
Florida State Attorney Angela Corey: Zimmerman Will Be Charged With Second Degree Murder For Killing Trayvon Martin And Is In Custody

Michael Brendan Dougherty | Apr. 11, 2012, 5:35 PM
Source: Business Insider 

Angela Corey


According to the AP: George Zimmerman is in custody and will be charged with second degree murder for killing Trayvon Martin in February.

Florida State Attorney Angela Corey, opened her press conference by referring to the Martin family as “sweet parents” to whom she promised justice for Trayvon Martin.

“We did not come to this decision lightly,.. ” Corey said. ” we do not prosecute by public pressure. … Unless you’ve ever been a law enforcement officer or a prosector you cannot know what it is like to launch this type of prosecution and come to the right conclusion.”

“There is a reason cases are tried in the court of law, not in the public or in the media,” Corey reiterated.

“We continue to pray for Trayvon’s family and the prosecution team. … Remember it is Trayvon’s family who are constitutional victims.”

Corey confirmed that Zimmerman was in custody but would not reveal his location, citing concerns for Zimmerman’s safety.

Corey did not take any opportunity to throw the Sanford police department under the bus, and instead framed her office’s investigation as building upon their work. Corey also declined to express an opinion on whether Zimmerman should be given the maximum sentence for second-degree murder, which is life-imprisonment.

Corey also reacted coolly to questions about Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” Law, describing it as just another “affirmative defense” that her team handles all the time.

She also confirmed that Seminole county will be the jurisdiction in which Zimmerman will be tried. Demographically, Seminole county is 78.2 percent white, 17.1 percent “person of Hispanic or Latino origin,” and 11.1 percent black

CNN is also reporting that Zimmerman has a lawyer, Mark O’Mara. (Not the two other lawyers who have been appearing on television claiming to be his defense team.)


Florida Governor Rick Scott released a statement earlier today on the case:

“We are fortunate in our state that most Floridians and local civic leaders are law-abiding, responsible citizens who all want justice to prevail. No matter what State Attorney (Angela) Corey determines following her investigation of the Trayvon Martin tragedy, I trust in the goodness of all Florida citizens to allow our justice system to reach an appropriate conclusion in this case.”

According to an earlier report from CNN, Angela Corey, the state attorney general had described Trayvon Martin’s family as “lovely people.”

She said she has met with them and prayed with them and promised to get them answers.

That in itself is a little strange.

For those who do not know the ins and outs of murder charges, second degree murder means that a killing was done intentionally, but without planning or premeditation.

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2012 and Ascension: Geoff West and Steve Beckow

2012: The end of the Mayan calendar

Geoff West is currently co-host of An Hour with an Angel and is opening his own radio show on Blogrtalkradio on this Friday, April 13, 2012.  Before you think that Friday the 13th is necessarily unlucky, Steve had his vision of the purpose of life on Friday the 13th of February, 1987. (1)

Around last year at this time. Geoff co-hosted an interview, with Maarten Horst, of Steve Beckow on 2012 and Ascension. For most of the interview, Maarten, who was broadcasting from his car on a German autobahn, was off the air due to technical difficulties.  Geoff was in Costa Rica and Steve was in Canada. Here is an edited version.

ET-First Contact Radio, April 25, 2011

Geoffrey West: And ET First Contact Radio welcomes to the show today Steve Beckow. Steve currently lives in the city of Vancouver, British Columbia, in Canada. A historian and sociologist by education and training, he has also authored books on cross-cultural spirituality, life after death and First Contact.

Steve currently dedicates much of his time to his website and project The 2012 Scenario. His passion focuses on events relating to shifts in human-planetary consciousness, our galactic family, and events predicted and prophesied for the end of the current cycle in 2012. The 2012 Scenario can be found at the2012scenario.com.

So, Steve, the first question: how did you, first of all, become interested in the extraterrestrials and channelings like SaLuSa and Sheldan Nidle and Mira from the Pleiadian High Council and others?

Steve: Well, I think I’ve been interested in it most of my life. But the interest for a long time was on the back burner, until around 2007 when a friend of mine, Len Satov here in Vancouver, mentioned the 2012 scenario. And I had not been aware of it until then, but that having been said, I do notice when I look backward through the years that everything I’ve studied cross cultural spirituality as Geoff mentioned and life after death and the other topics, have all worked their way into…, they’ve all been very useful for the study of “The 2012 Scenario” itself.

So, once Len told me about what he knew was happening, I then did what I often do and that is set up a website and begin to study this subject and see for myself what was happening. That website was “First Contact” (http://www.angelfire.com/space2/light11/fc/fc-index1.html) and that’s different from “The 2012 Scenario” website. But that’s how it all began, I was totally blown away with what I found out, which is what Geoff knows, what you know, and what probably increasing numbers of your listeners are finding out as well.

Maarten: Yes, I guess so. And, do you have the feeling that the landings will happen before the end of this year?

Steve:  Before talking about that, let me just mention that it’s very difficult to talk about this, because I realize that everybody is looking forward to the start of ‘the main event’ so to speak, but when we talk about dates and they don’t happen, people can be disappointed, disillusioned. This is, I was going to say a global event, but it’s more than a global event. The actual Ascension or planetary shift that will take place, probably in the latter part of 2012, is a cosmic event. It’s a universal event.

Geoff: An event of galactic proportions.

Steve: I think the best way to describe it[the rising energy leading to Ascension] is, if you can imagine a balloon that’s empty and then it’s gradually being filled with air, that’s about the way I feel inside as each month passes and more and more energy is being beamed to this planet. According to the galactic sources and the spiritual hierarchy, the plan is to gradually raise the energy, so that people are not overly stressed or shocked.

So, it’s a gradual process. It’s also problematic in the sense that when you raise the energy in the way that is happening now, it exposes the problematic side of our personalities. It exposes the places where we’re resistant and separative and invested and so you see a lot of acting out going on around us in people, and most of them don’t know what’s happening. So this process has to be managed as well.

And then another side of the process that has to be managed is that the planet’s controllers and most of Maarten’s listeners probably may not know very much about the control under which the planet has existed for millennia, but the planet’s controllers nonetheless, the elite, we know them, the military-industrial complex, the secret state, or however you want to think about them, are resisting as well.

And so this process too has to be managed, this resistance by the controllers. So there is just a lot that’s going on. And it’s not very easy to talk about when events like Disclosure will happen or First Contact, because the galactic team that’s handling it is managing so many variables and so many important situations.

I think the best thing to do, if we want to explore some topics is to tell the listeners exactly what is going to be happening, what they can expect, coming in a number of weeks or a number of months. Shall we do that?

Geoff: Sure. I will take the moment to gently remind the listeners that each soul is uniquely different but equally beautiful and different information will resonate with different listeners in each moment. So, as you listen to what is shared, embrace it, take it in, and see how you feel with it.

Does it ring, does it feel like it’s a part of your, well, I use the word truth. I’ve been told to focus on something slightly different, which I am going to graciously consider at this time. You know we all have a message that is a part of ourselves. So, whatever you feel is your message at this time, go with what you feel. Please, go ahead Steve.

Steve: Alright, thanks Geoff. Well, I think the first thing to realize is that what is being enacted at this moment is a divine plan. It’s a part of the divine architecture of the universe. I’d like to… excuse me, pardon me, I’d like to mention the backdrop to this.

There actually is a purpose to life. There is actually a reason why all this is happening around us. And the purpose of life is for the Divine to experience itself. The Divine is formless and cannot experience itself. If you were the only thing in a room with no mirror or light or other people, you too could not very well experience yourself, so the Divine created life – or us – and gave us the task of realizing our true identity, which is the Divine. Every time a life form realizes itself, God meets God. So, that’s the backdrop to everything that is happening, never mind just what is happening right now.

So we are, all of us, involved in a journey from God to God. And at this point in the journey we are about to leave the world of duality and enter the world of unity. But that’s just one stage on the journey. There are endless stages past that.

