
Forbidden Knowledge TV

Huff Post - Alejandro Rojas, 9/5/12

Many do not realize that for several decades the United States took UFO reports very seriously. In fact, it was the Air Force that coined the term UFO in the first place. Furthermore, there are several governments around the world who still take UFO reports very seriously and continue to investigate them in an official capacity. All of these government-sponsored UFO investigations have been documented like never before in the new book UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry.

The cover of the book says it is a history of government UFO investigations "from the perspectives of the governments themselves." That is because the authors have undergone years of painstaking research, unearthing hundreds of official government documents from government and university archives chronicling the manner in which government agencies went about tackling the UFO phenomenon and why they even bothered.

More: huffingtonpost.com.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Forbidden Knowledge TV

There Shall be No More Death 2012 SEPTEMBER 9

Periodically I hear from people whose partners are afflicted with disabling diseases or whose parents are ageing and just hanging on.

To give hope, to those who are handling this kind of situation, let’s review what our sources say about health, expected technologies, our new bodies, etc., so that the maximum literature is available to those who need to read it themselves or give to others.

“The door to Ascension is wide open,” SaLuSa tells us, but “but nothing will be allowed to enter unless it is of the higher vibrations.” (1) “There will eventually be a regeneration of your body cells. You are beginning to move into your Ascension bodies, and these will not carry forward any existing imperfections.” (2)

Matthew Ward reveals that we’ll regrow missing limbs and organs. “Along the way you will obtain perfect health and re-grow missing limbs and organs. Not only will you overcome the effects common to aging, but those in advanced years gradually will become younger.” (3)

After Ascension, death will have lost its sting, There will be no more death, SaLuSa informs us.

“Of course when you rise up into the higher levels, you have a simple transition from one life to another without going through death. You do it through your own choosing, as you decide when it is your time to move on. You can literally step out of your old body into a new one as you desire. Along with the changes in your body cells that keep you young and healthy, you have none of the illnesses or disabling features experienced on Earth.” (4)

Some of these processes have begun as we speak and will continue after Ascension, SaLuSa says.

“The new you is rising up out of the ashes of the old you, and you are creating an embodiment that is appropriate for Ascension that you will know as your crystalline body. That in itself will assure you of having a healthy life, that is free from the illnesses and disease associated with the low vibrations of the 3rd. Dimension.” (5)

Our bodies will become increasingly lighter and our experience will be of increasing lightness, SaLuSa says.

“As you lift upwards so you become more of the Light, and with Ascension will shed the heaviness of the physical body. To be free is quite an exhilarating experience, and you will be literally re-born.” (6)

The ageing process will eventually stop, SaLuSa tells us.

“Something that would not be noticed yet is, because of the higher vibrations, the aging process is slowing down. Eventually it will stop, and once you have crystalline cells the whole process can be reversed through the power of thought. The new cells will have a greater degree of consciousness than previously, and re-act to thought more quickly.” (7)

Melchizedek informs us that the changes in the field of health will boggle our minds.

“The power of the unified field of integrated consciousness that looms on the horizon has the entire Universe abuzz in anticipation of events that would boggle the human mind at this time. Be assured that each of you is an integral part of this process and that your Path is safe, your Path is perfect as you join together and connect to the Divine.

“As co-creators with the Infinite One, nothing is impossible and this will manifest in your personal and collective lives. There are many simultaneous and often unseen influences that are now playing out on your World and within each of your energetic systems. Even your physical bodies are being systematically changed and altered to accommodate more Light to enter into the very cells of your body.

“New possibilities such as reversing the aging process and eliminating disease in the physical body that were considered impossible are on the verge of transcending such limited viewpoint. You are being given the opportunity to create a new paradigm, a new pattern that will have far reaching effects that will cause profound changes within the psyche of all of Humanity who will begin to experience renewal and rebirth to untold possibilities for the benefit and highest good of All.” (8)

SaLuSa provided us with a detailed description of the changes that will take place to our bodies and our outlooks in the next three months and after.

“To move from your present physical body to one that is of the higher vibrations will be a wonderful feeling. To be free of all of the aches and pains often associated with your present one, will be so uplifting. The level that you will move into has such high vibrations, that your body will be unable to carry forward anything less than the perfection of your original blueprint.

“Your awareness will be heightened and your perception of things sharpened. The body will no longer tire or suffer fatigue such as you do now, and consequently you will no longer need lengthy sleep periods. You can take recuperative measures if you need them, but you will also re-energize from the very environment you are in.” (9)

We’ll need a lot less sleep, he tells us.

“Your present low vibrations and those around you are in fact very heavy, and you need sleep to restore your body. However, as your body cells continue to change to crystalline, your body will become more in line with its new pattern. As a result it will start to need shorter sleep periods to recover, and some of you are noticing it already. In fact sleep patterns will move out of a regular pattern, and you will find yourself able to exist on much less.” (10)

We’ll also notice changes in our eating habits.

“A similar change is also occurring where your eating habits are concerned. You are needing less, and your choice of food will turn to those that are fresh and unadulterated with chemicals and additives.

“Your body is a temple that when treated correctly will serve you well, and rarely if ever experience illnesses. If you feed it with junk food you end up with junk health, even if it takes time to reveal itself. You may be young and healthy, but continual abuse of your body will eventually take its toll. In older age you are liable to get the collapse of your major organs, and it will be hard for them to recover.

“The good news is that, as you lift up your vibrations, you are less inclined to be drawn to the heavy foods such as red meat. Follow your bodies reactions to what you feed it, and you will soon learn how to treat it sensibly and to your advantage.” (11)

So in all ways, life stands to improve in the next three months and then to transform altogether after Ascension. Disease will be gone. Missing limbs and organs will regrow. Ageing will be reversed. Death will be banished. There isn’t anything detrimental or negative that will outlast our rise into the higher vibrations and some of these changes are happening now.

That must definitely be good news and suggests to us that we need to rally those who are suffering, tend to them over the next three months, and ensure that they have the will and comfort to outlast these remaining days of Third Dimensionality before they welcome a New Age of health and longevity.


(1) SaLuSa, June 18, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(2) SaLuSa, Sept. 13, 2010.

