
RT – ‘Spain Is Rising Up!’ – Raging Miners Invade Madrid – 12 July 2012

Uploaded on 11 July 2012 by .Coal miners shout slogans in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol at the end of their “Marcha Negra” (Black March)

Latest News: ‘Spain is rising up!’ Raging miners invade Madrid

Thousands of Spanish miners and their supporters flooded the streets of Madrid in a second day of mass protests, just hours after the country’s leader announced a nationwide tax hike.

Workers marched up the city’s main avenue, wearing hardhats and carrying walking sticks, to protest outside the Industry Ministry.

Many walked for nearly three weeks in the blazing sun before finally reaching Madrid.

The crowd chanted, “Miners, stick it out, Spain is rising up!” as they made their way toward Madrid’s central square on Tuesday.

“We didn’t expect such a big welcome. The fact that people are coming into the street and mobilizing is a good sign,” Roberto Quintas, a miner of 22 years, told AFP.

Workers set off fireworks, generating large puffs of smoke along the streets.

Some came from the north of Spain, where protests outside coal mines resulted in clashes with police just three weeks ago.

The miners were joined by relatives and supporters, also angry at cuts made in response to the economic crisis.

Wednesday’s protest came as the country’s leader announced a nationwide tax hike.
To read the rest of this story and see the photos, visit http://www.rt.com/news/spanish-madrid-coal-workers-918/

Thanks to The Galactic Free Press – www.soundofheart.org ink to original article

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The price of gold has been manipulated. This is more scandalous than Libor – Telegraph Blogs

Kucinich Explains the LIBOR Scandal

Dennis KucinichWashington, DC - Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) today released a video on YouTube explaining the “LIBOR scandal” and why it is important to everyone who participates in the economy. Kucinich explained in easily understandable language what the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is, how it affects world markets, and why the Barclay’s scandal is important.

“Late last month, Barclay’s Bank, a multinational bank and financial institution based in the United Kingdom, admitted to regulators that it tried to manipulate something called “Libor” before and during the financial crisis in 2008. “Libor” is an acronym for London Interbank Offered Rate. It is a rate used as a benchmark for the cost of lending throughout the financial system, and it is also used as a reference rate for a wide range of financial products like car loans, adjustable-rate mortgages, student loans and credit cards. 

“The Libor is not based on an objective measure of the interest for bank-to-bank loans. It is the average of a daily poll of the Association’s member banks, who give an estimate of the interest rate they think they would pay if they sought to borrow from another bank. 

“It is supposed to be the way the financial system assesses the overall health of the financial system, because if the banks being polled feel confident about the state of things, they report a low number, because they assume that if they had to borrow from another bank, their cost of borrowing would be low. If member banks feel a low degree of confidence in the financial system, they report a higher interest rate. And from that the Libor is calculated, affecting the interest rate on financial products around the globe.

“What has emerged from the Barclay’s Bank inquiry is evidence that banks may have in fact been deliberately manipulating Libor rates for years. The evidence so far is that one arm of a bank responding to the Libor poll would change their number based on what another arm of the same bank wanted—and that other arm could consist of the bank’s traders who make their money on whether the rate goes up or down. This means that millions of consumers, investors and businesses have been paying the wrong interest rate. Or rather, they haven’t been paying an interest rate that is set according to some legitimate benchmark. Instead they are paying a rate based on a gentlemen’s agreement at financial institutions, a method that practically incentivizes those banks to game the system to maximize their profits.

“And remember, the British Bankers Association, the group that is responsible for setting the rate, is not a government agency. It is just a trade group of big banks-- Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Deutsche Bank and others--whose decisions on such a crucial number are not based on honest accounting or rules or regulatory oversight, but on a gentlemen’s agreement of honesty.

“We don’t know just how deep this scandal goes. But the fact is that if a fundamental component of our financial system has been or is being manipulated, we have the right to know about it. Banks are not above the law and they should not be allowed to operate in secrecy, especially when they have a history of taxpayer bailout and when we are forced to rely on them to provide capital for economic growth.”

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Whistleblower: My Oath is to the Constitution Not to Power Politics | Veterans News Now

Check out this website I found at twitter.com

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How the Containment method strikes a Heart chord

Nuri hearkens to pictures of Muammar Ghaddafi being killed by an angry mob as evidence of what “mass arrests” might result in.

How the Containment method strikes a Heart chord

Nuri Akyol, Live in the Heart, 12 Jul 2012


When the transcript of the interview that Steve Beckow had on July 2nd with Archangel Michael was released I was at first surprised. Like everyone else who has been following channelings and insider (‘white hat’) information I had been reading and/or hearing about ‘mass arrests’ for months now. Hence, I was expecting arrests on an unprecedented scale. So this sudden change of ‘rhetoric’ and especially ‘method’ started even to taste a bit bitter as frustration decided to peek around the corner.