And we’re being assisted by both our own spiritual hierarchy, and I know many listeners may not accept the reality of life outside the body, but it is a feature of life. There is a spiritual hierarchy, individuals who are responsible for the evolution of the planet Earth. They have invited extraterrestrial civilizations who come from higher dimensions, some of them, to mentor us to assist us to restore the Earth, to spread abundance so that people are not focused on their survival, and then to prepare for Ascension, which is generally understood to come at some point on or before December 21, 2012.

There have been many instances of Ascension in our history, I can think of some from Christianity, from Judaism, from Hinduism, in other words from sacred books from those religions, but on this occasion we’re going to shift as a planet.

Some will choose not to go with us, and that’s fine. There is no judgment attached to that. This is the aim of the plan, then, that Ascension will take place either on December 21, 2012 or sometime before it. And so the plan has other steps prior to that. Now the big step that all of us are waiting for is Disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations. That’s the first big step.

But there is another big step that accompanies it, and that is the introduction of a planetary abundance program which some people know as NESARA (the National Economic and Social Reformation Act, an act of the American Congress that has not been proclaimed), and that those people who watch the Zeitgeist Addendum will know as the “wisdom economy”. SaLuSa, a spokesman for the Galactic Federation, calls it the “abundance program”. But a lot of people know it best as NESARA.

The abundance program is designed to take want out of the lives of people, so that they can have the space and the emotional capacity to prepare for Ascension. So, I expect NESARA and Disclosure to happen around about the same time. I have no idea when that will be, and if I did I would not say because to do so would be to invite the planet’s controllers to create an earthquake or a volcano erupting on that day. So, it’s not wise in my estimation to talk about the date of Disclosure.

Disclosure would be an event in which some of the leaders of the governments of the world present members of the Galactic civilizations who are here, and probably also members of the spiritual hierarchy. After that, there will be two events. One: First Contact, which is a mass landing of the galactics and their entry into our world. Plus, the return of the masters so the great masters of all world religions and philosophies – people like Buddha, and Jesus, and Mohammed, perhaps Krishna, Ramakrishna – these well-respected, well-known figures will come to be part of preparing us for Ascension.

Following that will be a restoration of the Earth, which is commonly called “terra forming.” All the radiation, which is left – a lot of it has been removed by the galactics already – all the radiation that’s left will be removed. All the pollution that has happened will be removed, the remaining pollution in the Gulf of Mexico will be done away with, and the Earth in general will be restored in quite rapid fashion.

And then the work of preparing us for Ascension itself will occur. And the galactics probably will be our mentors, along with the masters. All of this will happen in very rapid fashion. We won’t believe how quickly it will all be accomplished. So, those are some of the main events in the plan.

And this is a divine plan. It cannot fail because it’s God’s decree. But, there are factors such as the Law of Free Will, which say that galactics can only interfere so much with the free will of people like the planetary controllers, so unfortunately the Galactics have had to allow them some free will in these last days to do some pretty nasty things.

One evidence of the energy rising on this planet is what’s happening in the Arab world. They’re the first corner of the world to demand their freedom back from the dictators. That is taking a little bit of time, but apparently it’s bound to succeed. And I think we will find that places like Myanmar and other areas of the world where freedom is not present will regain their freedom as well. So that’s a kind of a thumbnail sketch of what’s coming up.

Geoff, do you want to add to that, because you certainly….

Geoff: Well, I was just thinking of playing the Devil’s Advocate for a moment. There may be some people out there who are listening, saying that there are so many things happening right now, and most people are having trouble just getting by in their day-to-day lives, focusing on the 24-7, news, weather, sports, entertainment, movies and the like, paying taxes and getting by and they are so stressed out, with just maintaining the day-to-day living, that they don’t necessarily have the time, energy or money to devote to exploring this kind of information and to hear words of a new economic system. People are saying: how could this possibly happen in such a short period of time. And if we’re talking about a 2012 scenario where something is coming to an end, this new system potentially replaces it, is there a longer timeframe moving beyond 2012? What are you seeing there?

Steve: Well, 2012 is as if we opened the door and then walked out into a space. It isn’t the end of life or the end of experience. It will be the end of certain systems we’ve had which favor some people and disfavor others. But it’s just the beginning of a new age.

The abundance program that will be coming in is only a temporary program. It’s only designed to see us through to December 21, 2012 or whenever the shift occurs. After that we won’t use money. You’ve got to realize that we are going to be greatly expanded people after that. The kinds of feelings that we have, the kinds of fears that we have, thoughts that we have, will probably not be present. We won’t even consider not cooperating after that day. It will just be a natural response from us, so there will be no need for money in what some people call a Golden Age that will be happening after December 21, 2012.

I know people are stressed. We are watching the fall of a financial system that has been in place for millennia, and has always favored the rich and not the poor. And in fact we are watching the fall of an entire economic philosophy, which if it had been allowed to continue in the direction it was going, would have brought a lot more detriment to the people at the bottom.

I think people can see that the middle class is shrinking, automation had taken away jobs, no provision was being made for people. When people attempted to bring in systems like universal Medicare which we have in Canada, as you know Geoff, and it’s wonderful system. Why anybody would oppose it I don’t know. And yet in the United States whole sections of the population are being led to oppose it.

The medicare system is beneficent and the population of the United States will be left without it. Many people would not be able to afford it. That’s the direction in which it was going, towards the increasing detriment of the lower rungs of the economic ladder. All this is going to be reversed. So we’re watching the ending of one system, the crash of one system, to be followed simultaneously by the rise of a different system. The system that’s crashing benefits very few people. The system that’s rising will benefit everyone.

I think the main message I would like to give to people or leave people with is that for decent people, for people who love other people and want the world to work out and are compassionate and kind, there is absolutely nothing to fear from events. Yes, there will be some Earth changes. Some of these changes are being caused by the military-industrial complex and others. But even if they weren’t, there will be some earthquakes, some volcano’s going off and only those people who have agreed to participate in them for some karmic reason, will probably be affected. So there will be some events happening which are disturbing.

They are meant to release the negativity of the planet, so that the planet itself can ascend. Apart from the Earth changes and the fall of the inequitable financial structure, the events that we’ll be experiencing in the next year and a half will be wonderful.

And people don’t have to worry about doing something to enjoy them and participate in them, but if they did want some advice on what they could do, that would well position them for these times, then I would say: Love! Love, Love, Love!

That’s what people can do, if they are looking for something to do. And if they’re looking for something to avoid, it would be fear. Avoid being fearful. Avoid being rattled by news which the planet’s controller’s are putting out, which is designed to make people afraid. They’re exaggerating the radioactive fall-out from Fukushima, and they’re exaggerating the financial situation.

Here in Vancouver I keep walking down the street and reminding myself that we are in a recession or a depression, it doesn’t appear that way to me. But I know that there are a lot of people hurting, but things are going to work out! People are going to be thrilled with the outcome, and that would be my message, in short, Geoff.

Geoff: So let’s go to our listeners who in this moment may be experiencing those moments of fear. They might be getting calls from debt-collectors or maybe they are bound to have their home foreclosed on, or maybe their child suffers from ADD and was prescribed Ritalin by the school or the doctor or whatever.

You know, people are going through a number of these challenges and yet we are here saying, “Stay in love” and “just be love.” I was this way many years ago, you know, listening to people saying certain things when I began the journey 10, 15 20 years ago that some people are just coming into now. And I would say, “You’re crazy. How can you make that shift?” You and I know the answer to this, but I’m going to let you explain that to the listeners.

We all know that all change has to start from within. And in order for that change to begin, understanding how our relationship to what my work calls “Life,” when we can begin to connect to the deeper feeling or the knowing that everything is One, that what I choose to do to someone else in this moment of Now, I am also doing to myself.