(3) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

(4) SaLuSa, Dec. 2, 2011.

(5) SaLuSa, Feb. 29, 2012.

(6) SaLuSa, Feb. 22, 2012.

(7) SaLuSa, Oct. 28, 2011.

(8) Melchizedek, through Marlene Swetlishoff, Oct. 31, 2011, at http://www.therainbowscribe.com/melchizedek2011.htm .

(9) SaLuSa, Aug. 22, 2012.

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) Loc. Cit.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Antoine Prioré’s Remarkable EM Healing Machines: Invented and Suppressed 2012 SEPTEMBER 9

Antoine PrioreThis site has not historically posted medical material because I personally don’t possess the discernment needed to distinguish between the legitimate and helpful and the illegitimate and unhelpful. We now do have some editors who possess that discrimination and may be posting more on these subjects in the future.

We’ve been watching the claims made by M.T. Keshe, to see whether they’ll be productive. In three short months, all new technologies will be overtaken by our shift in consciousness in any case so it isn’t clear what can be accomplished by any single inventor at this time.

However Mr. Keshe’s articles do bring to memory Tom Bearden’s discussions of the medical applications of free-energy or scalar electromagnetic devices created by Antoine Poiré.  For interest’s sake perhaps we can give some of the background on that field of science which the cabal shut down many decades ago … lest the world it was trying to dominate at the time benefit. Thanks to Julie.

This “post” is a shortened version of a “page” located here: http://the2012scenario.com/accountability/big-pharma-and-pandemics/antoine-pr...

Antoine Prioré

In the 1960′s and 1970′s, in France, Antoine Prioré built and tested electromagnetic healing machines of startling effectiveness.

In hundreds and hundreds of strictly controlled tests with laboratory animals, Prioré’s machine cured a wide variety of the most difficult kinds of terminal, fatal diseases known today.

Funded by millions of dollars, Prioré’s machines concretely demonstrated a nearly 100% cure of all kinds of terminal cancers and leukemias, in thousands of rigorous laboratory tests with animals. These results were shown to medical scientists as early as 1960.

Supporters and financiers of the Prioré machine included:

  • The Prime Minister of France – Jacques Chaban-Delmas

  • The World Health Organization.

  • Robert Courrier – permanent secretary of the French Academy of Sciences

  • Professor Raymond Pautrizel – France’s leading Professor of Immunology & Parasitology

  • The D.G.R.S.T. – France’s top government scientific agency, headed by an M.I.T. trained physicist

  • Professor André Lwoff – the 1965 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine

  • The French military

  • Members of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bordeaux

  • Cancerologists at the Villejuif Institute for Cancer Research

A Ph.D. was even awarded by the University of Bordeaux in 1984 for a thesis on the research (to Eric Perisse).

In 1974, a change of local government lost Prioré his government supporters, his support and funding were lost, and subsequent attempts to restore his technology into the public domain were viciously suppressed.

Tom Bearden comments:

“It is my impression that the French Government did finally recognize how at least part of the Prioré process worked, and weaponized it as longitudinal EM wave interferometers. In fact every nuclear weapon on the planet, along with every nuclear powerplant, every nuclear propulsion system, etc. can be dudded in about 10 minutes by one class of these weapons.

Background of Antoine Prioré and L’Affaire Prioré

Tom Bearden 2001


Compiled from information received from the late Christopher Bird


This short paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Chris Bird, a noted researcher, colleague, and stalwart friend who first acquainted me with the Prioré affair and with the remarkable results that were obtained by Prioré and his associates. Some months prior to his passing, Chris gave me most of his most important Prioré file, including the thesis submitted by Prioré to the University of Bordeaux (the actual document itself). We sorely miss his booming voice and ever cheerful encouragement.

We also express our deep thanks to my colleague Alain Beaulieu for translating the Prioré thesis and several other important French documents dealing with the Prioré affair.

We further reiterate our remembrances to Bob Whitney and Frank Golden, when we tried so hard to revive the Prioré machine and work while Prioré was still alive. For our efforts we were resoundingly suppressed. God willing, your efforts will yet prove to have been worthwhile.

At least we have finally deciphered the exact mechanism by which the Prioré machine was able to accomplish its astonishing cures. We shall continue striving to see that the Prioré work has not been in vain, and that at some point the scientific community accepts and uses the fact that Prioré had discovered how to time-reverse the treated diseased cells back to a previous healthy cell state.

Antoine Prioré was born in Italy. He graduated from a small provincial school for electricity in Trieste, Italy and became a radar technician and operator in the Italian Navy. By some manner he became a prisoner of the Germans (apparently after Italy left the war in WW II), and was moved as a forced laborer for the Nazi to the vicinity of the submarine base in Bordeaux, France.

When it became obvious the Germans were losing the war and were preparing to leave, Prioré realized he would be killed. He approached a French police agent to plead for his life. That police officer worked clandestinely for the French underground. He put Prioré in his car and drove him out of the base to safety. He took Prioré to the nearby province of Dordogne, and introduced him to the 7th Battalion of French underground resistance fighters. Prioré distinguished himself in military operations and was eventually decorated by the French Government.

Thankful to the French for saving his life, and loyal to his French companions-in-arms, Prioré decided after the war to live in Bordeaux. He was encouraged by his French resistance friends such as Jacques Chaban-Delmas who later rose to become the French Prime Minister.

For some time Prioré worked as an electrical repairman and did research on exposing plants, etc. to EM radiation.

Prioré was introduced to Francis Berlureau, former Director of Studies at the School for Veterinary Medicine in Toulouise, and director of the Bordeaux abbatoir at the time. He worked together with Berlureau for some 10 years. He noticed effects on a cancerous bull’s testicles, then began exposing various animals such as cats to the radiations of his early apparatus. The histological work was done by Professor Drieux at the famous Veterinarian School of Maisons-Allfort, near Paris. Drieux wrote a technical report proving that the cat’s cancer, developing before treatment, was benign after treatment.