Nevertheless, this feeling of frustration dissipated very fast (much to my delight) as I was reading it further, because I felt that there was truth in Archangel Michael’s words:

“But let me also say, as your brother, as your friend, as the archangel of peace, you did not come to participate solely in destruction, solely in things like mass arrests — for really what does this mean? What I would suggest to you is that the idea or the term of mass arrests, whether it is with the Intergalactic Council or the [Galactic] Federation, or your star brothers and sisters scattered far and wide, for lightworkers and lightholders, has a very different meaning.

And that is why I wish to address this usage of language, because, dear hearts, when you speak of mass arrests, you are speaking of violence. You are speaking of retribution, you are speaking of revenge. And that is not who you are, it is not who you have ever been, and it is certainly not why you have come.”[1]

Yes, it did indeed feel like retribution and in some cases even revenge every time the term ‘mass arrests’ came up. I personally couldn’t wait to see them rounded up and to give them a piece of their own cake. However, now I understand that the meaning that is attributed to this term as a collective, of which I am a part of, is one of anger, fear, hatred etc. As a result, the interview with archangel Michael resulted into me asking a fundamental question: How would we be any different from the Cabal if our actions would be based on the same underlying lower vibrational emotions and feelings?

When writing this my thoughts wonder off to how Saddam Hoessein and more recently Khadaffi have come to their end. When this happened, I kept on asking myself the question: how are we any different from them? And in retrospect, in regards to this particular channeling, it all makes heart sense to me now! This collective and individual journey towards ascension just happens to be about the exact opposite, namely about eradicating those lower vibrations and transcending into unconditionally loving, compassionate and forgiving beings.

Nevertheless, it is my opinion that a certain amount of arrests should be made to honour the collective’s will as I believe that it could prove to be very important to the collective’s emotional healing as far as I can judge it off course. And I am almost certain that I have read that it will happen although I cannot find it back any more.

Lastly, I would like to send my utmost gratitude to Archangel Michael for giving us an essential wake up call once more.

Much Love and Light


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It cannot be otherwise. ~ Michael through Ron Head

It cannot be otherwise. ~ Michael through Ron Head


2 Votes

Our subject for today is the need for responsibility and the willingness to take action.  Both of these things were very necessary before any real change could occur.  We are happy to tell you that, when the need arose, you were up to the task.  Those who had the means and opportunity to take meaningful action did so, and we were then able to see to it that the outcome was as expected and needed.


Things are now off to a good start and the beginnings of the end are in sight.  Although your major information media are still not reporting the obvious, it is easy to see that the word is getting out without them.  Your social media and your alternate news sources have far outstripped them in the reporting of truth and thus are having a marvelous affect in changing the mass consciousness.

Millions of you are getting used to the idea of affecting change with the input of your own intent and imagination.  This is something that was to be avoided at all cost.  The knowledge of your own power was never to come to light.  Now it is too late.  The cat has escaped the proverbial bag.


During this next week, there will be a great boost given to all of this in many ways.  You have a tendency to discuss and perceive of these changes in one or two specific ways.  Please know that what is actually happening is far, far more all-encompassing than that.  Every thought, every action, every person, indeed every particle is becoming involved in bringing about the shift that you desire.  This is what happens under the Will of the Divine.  It cannot be otherwise.  Even the most strenuous efforts in opposition will be bent to the task and will only end up insuring their own defeat.

Momentum is continuing to grow and will do so until the moment when you realize that your new world is here.  This is always the way of it.  Every intention, every word, and where possible, every small action each of you can add will, in the end, prove to have been exactly what was needed.  This, you see, is why we are always acting as your cheerleaders.  We are almost to the day when we will be able to say, “Look!  You have done it!”  Remain steadfast now, dear hearts, and call upon us whenever there is need for our help.  We are never farther away than your thought.


For those of you who are using the suggestions we have given in your meditations, one last image.  When the unconditional love begins to flow out from you, hold your entire world in your hands.  We think you will enjoy the feeling of that.

We will speak again.  Good day.


Copyright © Ronald Head. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete, and you include this copyright notice link: http://oraclesandhealers.wordpress.com/


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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 7/12/12 ‘We Play for the Same Team’


Did scientific study ever sub- seed your development and progress in any way? No it did not. Scientific study, research, examination and experimentation have always led to greater understandings of the nature of yourselves, of the world, and even beyond into the universe around you. We of the Galactic Federation of Light have also been conducting research here in your world, but this is not why we are here. We are here in offers of our assistance to you to help you find your way, and once found, help you now create what it is you want from the crystal-clear canvas that you have manifested to paint your dream portrait upon. We did not come here for scientific study, research or even exploration, as there is nothing that we wished to learn that motivated us to team together millions of individuals from thousands upon thousands of worlds and other alliances throughout this universe to travel all the way here in order to conduct this research. We are conducting this research and these studies, and in a way, infrequently conducting experimentation here in your world because this is beneficial to your people as we are devising better ways and higher standards for your people, and as such, an understanding of your mental and physiological processes are very necessary before we can even begin to discuss plans to implement projects and programs to better assist you increase your living conditions here in your world.