So in that realm of thinking is it in my interest to make a choice to harm someone else, when I know that ultimately I, myself, am being harmed? As we expand our awareness and consciousness to this, we begin to approach our choices in a different way and even though there may be what some call pain, or suffering involved with choices, we know that with certain choices come great responsibility but also a certain knowing, that the experience is contributing to our growth. We can only know who we are through the experiences of who we are not. So in your aspect of saying, “Be love”, you know, we learn more what love is, by going through the experiences of what love is not. We learn more about compassion by going through the experiences of what compassion is not.

So I would offer to the listeners that, you know, in your moments of trial and tribulation and pain or suffering if those are the words you choose to use, use them as your opportunities for growth. If everything came to you exactly the way you wanted it to be, there would be nothing to learn, nothing to experience; therefore, no real way of moving forward.

It’s in these moments, in these times, that we are currently experiencing that each individual has that choice to move up into connecting to higher energies that are now manifesting. And it really doesn’t matter if you choose to believe this or not. Somewhere within you there is the feeling, that I’m certain most listeners are willing to say, “Something feels different at this time”. Would you not agree, Steve?

Steve: Absolutely! In regards to what you said, I’d like to invite the listeners to see an image of Jacob’s Ladder of consciousness, which the Muslims call the Stairway to Heaven. We’re all of us are evolving back towards God, and this is just a few scenes in that overall program.

The problem with trying to answer your original question on a radio show like this, Geoff, is that there are, and we are not very much aware of this as a civilization, but there are natural universal laws, which govern our world. And we don’t really know about them and we don’t really line-up with them very well.

Before I could answer your question I’d have to discuss the Law of Free Will. You’ve discussed the Law of Karma. The Law of Attraction. There are so many divine Laws which are impacting our situation, and one would have to discuss those, and there isn’t time in a program like this. So that’s why I say that if listeners were looking for one thing that they could do to practice, then, that I would say, would be to become more loving. In other words, bonding with more and more people, since where we’re going is to a unitive, not a separative, level of existence.

That’s the best practice and what I didn’t say is that that invokes the natural laws in ways that will overcome some of the factors that people are meeting in their lives. But again, to say why that would be, I would have to go into the natural laws, to discuss that, and I think that will probably have to wait until, I guess, the very time when people will be out of those circumstances. I acknowledge that it’s an important discussion to have. I just think we don’t have time for it right now.

Geoff: No, that’s perhaps what I hope will be discussions that I can carry out on my show when I start, so I hope to help individuals connect with what’s happening at this time in a much broader sense than only First Contact or go with feelings. I had to smile when you talked about the Stairway to Heaven analogy, that took me back to my high school years thinking of the Led Zeppelin song Stairway to Heaven, so…

That’s part of the elitist agenda, you know: “Buying the Stairway To Heaven”.

Steve: Oh Geoff, I go back even further than that. I think it was Frankie Avalon, who sang Stairway to Heaven in the Fifties, so…

Geoff: Aha!

Steve: Yes indeed, it was an enduring image because it’s a picture of spiritual evolution, which is the process that underlies life. Darwin had it partly right. We do physically evolve. But our spirit evolves too, over many lifetimes.

Geoff: Absolutely. Certainly through the decades there have been little insights and profound insights of wisdom that have come through in the form of music, cinema, and literature. At the time when I did my master’s degree there was not a lot of literature. The idea and the concepts that we are discussing now were expanding, but in 2006 when I did my masters degree, 2005, there was enough information to justify the thesis that I wrote for my degree, but now there’s just a plethora of information available.

This alone is a significant step or even an evolution in consciousness at this point in time. I mean back then there were movies like ET. There was Close Encounters of the Third Kind. There are television shows like Star Trek and Stargate. All of them are alleged to have bases in factual information, but it could not be presented that way because it was perceived and consciousness was not ready for it. Now consciousness appears to be ready for it. Agree or disagree?

Steve: Oh absolutely. I watch TV and from time to time I see some evidence of some kind of conscience conversion happening, but I can’t really put it into words. I keep saying to myself “Why are these people looking so hopeful, you know, and optimistic?” And the events that we’re talking about right now are the reason why those people can look so hopeful and confident and optimistic. They are the subtext. They’re not being talked about very commonly yet, but they are the reason why people can say, “We’re going to take back the planet, and we’re going to do this and do that”. They are the reason, The 2012 Scenario is the reason why. It’s the basis for hope right now.

Geoff: It really is an intriguing time. People are feeling overwhelmed with everything, trying to figure out where to go, trying to figure out where they are in this moment of Now and as we begin to see things collapsing, yet manifesting, somewhere within that we find ourselves and our relationship to life and as we witness all that is happening around us, we are being challenged to remember the larger picture that we are part of and we’re being called to remember that there is something greater of which we are all a part and connected to.

And as we work on ourselves in connecting to all that we are experiencing, we are able to find a deeper love and compassion for the oneness of life. We begin to realize that all the leaders, all the institutions that have contributed to what we are now experiencing, in some way we have all chosen to participate in and create it. So, unlike some sources that choose to expose truth but focus on the negative aspect, we are communicating the message, and I think you will agree with me, Steve, that we want to step away from ideas of revenge…

Steve: Oh, yes.

Geoff: Or vengeance. We want to stay focused on the larger picture of as these system collapses. We want people to be out of positions, but we don’t necessarily want to see them punished or harmed in any way. Steve?

Steve: Well, and there is no need to do that too. But again there is so little time to develop these thoughts, Geoff. The consequences of their behavior can be left to divine justice. People are not very much familiar with the way divine justice works unfortunately, but I can say to them if I only got one or two sentences in which to say it, that divine justice will see to their needs. It will bring their behavior to their attention and all of it will be handled compassionately and yet completely. So, we don’t need to become vengeful towards the dark side of the military-industrial complex and the secret state and all that. That’s all going to be handled.

But, just as the social institutions that promote separation and divisiveness and competition and the rest of it, just as they are falling, so is divisiveness and separation and vindictiveness and all the rest of those falling in us. This is a time of karmic completion. A lot of situations are being brought to us to assist us to complete our karma at this time. So, if we could allow that process just to happen within ourselves as well, knowing that soon it will be over, and what will follow more than compensates us for what is happening now. It might make it a little easier.

Geoff: Certainly a lot… the majority of listeners, I’m sure, have a concept of what this idea of karma is about. For any new listeners that may be paying attention: I have an analogy that could potentially or might assist. When I talk about human consciousness I call it the Popcorn Theory. I don’t know if you’re a fan of popcorn, Steve, or not.

Steve: Yes.

Geoff: Certainly, when we make popcorn, we start with the pot. We put a little bit of oil into the pot. We put it on the stove and we heat this oil. At that moment in time everything is equal. All situations are equal.

When you put all the popcorn seeds into the oil, every seed has the potential to pop into a new form, into its lighter body so to speak. So at that moment in time, all of the corn kernels are heating up and they’re experiencing all the same conditions. All of a sudden one pops. Then another, then another, and then at some point the conditions are such that the popping becomes extreme, so it’s going like crazy. It’s popping, popping, popping, and at some point the popping begins to slow down.

So at some point a transformation or a change has taken place. So you take the popcorn off the stove and you pour it into the bowl. And when you look in the bottom of the pot, invariably you are going to find that,even though the conditions may have been there for each kernel, some kernels may just have not chosen to pop, for whatever reason.

If I broke down the process into four, I’d probably say the popping is just starting to begin now. We’ve had little bits through the last 40, 50 years, but now we’re getting to the point where that popping is becoming much more rapid.



(1)  See  Ch. 13 Epilogue


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UFO Encounter Revealed After Almost 40 Years By Ex-Military Pilot

UFO Encounter Revealed After Almost 40 Years By Ex-Military Pilot

By Lee Speigel
April 4, 2012


Pictured is the T-39D Sabreliner aircraft, similar to the jet piloted by Capt. Larry Jividen on the night of his 1975 UFO encounter.


On the night of Feb. 6, 1975, Marine Reserve Squadron Capt. Larry Jividen was piloting a T-39D Sabreliner (see image above) combat trainer and utility aircraft with five Naval officer pilots on board for a special training flight.