By 1953 Prioré began treating human patients whose cancers had been judged hopeless. Fournier maintained a huge file of such human cases, but the file later was mysteriously lost. Nonetheless, Prioré cured cases of a malignant form of Hodgkin’s disease, a case of cancer of the larynx, etc.

Attempts to interest leading Bordeaux physicists and leading cancer experts in the results of the new approach were laughed off or dismissed with stony silence.

Prioré’s response was to build a new and more complicated version of his treatment device. Secretly he treated dozens of hopeless cancer patients. At Prioré’s funeral, a small platoon of mourners was composed of the now-older people who had been cured of their terrible afflictions by Prioré in the late 1950s.

He was introduced to Professor Tayeau, vice dean of Bordeaux’s Medical Faculty, in latter 1959—early 1960. Prioré was sent to Biraben, head of the Faculty’s Department of Pathological Anatomy, and his assistant, Delmon. To their utter surprise, grafted T-8 tumors in animals subsequently treated with Prioré’s machine were reduced by 60%, a first in the history of cancerology.

The mayor of Bordeaux, who later became prime minister of France, was Jacques Chaban-Delmas. He was a fellow resistance fighter and very interested in Prioré’s work. Chaban-Delmas invoked two commissions of Bordeaux and Parisian scientists to study the Biraben-Delmon results in detail. Both commissions rejected Prioré and his machine offhandedly.

Biraben and Delmon could not explain the nature of the radiations from Prioré’s machine. A certain professor Lachapele on the first commission was ever an ardent foe of the Prioré method, dismissing the results offhand because the tumors were grafted. His view prevailed. Neither of the commissions interviewed Prioré himself, nor did they run an experiment under their own control.

Biraben and Delmon continued their experiments, achieving unequivocal and complete success, but because of the political climate in the medical community, did not publish these outstanding results. Biraben, e.g., was told he could either get his degree or publish his research, but not both. Biraben and Delmon finally published a memoir in the Revue of Comparative Pathology. But a vicious campaign to destroy the Prioré work and suppress it was already underway.

Other persons involved with L’affair Prioré were: Professor Guerin, at the cancer institute at Villejuif (equivalent to the American National Cancer Institute in Bathesda, Maryland). Buerin was a co-discoverer of the T-8 tumor. Guerin assigned his colleague Marcel-René Riviére to delve into the entire question. Reviére confirmed the Biraben-Delmon findings. A note was sent for publication in the Proceedings of the French Academy of Science. Reviére also tested the Prioré Ray against other types of tumors, achieving spectacular results.

Robert Courrier, an eminent endocrinologist still in his 30s, a full professor, and Secrétaire Perpétuel to the Academy of Sciences and head of the biology section (and later to become President of the Academy of Medicine), took up the cudgel to interest high French scientists and scientific agencies. The CNRS director took offense because Prioré was essentially self-taught and not academically credentialed.

Others did not understand anything at all about the machine’s operation. To Bordeaux, Courrier sent his trusted assistant Madame Colonge, to repeat Riviére’s experiments under her personal supervision. A physicist sent to examine the machine could make “neither heads nor tails” of its operation. There is little wonder!

The Prioré machine involved a dramatic extension to present nonlinear phase conjugate optics (NLO) before NLO was even born! It also involved a dramatic extension to both U(1) electrodynamics and to general relativity. It is also little wonder that Prioré, who discovered the process by intuition and by trial and error, could not explain the operation of his own machine or the mechanism by means of which the cures were accomplished by the “ray” emitted by his device.

In fact, the best physicists in France could not comprehend or explain the mechanism whereby such spectacular results were produced by Prioré’s machine when used to treat patients with non-ionizing EM radiation from it.

On May 1, 1965, Robert Courrier formally presented the astounding Prioré results to the assembled French Academy of Science. He was met with stony silence. A leading cancer specialist even stalked out of the assembly hall in full view. No serious discussion among the scientists present at the meeting ever took place.

Controversy and research continued, in the midst of a raging controversy over “l’Affair Prioré”.

Prioré’s sister in Italy then came down with cancer. Prioré issued an ultimatum to his associates to build the bigger machine he needed, so that he could save his sister’s life. Conventional engineers repeatedly changed Prioré’s design, thinking many components unnecessary, etc. and causing machine failures. Prioré’s sister died (mid-60s) before the machine could be finished because of these unnecessary setbacks. A grief-stricken Prioré went into isolation, unwilling to talk to anyone.

In early 1967, Professor Raymond Pautrizel entered the picture. At 40, Pautrizel was an eminent parasitologist, on the Faculty of Medicine at Bordeaux, and soon became known worldwide as the “father of parasitological immunity.” Pautrizel was awarded the first academic chair in France for immunology, and later headed a special unit on parasitological immunology. [This subject is of particular significance to the study of AIDS, because it deals also with the continual adaptation and genetic change of the invading parasites and agents.]

Pautrizel specialized on a particularly lethal parasite, the trypanosome family (which causes sleeping sickness, equine syphilis, and other afflictions). Pautrizel was one of the first scientists to recognize and utilize ambivalence in biological drugs. Pautrizel also noticed that the Prioré ray was not killing the tumor cells, and therefore must be doing something else instead. Pautrizel personally persuaded the distraught Prioré to return to work.

From 1966 on, many papers were published on the results of applying the Prioré technique to various animals and diseases. The results continued to be revolutionary.

Another scientist-ally of Prioré’s was Pierette Chateau-Reynaud Duprat. Over the years she worked with the Prioré method, showing that the Prioré ray had no direct effect on the trypanosomes themselves but stimulated and reinforced the defense mechanism of the infested organisms. [No one knew to investigate the regenerative system of the body, poorly understood and using the very kind of infolded EM extension to NLO that Prioré’s ray used.]

The ray was shown to cause the rejection of both allografts and isografts, so that the machine affected not only the defense mechanisms of the organism but also the recognition system. The original P-1 (Prioré 1) machine affected cellular defense mechanisms. The second machine, P-2, seemed to act not on the cellular but on the humoral defense mechanisms.

Prioré himself also cured cases of malaria and also tuberculosis in humans, but apparently did not publish these results.