We do not take any of our studies that we conduct lightly. All are initiated and conducted through the highest standards of our scientific, medical and research teams. We have not come here haphazardly with a loosely fitted joining of beings from throughout this universe as this would not benefit you, as well as our efforts here. What benefits us and you greatly is to have come here prepared with a highly trained, sophisticated and experienced team that has been handpicked over a long and very meticulous selection process where only the finest, sharpest and most seasoned minds and wills have been chosen and added to our rosters. No stone was left unturned and thousands of planets were selected for this recruitment process, and we are highly confident we have teamed with some of the most talented, dedicated and experienced professional minds anywhere in this, or perhaps even other universes.


The beings that are here now as members of our team are the highest skilled representatives in their fields from throughout this entire universe you can be assured of this. Considering this, would you ease your fears and your concern that you are not in qualified hands when it comes to these programs and projects that we wish to initiate here in your world, and even in the infrequent examples when we are conducting research and surveys of your people? We feel that your race has chosen to worry and be concerned about so many things, some real, some imagined, some overblown and overinflated, and we say to you that adding to your burden by concerning yourselves with our abilities, our professionalism, our integrity, our purpose and our levels of experience is certainly not worthy of your time and energy spent on such thought. We say to you be confident in our abilities, feel safe in our talents and our experience, for your people are in a very equitable partnership with a highly skilled team of dedicated, experienced, knowledgeable, caring and kind individuals who are the most talented and most highly recognized experts in their fields from their individual planets. Do you now feel a little more at ease hearing this from us today?


We have detected through our monitoring services of your publicly accessible areas of your online communities where there have been a few of you who have voiced your concern and your fear of our mentioning of our research that we are conducting here, and some of you have taken this the wrong way and have been falsely led somehow to believe that the purpose for our mission here is for the conducting of research and experimentation. As we have just made clear, this is certainly not the case whatsoever. As part of our efforts here some research must be conducted to understand you better, to understand your world better, to find out what it is that are the problems here and to find feasible, logical, adequate and efficient solutions to these problems. Do you understand better, dear ones, that our research and studies are merely one small aspect of the larger picture which is our mission here to assist your world experience what it is you collectively and individually choose to experience, and if it is upgrades to your society and your systems through programs that we can offer then this is what you shall receive, nothing more and nothing less? You call the shots. It is your world and we have always respected this and we will always respect this, as we also have our own worlds and we expect others to respect our boundaries and our rights as well.


We look so forward to moving ahead with these projects we have spoken with you about from time to time. The day is now approaching very rapidly when the playing field will be cleared of sufficient numbers of the members and minions of your criminal cabal. The playing field has already been tilted greatly on an angle that favors our team together with you, the people of Earth. We now feel very confident that we can move ahead with our plans to rendezvous with a number of your people that have been selected through one of our programs where we have monitored and followed your online discussions that have been posted publicly throughout your Internet, and we have compiled quite a list of the members of your world who we feel we would be comfortable working with, who we would feel safe working with, who we feel would make a positive addition to our joint teams to begin the initial projects that will break ground, if you will, and begin to right the ship which is your world floating majestically on the sea of space.


There is nothing that we cannot achieve together. There is no obstacle, difficulty or damage that has been done to your world that we cannot overcome, defeat or eradicate. We can do it as long as we are working together. If we continue to work separate from each other we do not see the successful conclusion of many, if any at all, of these projects. We feel you do not possess the tools or the knowledge in certain scientific fields to accomplish these tasks on your own, and we also will not and even cannot in some cases complete all of the projects that we feel are necessary here in your world unless we are working with you, for it is your planet, and only at your hands can these accomplishments be achieved, for what would your people learn from this experience if they did not repair the damage that they are partly responsible for causing?


Remember, life eternal is a journey that takes us all through experiences that we can and do learn from. This is what is transpiring here in your world. You, the people of Earth, are being given an incredibly blessed opportunity to learn so much and to grow so much beyond your current levels of understanding in so many different areas, externally from yourselves and your world and even internally, as you all are learning so many personal lessons and increasing your understandings of your human vessels, physically mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We wish to see you garner the full potential of everything this glorious opportunity presents you, and we do not wish to overstep our bounds and take away any of this experience for you by taking over workloads that you can certainly complete yourselves. There are very many of you and we, through our surveys of your people, have come to the conclusions that a great preponderance of you are willing and even eager to work with us on these many projects and we certainly will not take these opportunities away from any of you by completing these tasks by the use of our own personnel.


We will, of course, be with you every step of the way, teaching you the proper function and use of our technologies, and we have already come to the conclusion that a vast many of you are very fast learners and your intelligences are often far beyond the limits of what some of you feel you possess. We feel your people are a vastly intelligent race of beings, and if it were not from the unrelenting efforts of this criminal cabal that has blanketed your world in darkness, oppression and recession for so many eons of time, perhaps our services here would not even be beneficial to you as you may have already achieved all the advancements on your own that we have come here in offers to you. We are going to find out very soon just how much you are capable of accomplishing and you are going to find out just what we are capable of accomplishing as well, and we both are going to find out what we together as one team can accomplish. We are very confident that we are going to surprise each other when we are working together, and discover that the sky is not even the limit when we work together as a team and set out to accomplish any goal or task here in your world.