He didn’t know the evening would evolve into a game of “tag” with an unidentified flying object.

Jividen hasn’t spoken about that experience from nearly 40 years ago — until now.

The nine-year Marine Corps officer — and later commercial airline pilot — had taken off at twilight for a two-hour roundtrip that began and ended at the Naval Air Station in Pensacola, Fla.


“At about 9 o’clock, we were descending from a high altitude — around 33,000 feet — and I looked off to the right side of the airplane where I saw a solid red light at our 1:00 o’clock position and altitude,” Jividen told The Huffington Post.

“It was not flashing like normal anti-collision lights flash on airplanes. I thought it might be some other traffic, but I wasn’t sure, so I called Pensacola Approach Control and said, ‘Understand we’re cleared for the approach, but we have traffic off to our right, and who’s first for the approach?”

The traffic that Jividen and the other five crew members saw was mutually described as “a solid, circular object about the relative size of a kid’s marble held at arm’s length,” Jividen recalled.

When they were informed that ground control had no other traffic in their vicinity, Jividen became concerned that the mysterious object hadn’t shown up on radar. So he asked for clearance to deviate from their approach and turn directly toward the bright red UFO “just to see what it does.”

As he turned toward the object, Jividen says it turned toward his plane.

“It suddenly flew from right to left, across the nose [of our plane], and just stopped at our 11:00 o’clock position. At that point, I started to speed up to see if I could close on the object, and as I [did that], it was pacing me in front. In other words, as I’d speed up, he’d speed up.

“So, I decided to descend to place the object against a star field to make sure that it was actually solid, and then I climbed so that I could silhouette the object against the Gulf of Mexico.”

Jividen says the five-minute encounter came to an end when the reddish UFO flew away at a very high rate and disappeared over the horizon in the direction of New Orleans.

After the crew returned to Pensacola, Jividen filled out an incident form and that was the last he heard of the episode.

And nobody else heard about it for more than three decades.

Jividen’s story is now being told in a new edition of “UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies and Realities,” written by retired Army Col. John Alexander.


“I did some background checks on [Jividen] and one of the first things that came back was his distinguished flying crosses for doing really heroic things. He is who he says he is and very straightforward,” Alexander told HuffPost.

“I don’t think there’s any doubt that it was something. I take him as a highly credible witness, much more so than many other ones.”

Alexander’s unique top-secret clearance granted him by the U.S. government gave him access in the 1980s to a variety of official documents and first-person UFO accounts. He also created a special group of top-level government officials and scientists who studied the UFO phenomenon.

In the end, Alexander determined that the U.S., indeed, had evidence pointing to UFO reality, but he couldn’t find any signs that the government deliberately kept this information from the public, or that contact had been made with alien life.

“One of the things we are seeing are physical characteristics that we don’t understand, capabilities that are beyond our technological options at this time, i.e. extremely fast acceleration and high-G turns that living organisms, as we know it, would not survive,” he explained.

Watch these amazing pilot close encounters with UFOs:

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A larger issue going on with regard to UFOs seen by military, commercial and private pilots may turn out to be potential safety hazards, says at least one respected scientist.

“My friends who are scientists say, ‘Well, there’s nothing to UFOs. If there were, we would have the data and we’d look at it.’ That’s partly a valid statement, and it’s pilots who are unwittingly preventing us from getting the data to analyze scientifically,” said Richard Haines, a former research scientist from NASA’s Ames Research Center.

Haines — who prefers to use the term unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAP, to UFO — is a former UFO skeptic who now heads the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena, or NARCAP.

“Our objectives are to make flying safer for the flying public, specifically in regard to UAP, and we’re convinced there’s a potential threat posed by nearby UAP to commercial and private airplanes,” Haines told HuffPost.

Working with a staff of nearly 40 people, including international affiliates, Haines is NARCAP’s chief scientist. He addresses the issue of pilots who have a fear reporting UFOs or UAPs while they’re still actively flying.

“To me, that’s a serious inhibiting factor for scientists like myself to collect the data.”

Haines suggests that the fear factor surrounding pilots doesn’t have as much to do with them being afraid of the objects they encounter as it does with the fear of losing their jobs if they talk about it.

“Exactly. I don’t think it’s a physical fear. NARCAP comes along with the objective of trying to make flying safer for the public, and the airlines don’t want to hear that because it implies it’s not safe! For obvious reasons, many of the reports I have are from retired pilots.”

Like the one from Jividen, who filed a report with Haines last year — almost 40 years after the fact, but it was still impressive.

“First of all, it had a number of witnesses,” said Haines. “There were six guys on board and they’re not all going to mistake a common illusion.

“After several minutes [the object] didn’t change size, shape or intensity, which means that it not only accelerated in front of him and stopped at his 11:00 o’clock position, but it then maintained his forward velocity. We have to ask what kind of natural phenomenon can do that?”

Former NASA scientist Richard Haines describes a harrowing pilot encounter with a UFO:

YouTube Preview Image

Haines still isn’t sure what these unusual objects are that so many pilots over decades have reported.

“I honestly don’t know, and as a scientist, I want to keep all the doors open until I’ve got sufficient evidence, but until that time, I’m not going to speculate.”

Alexander’s research leads him to at least one important conclusion about the truly unexplained UFO or UAP cases.

“If you get to the fundamental issue — if there is an intelligence behind this, and it certainly appears to be true — things like energy have to be key. Certainly understanding a different form of energy would be incredibly useful.”

Whatever the red circular object was that Jividen and his crew encountered that night in 1975, two things made a lasting impression on him.

“First, there was no radar contact with it. Clearly, by the silhouette and movement of my aircraft, this was a solid, self-propelled object.

“I don’t think our physical science is advanced enough to evaluate what these things are. There’s some physical phenomena going on that we just can’t clearly interpret or evaluate — it’s obviously intelligently controlled, but it may not be ET.”


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Team Earth

We know what a sense of unity and community looks like within a nation, but what does it look like for a world? It seems to me that humans like us (as opposed to humans like our galactic friends, about whom I probably cannot speak) crave identification. Look at how many of us are proud of our high schools, cities,  sports teams.

So one of the things that entering into a new, wider identification as Earth dwellers seems to involve is letting go of all the smaller, older identifications, the suit of clothes we’ve outgrown, the sense of ourselves that no longer serves us. It seems to mean letting go of or forgetting all the memories, trophies, victories, and lesser graduations, which, all wrapped up into one, make up our sense of who we were.

Nonetheless, in creating a new identity as Team Earth, we’re settling on yet another temporary identity. We’ll have to abandon it too at some point. The purpose of life is not to realize ourselves as Earth dwellers, but to realize ourselves as God. Or if that offends you, then one with God. Or if even that offends you, then as one of God’s children.

So expanding our identity from being a Peruvian or a South African to being a terrestrial human, as useful as that will be in 2012, remains only one step in the total evolution of our consciousness. It’s a desirable one because it prepares us for what’s coming next (Ascension), but it’s by no means the end of the story.

We identify ourselves as Team Earth to prepare for Ascension. From now until Dec. 21, 2012, or whenever Ascension happens, we’ll need to see to the wellbeing of Earth, her human population, and her animal kingdom.

Once in a reading with Archangel Michael, he discussed the work of the animal kingdom. Many animals, he said, are doing the work of transmuting the negative energy of human beings. He explained that animals are way ahead of humans. In fact humans are the last to clean up their negative energies. The animals, by contrast, are already prepared to ascend.

(We for our part will probably have to stop eating them soon. We are after all the world’s top predator, its foremost slayer of animals. If we think of the human race as heroes, and various negative alien races as villains, we may wish to stop and think what most animals must think of us.)

The animals are our allies. Soon it’ll be our job to join them in transmuting the negative energies we’re mainly responsible for. Gaia herself will continue to rumble away under the watchful eye of our space family, ridding herself of much of our negativity. But you heard Gaia herself say on An Hour with an Angel yesterday (1) there won’t be any devastating events we need to fear. She’ll continue releasing negativity, but even she looks after us.

