.

But the mainstream financial news media in the West refuse to examine the documentation of this scheme and to put critical questions to central banks. Indeed, the first rule of financial journalism in the West is that central banks cannot and must not be questioned. This is now changing. As central banks intervene more and more to defeat markets, this rule makes most Western financial journalism simply irrelevant. But the purpose of all this market rigging is to suppress not only the prices of gold but to suppress commodity prices generally. How about crude oil or copper? It is just the latest manifestation of the everlasting war of the highest levels of the financial class against the producing class, only this time the producing class hasn’t yet figured out what’s going on. Most tragically, much of the gold-mining industry itself doesn’t understand what is being done to it – doesn’t understand that it’s not just digging metal out of the ground, but minting money and competing with all other issuers of money and that this competition is far more cutthroat than imagined.

To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.wnd.com/2012/07/is-the-gold-market-rigged/

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