Show your faith now that you trust us, that you are willing to work with us and that you see our motives and our purpose here are of the highest of integrity, in love and in service to our Creator and to you, our brothers and sisters. Show us you care enough about your planet and your fellow humans by doing what you can to overcome some of the fears that you may be experiencing at this time. Show us you can find ways to properly manage these fears and emotions that trigger inside you when you here of extraterrestrials, spacecraft, channeling, and the projects we will begin together once we rejoin each other in happy reunion. This is one obstacle that there are those of you who have not yet found a way to overcome. You must find a way to get over these unjust fears of us, of outsiders, of those you perceive erroneously as strangers to you.


We are not strangers to you. There are hardly any beings in this universe that are strange to you, as we are all connected and interconnected and we are all one part of one well oiled machine which, through the complimenting of each other, our skills, talents, experiences, knowledge and wisdom runs and operates smoothly, bringing joy, abundance, love, togetherness and wonderful experiences for each and every being who is a part of this great mechanical machine that is this beautiful and perfectly functioning universe. Help us keep this machine well oiled and perfectly tuned. Overcome your fears of us, of those who you may not remember and who you may feel are strangers in your home, and let us get on with the work that we must do together to bring to your world the changes and advancements that we all know are vitally necessary for your continued growth and the fruition of all the hopes and dreams of your people who, through so many lifetimes of challenges, struggles, hardships and disappointments have earned and deserve something so much more, something so much better, more prosperous, more beautiful, more clean, more uplifting, more enjoyable, more memorable. This day has come; allow it to be. Allow yourself to feel comfortable with our presence as we wish to feel welcome by you, our own family after all.


We are your teammates here to join forces with you, our brothers and sisters of the planet Earth. We are the Galactic Federation of Light.




As channeled through Greg Giles

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How The Banks Control People | The Galactic Free Press

Check out this website I found at soundofheart.org

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How The Banks Control People | The Galactic Free Press

Check out this website I found at soundofheart.org

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US Attorney Generals Jump On The Lieborgate Bandwagon; 900,000+ Lawsuits To Follow | The Galactic Free Press

US Attorney Generals Jump On The Lieborgate Bandwagon; 900,000+ Lawsuits To Follow


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  • 0digg

By Tyler Durden on 07/11/2012 21:00 -0400

The second Barclays announced its $450 million Libor settlement, it was all over – the lawyers smelled not only blood, but what may be the biggest plaintiff feeding frenzy of all time. Which is why it was only a matter of time: “State attorneys general are jumping into the widening scandal over whether banks tried to manipulate benchmark international lending rates, a move that could open a new front against the top global banks. A handful of state attorneys general said they are looking into whether they have jurisdiction over the banks, and are starting preliminary discussions to determine what kind of impact the conduct involving the Libor rate may have had in their states.”

From Reuters:


“Our office is aware of the allegations around the manipulation of the Libor, and we are working with other state agencies to determine whether Massachusetts has suffered any losses as a result,” a spokesman for Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley said. A spokesman for Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said his office is aware of the recent settlement reached by British bank Barclays with U.S. and UK authorities and “will look at the case to the extent that our office might have any jurisdiction in the matter.”


A spokeswoman for the Massachusetts transportation authority, MassDOT, said the agency “is actively investigating its portfolio for the purpose of determining if it was underpaid on its bonds due to the brewing Libor situation,” as are many other issuers of debt whose rate is governed by Libor.


Lawyers for several states have had early discussions about whether they might pool investigative resources and launch a broader, multi-state effort, but no formal consortium has been established yet, people familiar with the discussions said. New York might be expected to lead such an effort, since most of the banks’ U.S. operations are based there. A spokesman for the New York attorney general declined comment on whether the issue is being looked at.


Some municipalities, including the city of Baltimore, and funds including the Frankfurt-based Metzler Investment GmbH, which manages 47 billion euros ($59 billion) in assets, have already sued more than a dozen banks, arguing they were bilked of potentially billions of dollars.


How many potential lawsuits are we talking about here? Quite a bit in fact as the FT explains:


There are at least 900,000 outstanding US home loans indexed to Libor that were originated from 2005 to 2009, the period the key lending gauge may have been rigged, investigators have said. Those mortgages carry an unpaid principal balance of $275bn, according to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a bank regulator.


Also, as explained here before, not only is this a legal bonanza, but it will be a political feast for the Congressional circus to earn numerous C-SPAN brownie points.


“I think the US government should be just as aggressive in getting to the bottom of this scandal as the United Kingdom has been,” said Senator Sherrod Brown, chair of the bank regulatory subcommittee on the Senate banking committee.


“This was not isolated to London, but affected tens of millions of investors, borrowers and taxpayers in our country as well,” Mr Brown added.


What does the above mean?