As part of the team that will restore the Earth, we must come together. Our first priority needs to be building the sense of teamwork that will attract all colors, religions, and paths to the work of terraforming and reviving the suffering around the globe. Anyone who’s participated in even high-school sports or student-council work knows that team-building itself takes work.

All of us share humanness and dedication to restoring and revitalizing the Earth in preparation for Ascension. The cabal is leaving. The galactics are coming. The big push is not far away. Our consciousnesses continue to expand to help us along the way. We’re positioning ourselves to carry out what we came to do. To get the job done that faces us, first we must become Team Earth.


(1) http://www.blogtalkradio.com/inlight_radioiu


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Blessings from Zadkiel: Archangel of the Violet Ray of Transmutation

Blessings from Zadkiel: Archangel of the Violet Ray of Transmutation

Channeled by Suzanne Lie

April 8, 2012


I AM Zadkiel Archangel of the Violet Ray. I come into your awareness to remind you that we, the members of Celestial Service who are aligned with the frequency of transmutation, are here to assist our human brothers and sister serving on the body of Gaia.

All of you have prepared for myriad earthly incarnations to perform the role that you are to play in the ensuing process of planetary ascension.

We, the Angels of the Violet Fire, have been assisting Ascending Ones since before time. In fact, we are the first Greeters for those who have returned to the fifth resonance and beyond.

Because our Essence flows with the frequency of transmutation, our Celestial Service is to serve as Portals through which the Violet Fire can flow into that which is completed and ready to transmute into its higher frequency of expression.

The energies of the Seven Rays of Comic Rays of Light flow in circles. Once we of the Seventh Ray of Transmutation assist you with your moment of return to a higher of reality, you will Flow into the Blue Ray of Beginnings. Thus, that which has been transmuted into a higher frequency moves instantly into a new experience of reality. There is no “death” as energy cannot die. It can only change frequency.

Up until this time of ascension this frequency change, this transmutation from one frequency of reality into a higher frequency of that reality, has been “unconscious” because the Violet Ray sealed off the old reality at the moment of its transmutation.

By “sealed off” we mean that the completed cycle was archived so that it would not interfere with your new reality. However, once you return to your Multidimensional SELF, you can experience multiple realities within the NOW of the ONE.

Dear human angels, we wish to tell you that the time of remembering is NOW. It is important that all of you remain conscious of your ascension experience so that you can assist others. Our Violet Angels currently serving Earth by carrying the illusion of a human body share your longing for the return of the unconditional love and comrade with Source. Experiencing a reality based on separation is especially difficult for the members of the Angelic Kingdom, as we normally live in the Group Mind with the ONE.

Our “grounded Angels” shall be among the first to Ascend so that they can assist others in the fashion that has always been their Joy. ALL of you are ONE with ALL life. Hence, ALL of you have a higher expression in our Angelic Kingdom.

Therefore, feel your wings, dear human angels, as they tickle your back and open your High Heart. Our wings are not made of feathers, but of Light, and symbolize the Flow of unconditional love from the ONE that enters our Hearts and expands in all directions as it courses through us. Allow the Flow of unconditional love to sweep up your longing for your Return and use it as your Portal for Ascension.

Embrace the unconditional love as it enters your heart. Feel how it Flows through you and fans out in all directions to create your “Wings of Unconditional Love.” These “wings” will support your every movement and guide you through your journey Home. We, the Angels of the Violet Fire, live within you heart and are available to you within every moment of the NOW. We welcome your return and are waiting to greet you as our Violet Fire brings you across the threshold of your new Life.

Before closing my message, I Zadkiel, wish to share with you how angels use the Violet Fire:

First we hold the intention to call upon the Fire…

Then we share that Violet Fire with our High Heart to imbue it with our unconditional love…

Then we send the Fire through our right hand and
Blaze, Blaze, Blaze the Violet Fire

We either point our finger or hold our “hands” open. In this manner, we can either create a laser effect that can transmute an aunt or broadcast enough Violet Fire to transmute a city. Practice the this use of the Violet Fire and Know that YOU have the innate ability to transmute ALL fear and shadow into unconditional love and multidimensional light.

We light you return with our Violet Light and guide you through your daily life,

Archangel of the Violet Fire


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UFO/ET Disclosure, Bridge Fund, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, Ascension, and the Golden Age Home ABOUT THE STAFF Acting As If Ascension Earth: Mission Possible, Top Secret Orders, For Your Eyes Only Come, Go, Be Happy Ema

Saul: Before the Illusion Dissolves Completely, Moments of Doubt and Anxiety May Occur

Channeled by John Smallman

April11, 2012


To awaken is your destiny and nothing can prevent you from achieving it.  Some of you may be going through periods of doubt and anxiety, when it seems that you have no connection with the spiritual aspects of yourselves during these last few moments before your awakening.

Do not be worried by this feeling of separation; it is just your becoming aware of the fact that in the illusion you do appear to be separate from one another and from God, and that is painful.

You chose to play the game of separation, and you have played it so well that you forgot that you are eternally and unbreakably connected to each other and to your Father.

Now, as you approach the moment of your awakening from this intense illusory state, you are remembering the rules of the game and experiencing an intimation of what the pain that separation from God would feel like, if it could happen.  It is indeed unsettling, but it will pass.

You are eternally one with God; no other state is possible.  Nevertheless, before the illusion dissolves completely, as you allow the glory of the divine Light of God to enfold you, moments of doubt and anxiety may occur.

They are unreal, imaginary, and they distract you from living in the now moment.  When that happens you can and should effectively add strength to the awakening process by focusing on moments of joy and happiness that you remember in your lives, and when doubt or anxiety arise, remind yourselves of those moments, reconnect with the feelings that were then present, and make them real now.

The energy you encourage by focusing on pain and suffering from the past draws you back into the illusion, because it is only there that it is possible to experience those feelings, and that is something you do not want to do.

You are never alone.  I keep reminding you of this because as you struggle with the daily issues of life in the illusion, it is almost impossible for you not to keep forgetting this.

When you feel down, depressed, anxious, take time out (just a few minutes will do – even a few seconds will help), relax your mind by focusing on your breath, your love for someone dear to you or some other peaceful state, and ask your guides, angels, or God Himself, to help you release the feelings which drag you back into the nightmare where it seems that Love does not exist in any meaningful way.  And you will be helped.

Never forget that you were created in Love from Love, even though in your illusory state that does not appear to be the case.  Without Love there would be no life, no existence, because Love is All there is; It is God expressing Himself through His Creation.

Knowing this then, and deep within yourselves you do know this, let go of your doubts and fears by reminding yourselves that this is absolutely and irrevocably true.

What you are seeing and experiencing all around as pain, suffering, betrayal, insufficiency, and conflict is illusory.  Your worldwide collective cultural belief systems have convinced you otherwise as part of the unhappy game that you have chosen to play, and now is the time for you to refuse to play it any longer.

And now you have more help than has ever before been available to help you do this, so engage with your faith that this is indeed so and accept the loving assistance that is being offered to you constantly and enthusiastically in every moment.

You are going to awaken.  You have been asleep and dreaming for long enough. It is God’s Will and yours, as it has been since the moment of your apparent separation from Him, that you do so, and His Will will not be denied or prevented.

Turn to Him in your faith as you ask for help because He cannot refuse you.  You are His children, eternally beloved, sinless and guiltless, and just having a horrible nightmare.  His one desire is for you to awaken into the joy of His Presence and know yourselves once more as you truly are.

With so very much love, Saul.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

UFO/ET Disclosure, Bridge Fund, NESARA, Accountability, Earth Changes, Ascension, and the Golden Age Home ABOUT THE STAFF Acting As If Ascension Earth: Mission Possible, Top Secret Orders, For Your Eyes Only Come, Go, Be Happy Ema

Saul: Before the Illusion Dissolves Completely, Moments of Doubt and Anxiety May Occur

Channeled by John Smallman

April11, 2012


To awaken is your destiny and nothing can prevent you from achieving it.  Some of you may be going through periods of doubt and anxiety, when it seems that you have no connection with the spiritual aspects of yourselves during these last few moments before your awakening.