Biologist André Lwoff went from an ardent skeptic to an admirer and supporter of Prioré’s work, because of the undisputed results. His favorable opinion of the Prioré results prevailed in a DRME report on the matter, which was classified for some years. A synthesis of the report was published in November 1979 by Herbert Gossot, Secretary General for the French Association for Bioelectromagnetism. Its title was, “A Scientific Balance Sheet on the Prioré Ray.”

It reports that two physicists who studied the machine in detail favorably correlated the machine’s ray to the results produced, and confirmed the biological efficacy of Prioré’s device. The two physicists were named Bottreau and Berteau. In their note to L’Academie, they were not allowed to even use the names of the laboratories where they worked, which were (1) the CNRS Magnetic Laboratory at Bellevue near Paris, and (2) the Laboratory of Ultra-Hertzian Optics and Talence near Bordeaux.

Eventually the French Government backed the construction of a more powerful Prioré device. Professor Courrier had also sent a report on Pautrizel’s behalf to the Nobel Committee in 1979. The M-600 machine was built but its huge tube functioned only about a week before it exploded. Meanwhile Pautrizel, working with a smaller machine, verified the utility of the Prioré Ray on atherosclerosis.

Rebuilding the M-600 went slowly. The machine weighed some 50 tons and required 3-1/2 stories to contain it. The pyrex tube was 60 cm in diameter and 6 meters tall. It imploded twice and was replaced each time. The coil which generated the DC-pulsed magnetic field weighed 5.5 tons and had 11 miles of copper wire. During the week or 10 days that the machine was in operation, the results were formidable. The results were presented in notes to the Academy of Sciences by Pautrizel and his team in 1978.

Pautrizel then came under suppression himself, with funds being pulled, postings being denied, etc. Pautrizel eventually became so emotionally overwrought that he gave up his medical career and retired and gave himself over to alcohol. Every one of the collaborators of Pautrizel saw their careers put in jeopardy, compromised, or broken.

About this time Prioré’s doctoral thesis, backed by both Pautrizel and Nobel Laureate André Lwoff himself, was summarily refused by the President of the University of Bordeaux.

In 1977 Professor Georges Dubourg urged Prioré to treat human cancer patients and jolt the medical establishment. Pautrizel contacted Courrier, who gave the green light. A few terminal cancer patients whose immune defense systems had been disastrously weakened by chemotherapy or radiation or both, were treated. At least one was totally cured. The others lived, without pain, for much longer than predicted by standard prognosis. The results were submitted to the French Academy of Medicine for publication – and were rejected.

Pautrizel in final desperation turned to a journalist, Jean-Michel Graille, to tell the story. Graille researched for four years, publishing three long articles in Sud-Ouest France, and finally a book, Dossier Priore: Une Nouvelle Affaire Pasteur. [The Prioré Dossier: A New Pasteur Affair?] De Noel, Paris, 1984. [in French].

From 1965 to 1980, the Prioré project spent about 20 million francs. Results were positively demonstrated, many of them sensational.

Prioré suffered a debilitating stroke or similar complication in 1981 and died in May 1983 after a lengthy debilitated period.

Admiral Pierre Emeury, conseiller scientifique de la presidence, discovered L’Affaire Prioré. His inquest led him to conclude that the Prioré discovery was the most important medical discovery of the entire century.

The suppression of such a revolutionary discovery, even though its technical methodology was not understood, remains one of the heinous examples of scientific dogma blocking highly innovative research and results. Untold millions of human lives would have been saved had science and government acted along scientific lines.

For References Related to Results Achieved by Antoine Prioré and Colleagues – See page at http://the2012scenario.com/accountability/big-pharma-and-pandemics/antoine-pr...


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Kevin D. Annett, ITCCS, Issues Vatican With “One Week” Ultimatum 2012 SEPTEMBER 9

Kevin D. Annett, ITCCS, Issues Vatican With “One Week” Ultimatum

Stephen: This is just one of the many things brewing as we head into what I believe will be an incredible, life-altering week.

Kevin D. Annett of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)  is currently in Dublin, Ireland, where he has issued a one-week ultimatum to the Vatican over its crimes against children.

One Week to go Before Direct Actions Commence Against Child-Killing Churches

By Kevin D Annett, ITCCS, Dublin Ireland – 7 September 2012


An Update and Plan of Action from Kevin D. Annett, ITCCS fieldworker

Breaking News Item: Vatican officials have one week to respond to ten requirements issued last May by survivors of church terror, or face permanent banishment, occupations and legal summonses.

Hello to you all,

It’s fitting that I’m writing this from Dublin, where the top Catholic prelate in that land, Cardinal Sean Brady, is implicated in protecting child rapists in his diocese and may soon resign; and where his probable replacement, Archbishop Dermot Martin, has been forced to meet with ITCCS and ACCAW activists after they occupied Dublin’s main cathedral recently and one of them, John Deegan, even manacled himself to the cathedral altar during a mass.

This direct action by survivors has the church worried, and Archbishop Martin’s assistant, Rev. Damian O’Reilly, said yesterday that it was their concern about further church occupations that forced them to sit down and try to directly negotiate with survivors like John Deegan of ACCAW (an acronym meaning Anti Catholic Church Activists Worldwide, which is affiliated to the ITCCS).

Nowhere else in the world has the church hierarchy actually bargained with their opponents; the church generally relies instead on obliging governments to shield them from the fallout from their crimes towards children. But the fact that this storm is erupting in the heart of the reputedly “most catholic” nation in the world is a sign of how desperate the church leaders are becoming. But more to the point, it demonstrates that only direct disruption and civil disobedience gets results when it comes to the oldest corporation on earth.

Now is the time, as they say, to press the matter home.

As John Deegan and the ITCCS said this week to Damian O’Reilly and his church bosses, the Vatican must do two simple things if it wants to avoid ongoing occupations: defrock all present and future child raping priests, and those who protect them; and make every clergy and church officer, from Pope Benedict on down, take a public, binding oath to protect children from predators and expose those who harm the innocent, even if doing so contradicts and defies church laws and customs.

If the hierarchy equivocates on this requirement of humanity and the law, or says no, then direct actions against the Vatican and its churches will commence in one week.