1) Starting today and going forward, there will be numerous essays, “analyses” and white papers, all of which will try to estimate (some on a paid basis) the damages and impact of the Libor manipulation that took place at least in the period under discussion 2005-2009. All of these will be absolutely wrong, as nobody has any clear idea of how the cumulative impact of the Libor rate, which may have been pushed below either lower or higher depending on how it suited a given BBA-member bank, over a period of years will have impacted hundreds of trillions in partially offsetting notional securities. Therefore, while one day it may have led to impairments, another day it would benefit the end-holder of a given interest-rate sensitive product. But they will try. And the bigger the number, the better, which leads us to…


Read the rest of the article here: Zero Hedge




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Tony Blair demanded MOD briefing on UFOs after member of the public suggested a cover-up over information on alien life-forms | The Galactic Free Press


By Alex Ward and Anthony Bond

PUBLISHED: 18:05 EST, 11 July 2012
UPDATED: 03:30 EST, 12 July 2012

Former prime minister Tony Blair received a briefing about UFOs from the Ministry of Defence because of his concerns over the disclosure of classified information on alien life-forms.

Downing Street requested the advice for the PM in 1998 as the Freedom of Information Act was being introduced, which allowed the public to obtain information on alien mysteries.

Mr Blair's concerns were raised after he received a letter from a member of the public referring to a 'cover-up' and asking him to make UFO reports and other information available.

According to The Daily Telegraph, Mr Blair sought advice from the MOD for their policy on the issue.

He was told by staff at the ministry that it has 'only a limited interest in UFO matters' but that they ' remained open-minded' about 'extraterrestrial life forms'.

Details of the briefing emerged yesterday ahead of today's release of files by the Government of more than 6,700 pages detailing seemingly close encounters with UFOs over the last 30 years.

Among a series of UFO sightings in the files is a policeman's report of a mystery cluster of lights darting across the sky during an FA Cup replay between Chelsea and Manchester United.

The mounted officer’s claims to have seen the bright object hovering over Stamford Bridge in March 1999 for almost 15 seconds, slowly changing shape, were corroborated by a colleague.

The ‘credible witness report’ is one of a series investigated by the Ministry of Defence, whose top-secret files are being released in sections by the National Archives following the closure of the ministry’s UFO desk in 2009.

The UFO files: Sightings at an FA Cup quarter final and a field in Wales are just two detailed in the 6,700 page document

The UFO files: Sightings at an FA Cup quarter final and a field in Wales

Read the rest of this story: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2171872/Tony-Blair-received-MOD-briefing-UFOs-prime-minister-concerns-disclosure-classified-information-alien-life-forms.html#ixzz20QIJvemr 


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Tony Blair demanded MOD briefing on UFOs after member of the public suggested a cover-up over information on alien life-forms | The Galactic Free Press


By Alex Ward and Anthony Bond

PUBLISHED: 18:05 EST, 11 July 2012
UPDATED: 03:30 EST, 12 July 2012

Former prime minister Tony Blair received a briefing about UFOs from the Ministry of Defence because of his concerns over the disclosure of classified information on alien life-forms.

Downing Street requested the advice for the PM in 1998 as the Freedom of Information Act was being introduced, which allowed the public to obtain information on alien mysteries.

Mr Blair's concerns were raised after he received a letter from a member of the public referring to a 'cover-up' and asking him to make UFO reports and other information available.

According to The Daily Telegraph, Mr Blair sought advice from the MOD for their policy on the issue.

He was told by staff at the ministry that it has 'only a limited interest in UFO matters' but that they ' remained open-minded' about 'extraterrestrial life forms'.

Details of the briefing emerged yesterday ahead of today's release of files by the Government of more than 6,700 pages detailing seemingly close encounters with UFOs over the last 30 years.

Among a series of UFO sightings in the files is a policeman's report of a mystery cluster of lights darting across the sky during an FA Cup replay between Chelsea and Manchester United.

The mounted officer’s claims to have seen the bright object hovering over Stamford Bridge in March 1999 for almost 15 seconds, slowly changing shape, were corroborated by a colleague.

The ‘credible witness report’ is one of a series investigated by the Ministry of Defence, whose top-secret files are being released in sections by the National Archives following the closure of the ministry’s UFO desk in 2009.

The UFO files: Sightings at an FA Cup quarter final and a field in Wales are just two detailed in the 6,700 page document

The UFO files: Sightings at an FA Cup quarter final and a field in Wales

Read the rest of this story: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2171872/Tony-Blair-received-MOD-briefing-UFOs-prime-minister-concerns-disclosure-classified-information-alien-life-forms.html#ixzz20QIJvemr 


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Cryptic Cobra Communique, with Comments | The Galactic Free Press

Cryptic Cobra Communique, with Comments

Posted on July 12, 2012

Ann Kreilkamp:

I really enjoy Cobra’s dramatic presentation of this latest coded cryptic communique to those in what he calls “The Resistance Movement.” And I love reading through the commentary it has inspired, noting three possible “interpretations” of what it all might mean . . . 


An epistemological reminder:  to focus on trying to figure out which single way of viewing something is the “correct” one limits our vision to a single point in a sea of infinite space. Focus instead on the space. Be at one with the space within which  points pop in and out of “reality” depending on where we place our attention . . .