Do not be worried by this feeling of separation; it is just your becoming aware of the fact that in the illusion you do appear to be separate from one another and from God, and that is painful.

You chose to play the game of separation, and you have played it so well that you forgot that you are eternally and unbreakably connected to each other and to your Father.

Now, as you approach the moment of your awakening from this intense illusory state, you are remembering the rules of the game and experiencing an intimation of what the pain that separation from God would feel like, if it could happen.  It is indeed unsettling, but it will pass.

You are eternally one with God; no other state is possible.  Nevertheless, before the illusion dissolves completely, as you allow the glory of the divine Light of God to enfold you, moments of doubt and anxiety may occur.

They are unreal, imaginary, and they distract you from living in the now moment.  When that happens you can and should effectively add strength to the awakening process by focusing on moments of joy and happiness that you remember in your lives, and when doubt or anxiety arise, remind yourselves of those moments, reconnect with the feelings that were then present, and make them real now.

The energy you encourage by focusing on pain and suffering from the past draws you back into the illusion, because it is only there that it is possible to experience those feelings, and that is something you do not want to do.

You are never alone.  I keep reminding you of this because as you struggle with the daily issues of life in the illusion, it is almost impossible for you not to keep forgetting this.

When you feel down, depressed, anxious, take time out (just a few minutes will do – even a few seconds will help), relax your mind by focusing on your breath, your love for someone dear to you or some other peaceful state, and ask your guides, angels, or God Himself, to help you release the feelings which drag you back into the nightmare where it seems that Love does not exist in any meaningful way.  And you will be helped.

Never forget that you were created in Love from Love, even though in your illusory state that does not appear to be the case.  Without Love there would be no life, no existence, because Love is All there is; It is God expressing Himself through His Creation.

Knowing this then, and deep within yourselves you do know this, let go of your doubts and fears by reminding yourselves that this is absolutely and irrevocably true.

What you are seeing and experiencing all around as pain, suffering, betrayal, insufficiency, and conflict is illusory.  Your worldwide collective cultural belief systems have convinced you otherwise as part of the unhappy game that you have chosen to play, and now is the time for you to refuse to play it any longer.

And now you have more help than has ever before been available to help you do this, so engage with your faith that this is indeed so and accept the loving assistance that is being offered to you constantly and enthusiastically in every moment.

You are going to awaken.  You have been asleep and dreaming for long enough. It is God’s Will and yours, as it has been since the moment of your apparent separation from Him, that you do so, and His Will will not be denied or prevented.

Turn to Him in your faith as you ask for help because He cannot refuse you.  You are His children, eternally beloved, sinless and guiltless, and just having a horrible nightmare.  His one desire is for you to awaken into the joy of His Presence and know yourselves once more as you truly are.

With so very much love, Saul.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous


British Blogger Leaks Names Of Murdoch’s Hacking Journalists

Report by Associated Press

April 10, 2012


Blogger Guido Fawkes’ website: http://order-order.com/page/2/

A blogger has leaked the names of three dozen British journalists allegedly involved with an investigator linked to hacking.

The leak poses another potential embarrassment for the UK’s scandal-tarred media.

Paul Staines, who blogs under the name Guido Fawkes, published what he said were more than 1000 recorded transactions between staffers at News International and freelance detective Steve Whittamore, who was convicted of trading in illegally obtained information. News Corp is the parent company of News International and of the publisher of this report.

In a blog post, Mr Staines said he wanted to expose the “industrial scale criminality” perpetrated by Britain’s press, accusing newspaper companies of refusing to name names because they “do not wish to report their own crimes.”

Whittamore worked with hundreds of reporters, bending or breaking the law to keep his clients supplied with unlisted numbers, vehicle registration records and other confidential information. Whittamore was convicted in 2005, but did not go to prison and none of the journalists who were named in his files were ever punished.

Interest in Whittamore and his associates has been revived by Britain’s phone hacking scandal, which erupted last year after it emerged that the News of the World tabloid routinely hacked into the phones of celebrities and others in the news and bribed officials to win scoops.

The hacking scandal has rocked Britain’s establishment, leading to a slew of arrests, lawsuits, settlements and high-profile resignations. News Corporation has since closed the News of the World and a judge-led inquiry could yet propose sweeping changes to the way Britain’s press is regulated.

Several British media organisations – including the Guardian, The Independent and ITV News – have run stories based on the documents recovered from Whittamore’s office, but so far none have identified the journalists involved.

Staines did so yesterday, publishing a spreadsheet naming 35 journalists from News International.

The Guido Fawkes blog, whose name is a reference to the 17th-century Catholic who tried to blow up British Parliament, only published a small subset of the more than 300 reporters named in Whittamore’s files, but it includes several people at the heart of the hacking scandal.

Among them: former News Corp chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch’s protege Rebekah Brooks (under her maiden name); former News of the World Chief Reporter Neville Thurlbeck (whose name is misspelt in the file); and the scandal’s first whistleblower, Sean Hoare, who has since died.

A spokesman for Mrs Brooks did not immediately return a call and an email seeking comment. Mr Thurlbeck declined comment, as did News International spokeswoman Daisy Dunlop.

The Information Commissioner’s Office – which investigated Whittamore – declined to authenticate the spreadsheet, but in a statement his organisation said authorities had been mulling whether to release the information before it appeared online.

“It’s most unfortunate that Guido Fawkes has chosen to jump the gun,” the statement said.

Being in Whittamore’s files isn’t necessarily evidence of wrongdoing – some of his searches could have been carried out by checking voter rolls or county court records.

However many tasks – such as police records or vehicle registration searches – could have been against the law. And if journalists knew how Whittamore was getting his information, they could have been prosecuted alongside him.

But even if wrongdoing could now be proven, the limitation period attached to Britain’s Data Protection Act means that prosecution of the journalists is not likely.

As The Blogger, Guido Fawkes (real name Paul Staines) wrote on his blog – http://order-order.com/page/2/ – on 9 April, 2012:

The Operation Motorman files are huge, the thousands of entries contained in the files are a mere snapshot of the industrial scale criminality carried out by the press. Today Guido is releasing the Blue Book section of the Operation Motorman files covering the 1,028 News International related entries out of a total of some 17,000. These files are known to most newspaper editors and to Guido’s knowledge no action has been taken against the journalists named within, some of whom are now senior journalists. To Guido’s knowledge Guardian journalists have possession of the files covering the Mail and Mirror groups. One wonders why they so far have only been willing to name the names of journalists from the Murdoch press…

It seems to Guido that there is no political will to see this through, the press are by and large keen for their own reasons to suppress the truth and the judiciary are actively suppressing the evidence. In those circumstances it is only by bringing the evidence out into the open that justice will be done.

For those interested, this is the actual leaked document:



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Melchizedek: Listen, You Can Hear the Crystalline Grids Hum in Harmony with the Universe

Melchizedek: Listen, You Can Hear the Crystalline Grids Hum in Harmony with the Universe

Channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana

April 10, 2012


Beloved Ones,

We wish to impart to you the need and necessity of maintaining grounding into the Earth during these times as the higher energies continue to flow through every particle of sentient life upon your planet, for it is most important to be fully present and awake within your incredibly made biological computer system that you know as your physical body.

It is important to take charge and to find the tools necessary to keep awake in the coming days. The changes within your bodies are increasing and opening up pathways that have not been used since the beginning times.

Everything upon your planet is in the process of transformation and transmutation as you already know and each of you is an integral part of this process, for as you create change within yourselves and in your daily lives, so too, you create change within the larger fields surrounding your planet.