In this event, our Common Law Court will publicly convene in seven countries on September 15, to publicly share and judge extensive evidence of criminal actions by church and state. The following day, in the midst of Catholic masses around the world, a Public Banishment Order will be issued, binding on every catholic establishment. Church occupations will then follow.

The Banishment Order will, in effect, expel the Catholic Church from our communities and declare their churches and other property open to all people for their own use, like the homeless. Church officials will then be illegally trespassing and subject to arrest. Known and suspected child rapists will also face citizens’ arrests, as will anyone who protects them. And in some cases, “street corner tribunals” will be held on church property where victims of genocide and torture by the same church will tell their stories and share other evidence with the public and the media.

Coinciding and building on these actions, our Common Law Court will start broadcasting its proceedings, which will involve presenting our cases and issuing public summonses to church officials.

We have chosen five cases to present in the initial round of the Court, involving the most solid evidence we have of intentional genocide, child trafficking, homicide and crimes against humanity by various churches.

This evidence will be simulcast to nearly one hundred citizen jurors in seven countries by the prosecutors of the Court, for the jurors’ deliberation. And a transcript of the evidence and cases will be available online to anyone and the media.

Finally, knowing that our battle is fundamentally a spiritual one, on Sunday, September 23, we will be staging our third and final Public Exorcism aimed at the power behind the Vatican. Our first exorcism outside the papal residence in Rome in October, 2009, was followed the next day by a fierce tornado in the heart of Rome, and an even fiercer media revelation the next month of Pope Benedict’s personal complicity in protecting child rapists.

We are at the heart of a great wind of justice and reformation.

So in summary here is our Plan of Action:
1. Saturday, September 15: Public Court Case against the Vatican commences
2. Sunday, September 16: Banishment Order is read inside and outside Roman Catholic churches in seven countries
3. Monday, September 17: Permanent Occupation of Catholic churches and institutions commence worldwide
4. Sunday, September 23: Third and Final Public Exorcism is held aimed at the spirit and power behind the Vatican (to be televised and posted)

Please help this all happen by agreeing to read the Banishment Proclamation inside and outside your local Catholic church, on Sunday September 16 during their mass. Contact this email and a copy of the Proclamation will be sent to you.

(Such actions will be staged in thirteen cities in seven countries as of this date).

Please stay tuned on Saturday, September 15 for these actions to commence: at 9 am pacific time, 12 noon eastern time, and 5 pm GMT in Europe. Live broadcasts will begin and will be posted on the internet.

In closing, here’s a an item for concern, or levity, depending on your disposition.

I learned today that our ITCCS Council of Elders in Brussels was just informed by trusted sources of theirs in the British civil service and the European Parliament that the Home Office in London has declared me, Kevin Annett, a threat to British national security allegedly for having “caused threats to the peace of mind and security of Her Majesty”. I am therefore to be immediately detained and imprisoned under the Fixated Threat Assessment Protocol (FTAP) the moment I set foot on British soil.

FTAP is a way nowadays in England to brand activists as mentally disturbed and lock them away for years, under medieval-like laws harking back to the Inquisition and Star Chamber private courts. It’s also supposed to get us all too frightened to publicly protest, or speak out.

Well, I’m not frightened, Liz. This is just more obstruction of justice – more belated attempts to fog the fact of centuries of genocide by the Crown. Your own Archbishop of Canterbury did so last January, when he ordered Anglican Primate Fred Hiltz in Canada to bury all evidence of the deaths of Mohawk children at the Church of England residential school in Brantford.

Thus do the guilty squirm and evade judgement. But only for so long. For as Martin Luther King said,

“The moral arc of the universe is long, but it bends towards justice”.

But I would add, only when enough of us make it bend.

Spread the word, and stand ready with us and all the fallen children on September 15.

- Kevin Annett – Eagle Strong Voice


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

Video: Are You Awake Yet – Revolution 2012

Video: Are You Awake Yet – Revolution 2012

Published by user tjhughe7 on Youtube – August 25, 2012

If you wanted to see what’s been going on all around the world lately, take a look at this video, which I found on Scott Mowry’s site.

The maker, tjhughes7, says: “I made this movie for all my brothers and sisters. I put my heart into this project. This is my message to the world.  Resist the NWO.

“Let’s create a new system that works for everyone. We can change the world. This video is under the protection of the Fair Use Act.”

YouTube Preview Image


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Chemtrails All But Gone

We seldom hear much about chemtrails these days and my assumption is that that’s because the operations have all but been shut down.

Nonetheless some readers do continue to see some evidence of chemtrails and so we give here a summary history of chemtrails in recent times for the reassurance of any who continue to be concerned about them.

Not all of our sources discuss matters like chemtrails. The master Hilarion and the Arcturians, for instance, don’t often turn their attention to them. For information on the subject, we have to turn our attention principally to SaLuSa and Matthew Ward.

In March 2010, SaLuSa assured us that pollutants like chemtrails are “something we have been involved in ever since [your] first experiments with nuclear devices. A considerable amount of our time has been [given to] cleansing your atmosphere of radioactive fallout and in more recent times the chemtrails.” (1)

In May of that year, he advised us to

“Have no fear, Dear Ones, although you have serious troubles to contend with and they are destroying your environment, we can reverse the damage and clear any pollution that has been caused.

“Much of [this] can be achieved from our craft without needing to land on your Earth’s surface. It is the type of work we have carried out for you on many occasions over the years.” (2)

In September 11 of 2010, exactly two years ago, Matthew Ward told us:

“In alignment with [Earth's] goal [of Ascension], our ‘space’ brothers and sisters are using their technology to alleviate the toxic effects of the oil and its dispersants in the Gulf of Mexico as well as the toxins in other waters, chemtrails and weaponry.” (3)

In July of last year, Wanderer said that the galactics could detect only sporadic instances of chemtrails.

“We have searched through all of your world and the darkness continually grows fainter as more and more Light [suffuses] your world from energy sources in every way. We have detected only sporadic instances of the use of chemtrails, weather changing technologies, and other devices of the Illuminati over the past several weeks.” (4)

In that same month, Matthew revealed that chemtrail operators refused to fly missions when they learned of their true purpose and the perpetrators had lost the financial means to mount them.