Above all, expand, expand, while remaining grounded in this dear good Earth . . .


The Plan

July 11, 2012


 From Comments Section


ShadowlightJuly 11, 2012 3:41 PM

My sense is that Cobra means to be cryptically encouraging here. He knows the question on everyone’s mind – “what’s the plan?”

And so he titles his message: The Plan.


The first image is from the film, “The Matrix” – digital ones and zeroes, blue-lit against a black background, flowing endlessly in a mind-enslaving code of illusion – a metaphor for the cabal. The second image is unequivocal – “there is a way to hack the matrix.”

“Mission Ignition” is simply, to me, a two-word message meaning it has begun or is about to. The video url is not relevant to his message.


The unprecedented industrial-strength hacking of high-roller accounts last week (dubbed by the UK’s cyber-security chief as at an “astonishing” level of breadth and depth) was claimed by Cobra as the alliance doing a test run on their ability to “hack the matrix.”

Thus this message is essentially saying – “we are taking down the cabal’s financial system from within, and will strip them bare.”

Then….Mission Ignition – and a peaceful flowering of prosperity…so we hope.


At least, that’s my take.

yep, interesting interpretation Shadowlight, makes good sense and seems indeed to be a reference to the hacking recently and potentially soon to be repeated, which brings in a new economic system :)


Maybe another interpretation – a bit more simplistic -might be that it is a graphic illustration of the COBRA compression breakthrough of the Event:


1st image is the action from above of the positive ET forces with their electric blue light from the Galactic Core.

2nd image – the surface of the earth = the Matrix

3rd image – underground Resistance & Agarthan forces rising up and being activated.

And now for the timing …. well … guess that’s anyone’s guess right now. Only the Source knows for sure :)


First of all , let me apologize for my sloppy corespondents. Typing is a torture for me, because my right hand gets numb. And because of that, I spend 4 times more time on typing than you do.

Now , this is my version of decoding today’s message. This is what I think…

Picture #1- The Cosmic Computer, the Matrix is clean and it’s running smoothly. The Divine Plan is in FULL progress. (I do not why or how, but I got this idea as soon as I took a look on it).

Picture #2-”There is a way to hack the matrix…”
And you see the hypnotizing, mighty eyes of a KING COBRA, with a crown on its head.

I remembered Cobra saying something very important about the cobra IMAGE. So I went back, and found it. Here it is from April 22nd, titled “Dispelling the Fears”, under the “Illuminati symbols” he wrote: “Next time you see a SYMBOL of cobra do not think about it as a symbol for Reptilian race but rather as a SYMBOL of KUNDALINI, the mysterious FORCE of ENLIGHTEMENT” ( WOOOOOW!!)

Picture #3- First of all it is very beautiful. Second of all, I did not recall ever seeing it before.

And it gives us the message, “Mission – Ignition”. I think it is our Milky Way galaxy with a spinning center, The Source, the Godhead, surrounded by sparkly, spinning stars. The galaxy has 12 “arms”, which could represent the 12 dimensions, or the 12 zodiac signs. It also looks like a FULLY activated MERKABA with 5 twinkling beacones. This could also, be The Flower of Life… So, once again, I took a look for a clue in his previous intels. And this is what I found from April 8, “Compression


Breakthrough”, where he states. “Cobra is a codename for compression breakthrough. …Light forces of the Resistance Movement are advancing from the under ground up towards the surface of the planet. When Light from above and Light from below meet right on the surface of the planet, this is the compression breakthrough. That occurance is called THE E V E N T . The Event includes, but is not limited to MASS ARRESTS of the cabal. Rather it is a multidimensional trigger event that starts the process of ENTERING into the long-awaited Golden Age”. Aaaaah haaa!!!!


I wish this is true…. I hope, very soon we all will hear the good news.

But before that, keep on doing whatever is that we should do together- pray for the protection of our Light Warrior sisters and brothers.




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Americans' Confidence in Television News Drops to New Low | The Galactic Free Press

Gallup Politics July 10, 2012

Liberals' and Moderates' Views
Are Now Similar to Conservatives'

by Lymari Morales

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Americans' confidence in television news is at a new low by one percentage point, with 21% of adults expressing a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in it. This marks a decline from 27% last year and from 46% when Gallup started tracking confidence in television news in 1993.

Trend: Americans' Confidence in Television News

The findings are from Gallup's annual update on confidence in U.S. institutions, conducted June 7-10 this year. As such, the findings preceded the erroneous initial reports by cable-news networks CNN and Fox News regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's June 28 decision about the constitutionality of the U.S. healthcare law.

Among 16 U.S. institutions tested, television news ranks 11th, following newspapers in 10th place. The 25% of adults who express a great deal or quite a lot of confidence in newspapers is down slightly from 28% last year. Confidence in newspapers is now half of what it was at its peak of 51% in 1979.

Trend: Americans' Confidence in Newspapers

This year's updates mark a setback from last year for both television news and newspapers, when Americans appeared to be regaining some confidence in these institutions, though they are more in line with 2007-2010 readings.