Spend as much time as you can outdoors amongst the trees, the flora and the fauna. Sit on rocks, touch and commune with all that surrounds you, for all is alive and is a part of you. Learn to focus on one thought at a time so that in every moment of Now, you experience connection to the crystalline grid that is gearing up and vibrating at an ever higher rate of speed.

All is quickening and opening to you now. The very air that you breathe is filled with particles of Light substance that is in alignment with the higher frequencies that your planet now emits. If you take the time to listen, you can hear the crystalline grids hum in tune and in harmony with the Universe.

Allow yourselves to become a part of this flow, for it is in this way that your biological form is informed and kept alerted to the changing tides of energy. Learn to tune into the crystalline grid, Beloved Ones.

Follow your instinctive inclinations no matter how your human mind questions your actions. You are embarking upon a path that has never before opened and the possibilities and potentials are ripe for the picking.

Become absolutely clear on what you want in your life as what you want will now manifest for you in surprising quickness and wonderful synchronicity. We caution you to be careful what you ask for, that all your thoughts be focused on achieving and experiencing your highest good with harm to none.

We say this for we see that many of you are still immersed in bringing into balance within yourselves the opposing forces that have been challenging you on a daily basis.

These forces exist in the field of thought that surrounds the Earth that holds the thoughtforms of Humanity from times long past to the present. As this field encounters the greater Light substance, it creates friction and can create imbalance within your biological systems.

Each of you is acutely sensitive to the energetic flows that occur around you and so you pick up this friction within your own system. It is difficult, we know, to discern which energies are your own and which energies belong to this field of thoughtforms that is swirling around you.

By your adherence to your disciplines of bringing greater Light substance into your own fields, you are assisting in the transformation and transmutation of the larger field to which every Human on Earth is connected and affected by.

Together, your efforts are creating new fields that are supportive of all that you are striving towards. All that you do and all that you are as you move about your daily activities has an effect upon this new field.

This is where the friction can be felt as opposing forces, for your powerful thoughts are transmuting the ages old thoughtforms that have kept Humanity in bondage to the cycling effects of these old paradigm ways of thinking. You are creating change. You are the change makers.

Remember this as you continue upon the path that you have chosen. This is why you endure and persist in your efforts. This is the reason you are here upon this planet.

You have the ability, you have the inner resources and tools within you and as you use them, wondrous changes are wrought in the greater fields of energy. We encourage you and support you in your efforts and together, we are making a huge difference in unison with the Divine Plan for your planet.

I AM Melchizedek


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Bill Gates’ Foundation Will No Longer Make Grants to ALEC

Bill Gates’ Foundation Will No Longer Make Grants to ALEC

By Janie Lorber – Roll Call Staff

April 9, 2012


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation today became the latest backer to withdraw financial support for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).

A foundation spokesman told Roll Call that it does not plan to make future grants to the conservative nonprofit, which has come under fire from progressive activists for its support of voter identification laws and other contentious measures.

The foundation, run by the co-founder of Microsoft Corp. and his wife, contributed more than $375,000 to ALEC in the past two years and was the target of an online petition launched today by the liberal Progressive Change Campaign Committee that garnered more than 23,000 signatures in a matter of hours.

“We have made a single grant, narrowly and specifically focused on providing information to ALEC-affiliated state legislators on teacher effectiveness and school finance,” said Chris Williams, the spokesman, noting that the foundation was never a dues-paying member. The foundation advocates for global health initiatives and efforts to reduce poverty.

It’s the latest in a string of victories for groups bent on persuading corporations and foundations to cut ties with ALEC, which helps corporations advance their public-policy agenda in state legislatures.

Last week, Kraft Foods Inc., Coca-Cola Co. and Intuit Inc. each said they would withdraw support. The announcements came after months of behind-the-scenes pressure from another liberal group, Color of Change, an African-American advocacy group.

Color of Change went public today with demands that AT&T Corp., one of ALEC’s 21 corporate board members, also sever ties with the organization. Over the past year, the group has reached out to 15 consumer product companies that back ALEC, highlighting the organization’s connections to voter ID laws passed in at least a half-dozen states.

Civil rights activists say the laws disproportionately target minority, student and elderly voters, who tend to vote Democratic, and could bar up to 5 million voters from the polls this fall. In recent weeks, other liberal groups have joined the effort.

Color of Change Executive Director Rashad Robinson said the group is using Internet appeals to pressure companies that have made explicit efforts to build a strong relationship with African-American customers.

“Our goal is to ensure that these companies can’t have it both ways,” he said. “AT&T touts its support of civil rights groups and unions, which ALEC works to weaken.”

A spokesman for AT&T declined to comment.

Color of Change went live Wednesday with a website targeting Coca-Cola for its support of ALEC. Within hours, the company pulled its membership. Later in the week, Kraft Foods and Intuit, which develops Quicken and QuickBooks software, followed suit.

The public debate over Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law connected to the slaying of Trayvon Martin gave the advocacy groups more leverage over the companies. ALEC, they said, was behind an effort to pass similar laws in other states.

ALEC has played down its ties to both sets of laws. A spokesman declined to comment on the withdrawal of funders.

“Our private members and legislators are independent thinkers and don’t necessarily agree on all policy initiatives from ALEC,” said Kaitlyn Buss, an ALEC spokeswoman.

Several corporate board members have remained steadfast in their support for the organization.

These companies argue that their participation is limited to issues that directly affect their business. They note that the organization is split into nine task forces made up of state legislators and private sector representatives that serve as a clearinghouse for the legislative proposals.

Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America, the powerful Washington lobby for prescription drug manufacturers, told Roll Call it would continue to support the organization.

“PhRMA has a long history of partnering with and supporting diverse stakeholders and organizations who share our goals of helping patients access the medicines and care they need and fostering medical innovation,” Matthew Bennett, a senior vice president of the trade group, said in a statement to Roll Call. “As such, our involvement with ALEC concentrates on public health issues that directly relate to these goals.”

Dennis Bartlett, the executive director of the American Bail Coalition, another ALEC board member, said he has received upward of 3,000 e-mails prompted by the Color of Change campaign but has no plans to cut ties with ALEC because of the access it gives him to state legislators.

“I’m getting literally thousands of these ‘dump ALEC’ communications,” Bartlett told Roll Call. “They go directly into a spam folder.”


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SaLuSa: April 11, 2012

SaLuSa: April 11, 2012

As channeled through Mike Quinsey

As the word spreads about the changes, so more of you eagerly await the first acknowledgement through the media.

Also as the details of the exploits our allies and the Galactic Federation become known, so more of you hold a strong belief in the outcome.

After all, it has become patently obvious that unless changes take place, Man would sink further into the mire and eventually into oblivion. Those changes are being speeded up by our intervention, and intent to ensure that Divine orders are followed that will result in your release from the dark Ones. It only remains to arrest those who exercise the most power, so that the Illuminati can no longer function as a single unit.

Everything is in place for a whole series of events, so much so that you will be hard pressed to keep up with them. What we want to be able to do is to keep the masses of you well informed, so that there is no misunderstanding as to our intentions. Some people with religious expectations and desires will not accept us, as they will see our coming as different to what they have been told to expect. Indeed, some have been given to understand that we are in league with the Devil. We wish to dispel those feelings and doubts, as we are God loving and serve you in order to bring you out of enslavement. 

We make allowances for your different beliefs, but in the end there will only be the two time lines.

One will be to Ascension when you shall become more godlike, and the other one a continuation of what you already experience. We shall use every opportunity to make the truth known about your future, and it cannot be changed except that you have a choice. We exert no pressure on any soul, but we will provide proof of our mission and it will be backed up by the Masters both on and off Earth. There is so much that has been given you as the truth, yet much has been deliberately distorted or is an absolute untruth, so the harm done will have to be put right.

In the past you have been obedient to your dark masters, without realizing their evil intentions. However, you have now entered a period of upliftment, and with the ever increasing levels of consciousness are more able to be discerning. The truth will carry an energy that will identify it as such, and it will act with your intuition which is your most reliable friend.