“In most areas where formerly chemtrails were prevalent, the skies now are clear. When some of the pilots, mechanics and others involved in those flights learned the true purpose of chemtrails—the toxic payloads were not to compensate for the hole in the ozone layer, but rather to sicken people and pollute air, water and land—they refused to continue working.

“Others who did know the truth participated willingly in return for handsome payment, but as funding dried up, they also left their employment. However, the most decisive factor in this situation is, some individuals who had ordered or financed the flights are among those who embraced the light, and those who want to keep chemtrails crisscrossing your skies have lost almost all means to do so.” (5)

SaLuSa explained in July of last year that “chemtrails are more an attack on your health but are not without their effect on your mind. As we recently mentioned, these are being cleared away so that now they have little effect upon you.” (6)

And in November of last year, Matthew explained that a limited amount of chemtrails would still be seen:

“For a bit longer the Illuminati will continue countering all progress toward dramatic changes with such distractions and disruptions as their black ops terrorism, stock market shenanigans, bribing or threatening politicians, limited resumption of chemtrails in some areas, weather control, and of course fear-filled disinformation. Since the light continually is intensifying on the planet, it is logical to wonder why they are able to keep going. The answer is fear.” (7)

We now reach this year, 2012, in which Matthew, in February, assured us that any long-term effects of poisons like chemtrails would be erased as we pass into Fourth Density.

“Fear also arises about situations you don’t have any control over, such as the long-term effects on bodies of nuclear radiation, chemtrails, vaccines and depleted uranium. That is why we have stated in previous messages that concerns about those are unnecessary because their harmful effects, which exist only at low vibratory levels, will be eradicated along with everything else of low vibrations that cannot co-exist with fourth density’s high vibrations. All persons who accompany Earth into fourth density will be healed of the effects of those toxins and whatever other diseases and infirmities they may have.” (8)

In May of this year, SaLuSa returned to the subject as well and explained to us that cleansing the Earth “is a mammoth task, yet for us will take no time to speak of because of our technologies.”

“Already we are cleansing the atmosphere, and noting your concern about Chemtrails and are reducing their effects upon you. Indeed, we have for many years cleared the fall out from atomic explosions, and even now we deal with radiation coming from the damaged Nuclear Plant in Japan.” (9)

And finally in July of 2012, Matthew reassured us:

“During the interim [until Disclosure] they will continue using technology aboard their crafts to reduce the toxic effects of chemtrails and other pollutants. They will continue to level out the effects of earthquakes and soften the power of major storms without decreasing the amount of negativity released.

“They will keep on causing weaponry to malfunction, blocking the most potent aspects of the Illuminati’s weather control technology, and destroying their operations in mammoth underground facilities. Also with divine permission to assist you, they can relocate specified individuals who refuse to step down from the helm of various activities that are against the good of Earth humankind.” (10)

That’s a summary of the situation with chemtrails. The galactics have been mitigating their effects for quite some years now. Only sporadic instances of them have been seen recently. Those responsible for them have run out of money or been deserted by their crews. The top leaders of the Illuminati, who ordered them, are in containment, arrested, sequestered, or taken off planet.

Some isolated instances of chemtrails may still be seen, but my understanding is that the galactics have neutralized them. Soon they’ll be gone altogether and our rise into the higher dimensions will reverse any leftover effects traceable to them.


(1) SaLuSa, March 19, 2010, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm

(2) SaLuSa, May 12, 2010.

(3) Matthew’s Message, Sept. 11, 2010, at http://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm

(4) Wanderer of the Skies, July 22, 2011, at http://wandererodtheskies.blogspot.com/

(5) Matthew’s Message, July 11, 2011.

(6) SaLuSa, July 15, 2011.

(7) Matthew’s Message, Nov. 5, 2011.

(8) Matthew’s Message, Feb. 1, 2012.

(9) SaLuSa, May 7, 2012.

(10) Matthew’s Message, July 4, 2012.


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If I Were Asked to Schedule NESARA….

If I were a member of the highest universal councils that Matthew Ward talks about so often, in my toga of light, and if someone asked me to choose the date for the announcement of NESARA, what date would I choose?

Well, I’d choose Sept. 11, 2012, exactly 11 years (11 is the number of the master revealer of truth) after the date on which the NESARA law was due to be signed into law in the first place. (1)

That has a certain ring to it.

NESARA would have been signed into law on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10 a.m. in the morning  had someone not arranged at 9 a.m. to have two planes either actually or apparently fly into the World Trade Centers 1 and 2 and have Building 7 self-destruct eight hours later by somehow neatly falling into its own footprint … as the result of a barely-visible fire.

That someone arranged to steal a huge amount of gold being held in the WTC as part of NESARA.  They then blew up three WTC buildings with sophisticated military-style thermite bombs and (allegedly) some small nukes as well.  They may have used other scalar weapons to boot. The operation saw, not 3,000 die, as the official story would have us believe, but more in the neighborhood of many tens of thousands.

Leonardo could read print backwards, but upside down?

The same conspirators planned a military exercise to take all fighter jets away from nearby areas, on a practice mission centering around a fictional attack on (guess what?) the World Trade Center. And sent the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs off to Europe, and located the President in a small Florida classroom, reading from an upside-down book.

All to thwart NESARA, kickstart wars designed to capture Mid-East Oil, cement elitist control over the world, do away with constitutional rights, and set the stage for a World War III that would reduce the world’s population from 7 billion to 500 million docile slaves.

Is this a prediction? Heavens no. No prediction about any major event has ever come true. And I don’t make predictions. It’s a daydream, a mere musing. Chances are 99% I’ll be wrong.

Of course if I said every day  NESARA will be declared tomorrow, there’s a 100 percent chance that on one day I’d prove correct.

That having been said, rumor has it that Basel 3 represents the new financial system, which is at present being engaged. Accounts are being opened in the banks.  Arrests are occurring of those who try to fiddle with any of it. Much of the initial funding has come from the dragons or elders in the East, who serve heaven. And … we are close. That I think can safely be said.