Liberals' and Moderates' Faith Plummets Below Conservatives'

Liberals and moderates lost so much confidence in television news this year -- 11 and 10 points, respectively -- that their views are now more akin to conservatives' views. This marks a turnaround from the pattern seen since 2009, in which liberals expressed more confidence than conservatives. Conservatives' views of television news were last similar to liberals' in June 2008, before the last presidential election. However, moderates are significantly less confident now than they were then, 20% vs. 28%.

Americans' Confidence in Television News by Ideology, 2003-2012 Trend

The decline since last year in confidence in television news among liberals did not coincide with a similar decline among Democrats. Democrats this year are the most confident in the television news media among key subgroups. Interestingly, postgraduates, who tend to be Democrats, are now the least confident.

Americans' Confidence in Television News, 2012 vs. 2011 vs. 2010

Many of the groups that lost confidence in television news also tended to lose confidence in newspapers, though to a lesser degree. These include liberals, older Americans, men, and postgraduates. Other groups budged only slightly.

To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.gallup.com/poll/155585/Americans-Confidence-Television-News-Drops-New-Low.aspx?utm_source=alert&utm_medium=email&utm_


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Media Blackout : World’s Largest Public Protests In Mexico – 12 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

July 11, 2012 – The largest public protests, rallies and demonstrations that the world has ever seen are happening right now – with almost no media coverage. Not only is … there a blackout on these events in the media, but YouTube is frequently removing footage of these mass rallies and events when requested to do so by governments:  see below article and video:


Read more: www.disclose.tv link to original article

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Zerohedge – George Washington – U.S. Gave Tens Of Billions To Libor-Manipulating Banks … Even AFTER Learning About The Manipulation George Washington’s Picture – 12 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

You know that Libor is the largest economic scam in world history and the largest insider trading scandal ever.

You know that the Federal Reserve knew about the manipulationby August 2007. And see this.

But did you realize that the Fed and Treasury threw billions of dollars of taxpayer money at Barclays and the other Libor-manipulating banks after they knew about the manipulation … and did nothing to stop it?

As Richard Eskow notes:

Thanks to the GAO audit of the Fed — an audit which it vigorously resisted — we know that Barclays was the fifth largest recipient of emergency loans. Bailout loans for Barclays came to $868 billion. That means that Barclays probably made billions off the reduced interest rate alone, courtesy of the American people.

Those loans were granted between December 2007 and July 2010. That means the Fed was doling out billions to Barclays after it learned that the bank was lying about its LIBOR rates.

Indeed, all of the probable Libor manipulators – including Citi, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, UBS, RBS and Deutsche – were huge recipients of bailout money courtesy of the American taxpayer:

Table 8: Institutions with Largest Total Transaction Amounts (Not Term-Adjusted) across Broad-Based Emergency Programs (Borrowing Aggregated by Parent Company and Includes Sponsored ABCP Conduits), December 1, 2007 through July 21, 2010

Bailout U.S. Gave Tens of Billions to Libor Manipulating Banks ... Even AFTER Learining about the Manipulation

Source: GAO analysis of Federal Reserve System data (click on chart to enlarge)

No, the criminals haven’t paid back the bailout money, American taxpayers are still bailing them out and helping them grow bigger, and the banks are committing more fraud every day.

The government isn’t doing anything to rein in the big banks … no wonder people are starting to call for bankers’ heads.

Thanks www.shiftfrequency.com link to article / www.zerohedge.com link to original article

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1.700 Cops Arrested In Puerto Rico! – 12 July 2012 | Lucas 2012 Infos

Uploaded on 11 July 2012 by .

Read the New York Times article in the link below. Be sure to pay extra attention to paragraphs 3, 4 and 5. I urge all police officers to ask yourselves if you really believe Raymond Kelly and Michael Bloomberg are going to defend you when the FBI comes to arrest you for Constitutional rights violations and discrimination.

They indirectly force you to violate certain people’s rights to meet performance goals and then act like they never knew you had to break the law to meet your monthly arrest and ticket quotas.

NYPD hero and Whistle blower Adil Polanco stays home with his family everyday and collects close to $90,000 a year for doing the right thing and exposing police department corruption and so can you. You can either expose corruption now within the NYPD or share the same fate as the 1,700 police officers in Puerto Rico that thought they were untouchable but are now behind bars.

New York Times article : http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/08/us/08police.html?pagewanted=all

(Thanks Bill!)

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Scientists March On Parliament Hill To Protest Research Cuts | The Galactic Free Press

Published on Tuesday July 10, 2012

Science protest

Bruce Campion-Smith/Toronto Star Scientists and academics gathered on Parliament Hill on Tuesday to protest Conservative budget cuts they say will undermine science in Canada and with it good policy based on evidence. (July 10, 2012)

Terry Pedwell
The Canadian Press

OTTAWA—Hundreds of scientists stepped away from their petri dishes on Tuesday to denounce what they say are the Harper government’s sweeping cuts to research.

Flanked by supporters, the white-coated scientists marched through downtown Ottawa to Parliament Hill for a mock funeral marking “the death of evidence.”