Naturally you will also want proof of our statements regarding your past history. That presents no problems to us, as we will show you all relevant proof to the point of showing what is held in the Akashic records. Everything that has ever happened can be brought up again, including for example the Great Flood and similar great historical moments. Noah’s Ark is a wonderful story that is surrounded in myth, but we shall put the record right. There are many such examples, and we have already prepared our courses of instruction. So clearly, we are excited at the prospect of being able to communicate with you at such levels.

Until we can openly contact and converse with you, it is best that you carry on as usual and do not be distracted by what you anticipate from us. Allow it to occur naturally and in its own good time, knowing that your future is now assured. Of course you want to set your sights on Ascension, and in the time that is left you will be well informed as to what you need to do. Basically it is taking a position whereby you can remain calm whilst a lot of activity takes place around you. You the Lightworkers are our bedrock upon the Earth, and are most important to our work. Follow your heart and you will feel secure and calm regardless of what is happening. The best is to come, and with the arrests of the dark Ones any lasting interference will be brought to a halt.

Remember Dear Ones, that the whole Earth is also responding to the influx of higher energies. Mother Earth is desirous of finally becoming rid of the lower energies that have caused her such pain and sorrow. So far there has not been any reason to carry cleansing that would result in catastrophic results, and we do not anticipate that it will need to change. However, Mother Earth is continually changing and adjusting to the new energies reaching her. There will therefore be some repercussions, but we will be closely monitoring such events. We can help to minimize the affects on you, and have done so for a very long time.

You are so near to experiencing the outcome of our activities, and before very long the news will come out through the media. It has in fact already started but only in a small way, whereas we eventually want to see a worldwide coverage. In the near future we will take a hand in seeing that it does progress in this way, and shall be involved directly with the setting up of our own means of getting the news to you. We want you to have the advantage of new technologies as soon as possible, and set you off on the path to a new existence that will be consistent with your upliftment into the higher dimensions. You are ready to make such a leap, and have been introduced to the ideas of them so that you will take to them easily.

The fact that time is still continuing to speed up is being noticed by more of you, and it is quite clear that something major is afoot. Naturally, most of you who read the contact messages are well aware as to the reasons for it. You are leaving the old vibrations behind, as they are no longer suitable for the upcoming Galactic Being that you are becoming. From the times of the Dark Ages you have surmounted the most challenging conditions, yet your Light has shone through. Not only that, you have responded in such a way that you have moved beyond the ability of the dark Ones to continue controlling you. You have cried out loud for freedom and taken the steps that have brought it to you. You can no longer be held in bondage unless you allow it to happen.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and each time I Ieave a message I know that it is welcomed, and helps tide you over until you finally see the results of our activities. Our allies are near to completing their missions, and with that it will not be long before the situation on Earth will be suitable for disclosure to be made. Be assured that we are ready for this event and will bring it forward at the earliest opportunity. Thank you for being so patient, and God bless you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.


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Huge quakes off Indonesia stir panic, but no big tsunami

If this is so, that there has been a huge quake and no tsunami, that seems to suggest the ability of the galactics to intervene. We’ll know when one of our sources comments, if they do. Bandeh Aceh was the part of Indonesia devastated by the 2004 quake and tsunami. Thanks to Sundari.

Huge quakes off Indonesia stir panic, but no big tsunami

People riding motorbikes and cars packed the street in Banda Aceh after a strong earthquake struck Indonesia province April 11, 2012. REUTERS-Junaidi Hanafiah

 By Reza Munawir, Reuters, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Apr 11, 2012


(Reuters) – A powerful 8.6 magnitude earthquake and a series of strong aftershocks struck off Indonesia on Wednesday, sending people scurrying from buildings as far away as southern India, but there seemed little risk of a disastrous tsunami as in 2004.

Indonesia said it was checking for damage and casualties but remarkably, no such reports had been received for several hours after the quakes, including in Aceh, the closest province and the area decimated by the disaster eight years ago.

However, some areas close to the epicentre are remote so it could take some time to find out if there was any damage.

Many people were frightened of further tremors.

“It’s dark out here but I am scared to go home,” said Mila, a 41-year-old woman taking refuge in the grand mosque in the town of Banda Aceh, the provincial capital.

“I just want to stay alert because I fear there will be more quakes coming. We are human, it is only natural that we have fear, but I really wish we will all be safe.”

Waves of up to one metre (3.3 feet) high were seen near islands off Aceh, but Indonesia cancelled a warning for fresh tsunamis. It said the worst-hit area was the thinly populated island of Simeulue, off Aceh’s southern coast.

The first quake struck at 0838 GMT and an 8.2 magnitude aftershock just over two hours later, at 1043 GMT. Two more strong aftershocks hit later.

The Hawaii-based Pacific Tsunami Warning Center also withdrew tsunami warnings for the entire Indian Ocean after keeping them in force for several hours.

“Level readings now indicate that the threat has diminished or is over for most areas,” the agency’s bulletin said.

Thailand and India also withdrew tsunami warnings.

Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India were all badly hit in 2004. At least 230,000 people in 13 Indian Ocean countries were killed in the Boxing Day disaster that year, including 170,000 in and around Aceh alone.

Last year, an earthquake and tsunami off Japan’s northeastern coast killed at least 23,000 people and triggered the world’s worst nuclear crisis in 25 years after waves battered a nuclear power station.

On Wednesday, people near the coast in six Thai provinces were ordered to move to higher ground. Authorities shut down the international airport in the Thai beach resort province of Phuket.

The quakes were about 300 miles (500 km) southwest of Banda Aceh, on the northern tip of Indonesia’s Sumatra island, the U.S. Geological survey said. The first was at a depth of 20.5 miles (33 km).

Indonesia’s disaster management agency said power failed in Aceh province and people were gathering on high ground as sirens warned of the danger.

“The electricity is down, there are traffic jams to access higher ground. Sirens and Koran recitals from mosques are everywhere,” said Sutopo, spokesman for the agency.

“The warning system worked,” Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said.

Warning sirens also rang out across the Thai island of Phuket, a tourist hotspot that was one of the worst hit areas in the 2004 tsunami.

“Guests from expensive hotels overlooking Phuket’s beaches were evacuated to the hills behind and local people were driving away in cars and on motorcycles. Everyone seemed quite calm, the warning had been issued well in advance,” freelance journalist Apichai Thonoy told Reuters by telephone.


Indonesian television showed people gathering in mosques in Banda Aceh. Many others were on the streets, holding crying children.

In the city of Medan, a hospital evacuated patients, who were wheeled out on beds and in wheelchairs.

Wednesday’s quakes were felt as far away as the Thai capital, Bangkok, and in southern India, hundreds of office workers in the city of Bangalore left their buildings while the port of Chennai closed down because of tsunami fears.

The quakes were in roughly in the same area as the 2004 quake, which was at a depth of 18 miles (30 km) along a fault line running under the Indian Ocean, off western Indonesia and up into the Bay of Bengal.

Experts said Wednesday quakes were a “strike-slip” fault, meaning a more horizontal shift of the ground under the sea as opposed to a sudden vertical shift, and less risk of a large displacement of water triggering a tsunami.

“The nature of the sideways rupture and sideways movement is not predisposed to cause a bad tsunami, so almost certainly, the crisis has been avoided,” said David Rothery, an expert at the Open University in the U.K.

The quakes were also felt in Sri Lanka, where office workers in the capital, Colombo, fled their offices.

Mahinda Amaraweera, Sri Lanka’s minister for disaster management, called for calm while advising people near the coast to seek safety.

“I urge the people not to panic. We have time if there is a tsunami going to come. So please evacuate if you are in the coastal area and move to safer places,” Amaraweera told a private television channel.

In Bangladesh, where two tremors were felt, authorities said there appeared to be no threat of a tsunami. Australia also said there was no threat of a tsunami there.

(Reporting by Jakarta, New Delhi, Bangalore, Bangkok and Colombo bureaus; Writing by Raju Gopalakrishnan; Editing by Jonathan Thatcher)


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