(1) For more articles on NESARA, see “NESARA or the Abundance Program” at  http://the2012scenario.com/nesara-or-the-abundance-program/


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

If I Were Asked to Schedule NESARA….

If I were a member of the highest universal councils that Matthew Ward talks about so often, in my toga of light, and if someone asked me to choose the date for the announcement of NESARA, what date would I choose?

Well, I’d choose Sept. 11, 2012, exactly 11 years (11 is the number of the master revealer of truth) after the date on which the NESARA law was due to be signed into law in the first place. (1)

That has a certain ring to it.

NESARA would have been signed into law on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10 a.m. in the morning  had someone not arranged at 9 a.m. to have two planes either actually or apparently fly into the World Trade Centers 1 and 2 and have Building 7 self-destruct eight hours later by somehow neatly falling into its own footprint … as the result of a barely-visible fire.

That someone arranged to steal a huge amount of gold being held in the WTC as part of NESARA.  They then blew up three WTC buildings with sophisticated military-style thermite bombs and (allegedly) some small nukes as well.  They may have used other scalar weapons to boot. The operation saw, not 3,000 die, as the official story would have us believe, but more in the neighborhood of many tens of thousands.

Leonardo could read print backwards, but upside down?

The same conspirators planned a military exercise to take all fighter jets away from nearby areas, on a practice mission centering around a fictional attack on (guess what?) the World Trade Center. And sent the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs off to Europe, and located the President in a small Florida classroom, reading from an upside-down book.

All to thwart NESARA, kickstart wars designed to capture Mid-East Oil, cement elitist control over the world, do away with constitutional rights, and set the stage for a World War III that would reduce the world’s population from 7 billion to 500 million docile slaves.

Is this a prediction? Heavens no. No prediction about any major event has ever come true. And I don’t make predictions. It’s a daydream, a mere musing. Chances are 99% I’ll be wrong.

Of course if I said every day  NESARA will be declared tomorrow, there’s a 100 percent chance that on one day I’d prove correct.

That having been said, rumor has it that Basel 3 represents the new financial system, which is at present being engaged. Accounts are being opened in the banks.  Arrests are occurring of those who try to fiddle with any of it. Much of the initial funding has come from the dragons or elders in the East, who serve heaven. And … we are close. That I think can safely be said.


(1) For more articles on NESARA, see “NESARA or the Abundance Program” at  http://the2012scenario.com/nesara-or-the-abundance-program/


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Photographers in Los Angeles considered terrorists under official LAPD policy | The Galactic Free

RT - 9/7/12

AFP Photo/Alberto Pizzoli

The next time a tourist snaps a picture of the famous Hollywood sign, their photo won’t be the only item added to the annals. The LAPD considers photography a suspicious activity, and trying to take certain shots may add a page to your personal file.

A memo released last month by Police Chief Charlie Bucks re-categorizes certain behaviors — including photo shoots in public spots — to constitute suspicious activity, which is enough to have cops file a report, open an investigation and forward any further information about a suspect to the federal authorities — all over just an itchy shutter finger.

More: RT.com.

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Chicago teachers, school officials resuming talks to avert strike | The Galactic Free Press

Reuters - By Mary Wisniewski, CHICAGO | 9/9/12

Thousands of Chicago Public School teachers rally before marching to the Board of Education's headquarters in Chicago, May 23, 2012. REUTERS/John Gress

Thousands of Chicago Public School teachers rally before marching to the Board of Education's headquarters in Chicago, May 23, 2012. Credit: Reuters/John Gress

(Reuters) - Negotiations between the Chicago Teachers Union and the nation's third-largest school district were going down to the wire on Sunday, as teachers threaten to strike on Monday over Mayor Rahm Emanuel's demand for sweeping school reforms.

Both sides expressed varying degrees of optimism on Saturday night about chances for a resolution, although school district officials sounded more hopeful than union leaders. School board President David Vitale said he thought the district's latest proposal was "very close" to what was needed for a deal. Talks resume on Sunday morning.

More: Reuters.com

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz Downplays Discord Over Democratic Platform Amendments (VIDEO)

GFP Note: This is a video of the vote discussed in the article -


Huff Post - Nick Wing, 9/5/12

Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz attempted on Wednesday to beat back the controversy arising from a late and seemingly divisive change to the party platform.

In an interview with CNN, Wasserman Schultz maintained that the motion to reinsert support for Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and a reference to "God" was "absolutely" passed by a "two-thirds" vote. She then went on to characterize it as a technical correction that the language hadn't been added in an earlier draft approved by delegates on Tuesday, and said the apparent discord "was no fight at all."

More: HuffingtonPost.com.

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A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever


A Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important than Ever

10th September 2012

By Paul Fassa

There has been some controversy over the activity of adding synthetic fluoride to municipal water supplies and elsewhere, but not enough. The seriousness of this issue is more than what most realize. Fluoridation ranks with GMO’s and tainted, forced vaccinations among the great crimes against humanity.

Understanding the Different Fluorides

There are two types of fluoride. Calcium Fluoride, which appears naturally in underground water supplies, is relatively benign. However, too much consumed daily can lead to bone or dental problems. Calcium is used to counter fluoride poisoning when it occurs. This redeeming factor indicates that the calcium in naturally formed calcium fluoride neutralizes much of fluoride’s toxic effects.


On the other hand, the type of fluorides added to water supplies and other beverages and foods are waste products of the nuclear, aluminum, and now mostly the phosphate (fertilizer) industries. The EPA has classified these as toxins: fluorosilicate acid, sodium silicofluoride, and sodium fluoride.

For this article, the term Sodium Fluoride will include all three types. Sodium fluoride is used for rat poison and as a pesticide. According to a scientific study done several years ago, Comparative Toxicity of Fluorine Compounds, industrial waste sodium fluorides are 85 times more toxic than naturally occurring calcium fluoride.

Health Hazards of Sodium Fluoride

Generally, most fluoride entering the body is not easily eliminated. It tends to accumulate in the body’s bones and teeth. Recently, it has been discovered to accumulate even more in the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain.