They carried placards that read “No Science, No Evidence, No Truth,” and “Save ELA,” referring to the experimental lakes area that recently had its funding cut.

A central theme of the rally was the planned closure of the ELA, a research station in Ontario that produces critical data used to combat acid rain and phosphate pollution in lake water. Without government funding, it is slated to close in 2013.

“The experimental lakes area is a world-class, living, outdoor laboratory where scientists have studied how to protect freshwater for decades,” said Maude Barlow, head of the Council of Canadians and a former senior adviser on water to the UN General Assembly.

“The Harper government is shaming Canadians in the eyes of the world and killing a major gift to water science at the very moment we are really beginning to understand the depth of the global water crisis.”

But the protesters also decried the Conservative government’s overall economic agenda, which they say puts the environment at risk for the sake of creating jobs.

The Conservatives make no apologies for wanting to focus scientific research in areas where money and jobs can be made.

To read the rest of this story, visit http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/politics/article/1224224--scientists-to-march-in-ottawa-to-protest-death-of-evidence

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Further Disclosure? Now UK Govt and MoD Make Admissions | The Galactic Free Press


Further Disclosure? Now UK Govt and MoD Make Admissions

2012 JULY 11

Posted by Stephen Cook

Further Disclosure?  Now UK Govt and MoD Make Admissions

Stephen: I have just been ‘led’  instantly to this story which appeared on the UK paper The Telegraph’s website literally a few minutes ago.

It’s another trickle from a government and its military as part of the ‘softly, softly’ disclosure process which is now unfolding day by day.

There’s even talk of our star brothers and sisters’ involvement in ‘new technology’.

You’ll notice here that the story includes the line: “there did not appear to be any hostile intent”.

Remember, putting the thought out there – even if the wording is not exactly as some of us may like it to be – is all part of the disclosure process…One that doesn’t shock, but subtly seeps in.

This ‘trickling’ process also avoids major embarrassment for governments and military everywhere when the truth finally comes out in the months ahead. They can then say: “well, we did suggest this might be the case.”

The UFO Files: aliens ‘might come here for holidays’

By Hamish Furness, The Telegraph – July 12, 2012


Government officials believe aliens may visit Earth and suggest harnessing UFO technology for UK defences, files say.

Documents from the Ministry of Defence classified archives show staff believed aliens could visit for “military reconnaissance”, “scientific” research or “tourism”.

In a 1995 briefing now published by the National Archives, a desk officer said the purpose of reported alien craft sightings “needs to be established as a matter of priority”, adding there did not appear to be “hostile intent”.

The unnamed official said it was “essential that we start with open minds”, explaining “what is scientific ‘fact’ today may not be true tomorrow”.

Clarifying he did not “talk to little green men every night”, he said: “We have a remit that we have never satisfied. That is, we do not now (sic) if UFOs exist.

“If they do exist, we do not know what they are, their purpose or if they pose a threat to the UK.

“If the sightings are of devices not of the earth then their purpose needs to be established as a matter of priority. There has been no apparent hostile intent and other possibilities are: 1) Military reconnaissance; 2) Scientific; 3) Tourism.”

He added that “if reports are taken at face value” they showed extraterrestrial vehicles had “a very wide range of speeds and are stealthy”.

Thus, he suggested, “we could use this technology, if it exists”.

His briefing document lists possible reasons for UFO sightings, including mass hallucinations, US aircraft, “atmospheric events” and hoaxes, but indicated none provide a fully convincing explanation.

It adds there are “some indications that the reported incidents are only the tip of an iceberg and many people do not wish to risk embarrassment and so do not report sightings”.

He also noted that the number of reports of “strange objects in the skies” increased dramatically after the Second World War, with most sightings coming from “farmers, policemen, doctors and lovers”.

“Most people think that UFOs are a recent phenomena (sic) but they are not,” he said. “There are reasonably reliable reports of strange objects in the skies dating back hundreds of years.”

In 1979, an official briefing written by the MoD in preparation for a House of Lords debate on UFOs questioned why aliens would want to visit the Earth.

An unnamed intelligence officer said it would be prudent to consider the number of stars in the universe, the number which might have inhabitable planets and a list of interesting places in the universe that an intelligent community might wish to visit”.

He said: “A visit to an insignificant planet (the earth) of an uninteresting star (the sun) would probably not occur more than once in a thousand years or so, even if one assumes that every intelligent community made say 10 launches a year.”

Thus, he concluded, “claims of thousands of visits in the last decade or so are far too large to be credible”.

Papers also show the existence of a “Flying Saucer Working Party” within government during 1950-52.

In 1998, one worried member of staff annotated the file to say: “Oh dear! This makes our ‘no interest’ in [flying saucers] look suspect. I know not now but maybe then.”

Dr David Clarke, UFO consultant at the National Archives and university lecturer, said: “These files also detail the background to the MoD’s decision to release these files to the public in the first place, something I had been campaigning for over several years under the Freedom of Information Act.

“Now they have been released at The National Archives they will provide future generations with a fascinating snapshot of an unexplored aspect of contemporary social history.”


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