This consequence of dental fluorosis, which seriously harms teeth, from daily fluoridation has been documented. Yet, the American Dental Association (AMA) continues beating a dead horse, promoting fluoride. There is a refusal to admit that instead of preventing tooth decay, fluoride causes even more dental harm.

The flood of sodium fluoride in water and food also creates other more serious health problems that are not widely publicized, even suppressed. Nevertheless, in addition to fluorosis, independent labs and reputable researchers have linked the following health issues with daily long term intake of sodium fluoride:

*Genetic DNA Damage
*Thyroid Disruption - affecting the complete endocrine system and leading to obesity
*Neurological - diminished IQ and inability to focus, lethargy and weariness.
*Alzheimer’s Disease
*Melatonin Disruption, lowers immunity to cancer, accelerates aging, sleep disorders.
*Pineal Gland, calcification, which clogs this gland located in the middle of the brain.

How Did We Get Stuck With Stuff?

According to investigative journalist Christopher Bryson, author of The Fluoride Deception, getting large quantities of sodium fluoride into the water and food system was a ploy of public relations sponsored by the industries who were saddled with getting rid of the toxic materials.

Fluoride was necessary for the processing or enriching of uranium. The pro-fluoride propaganda was started during the Manhattan Project to create the first atom bombs in the 1940′s. The spin was to convince workers and locals where the largest nuclear plant was located in Tennessee that fluoride was not only safe, it was good for kids’ dental health.

In the early 1950′s, the notorious spin master and father of advertising, Edward Bernays, continued the campaign for adding fluorides to water supplies as an experiment in engineering human consent! Then the AMA picked up on the dental issue and endorsed sodium fluoride’s addition to water supplies. The few dissenting health studies and reports were usually squashed. Those dissenting voices were dismissed as quacks regardless of their credentials.

Approximately 2/3 of the USA water supply is laced with sodium fluoride. Sodium fluoride is a common pesticide. So that residue is in some foods. Some sodas, packaged orange juices, and even bottled drinking water for babies contain fluoride additives. Buyer beware. Read your labels carefully.

Avoiding Fluoridation

Keep in mind that boiling only increases the concentration of fluoride to water more. But removing fluoride from tap water is not so difficult. Reverse osmosis works well for removing fluorides. If you own your home and can spring for the bucks, you can have one installed under the sink in your kitchen. That makes things very convenient for your fluoride removal from tap water.

If this is not your situation, grab a couple of large jugs and fill them up from reverse osmosis machines in health food stores, supermarkets, and other locations. There are several such machines around, usually labeled as using reverse osmosis, and they usually take coins. So it is the most accessible and cheapest way to go if you can’t install one where you live.

The Physiological Importance of the Pineal Gland

During the late 1990′s in England, a scientist by the name of Jennifer Luke undertook the first studythe effects of sodium fluoride on the pineal gland. She determined that the pineal gland, located in the middle of the brain, was a target for fluoride. The pineal gland simply absorbed more fluoride than any other physical matter in the body, even bones.

Because of the pineal gland’s importance to the endocrine system, her conclusions were a breakthrough. Her study provided the missing link to a lot of physiological damage from sodium fluoride that had been hypothesized but not positively connected. A veritable root source for the chain reaction of blocked endocrine activity had been isolated.

Good news though. Frequent exposure to outdoor sunshine, 20 minutes or so at a time, will help stimulate a fluoride calcified pineal gland. Just make sure you take off your hat. This is more important than most realize, because the pineal gland affects so much other enzyme and endocrine activity, including melatonin production.

The 2012 Connection

First a bit about 2012, a date many have heard about. According to Carlos Barrios, anthropologist, historian, and investigator who was initiated as a Mayan ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, “Anthropologists visit the temple sites and read the inscriptions . . . but they do not read the signs correctly. . . . Other people write about prophecy in the name of the Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders are angry with this. The world will not end. It will be transformed.“

Carlos Barrios goes on to say that the transformation will be both spiritual and physical. The transition started in 1987. He says that we are in a spiritual transition from the rule of materialism, greed, and enmity to a new period of cooperation and peace – but not without difficulty. The current oligarchy is happy with what they have and don’t want to give it up, and they are powerful. The Mayans claim that 2012 marks the end of the period of the fourth sun and the beginning of the fifth sun.

Carlos points out that adversarial revolution against the ruling class will not work. It is up to those who want this shift to connect with others of like mind and begin actively creating networks of real cooperation. The old will crumble. The new period will dawn with its growing pains, the severity of which depends on our ability to accept what is happening and go with the flow. This, he says, requires evolving to unconditional love, with an open and simple heart, forgiveness, and cooperation with less ego competition.

Connecting the Pineal Gland to This 2012 Matter

Well, what does all this have to do with the pineal gland? A lot. It is considered a portal to the inner or higher self by yogi masters, including Paramahansa Yogananda, author of Autobiography of a Yogi.Psychics consider it to be the link for inter dimensional experiences. It is associated with what many call the third eye or sixth chakra, which is a doorway to higher consciousness and bliss.

And it is vital for supporting intuition, an ability that will be needed during hard times. So it is necessary to evolve spiritually in order to help create better understanding, acceptance of our fellow humans, and easier group cooperation. Meditation is a part of this evolving. That and a little sunshine, good rest and food, can cause a calcified pineal gland to loosen up and allow that portal to open.

An unusual psychiatrist, professor of medicine at University of New Mexico, and practicing Buddhist, Dr. Rick Strassman, MD, has written a book based on actual human studies of people under the psychedelic drug, DMT, titled DMT, The Spirit Molecule. He has discovered, among other things, that the pineal gland is a source of DMT production during birth and at death, and during near death or mystical experiences. This chemical approach corroborates the idea of the pineal gland as a portal, where the spirit passes through to other dimensions, either entering this physical realm or leaving it.

South American and Central American shamans use Ayahuasca, an herbal potion that stimulates DMT for psychological healing and spiritual initiation ceremonies. They have expanded their ceremonies with Ayahuasca by traveling throughout the world or opening their local facilities to non natives. Their desire is to jump start and expand individuals’ consciousness so the transition of consciousness will be facilitated and incorporate as many as possible.

This information is meant to link the physical realm’s pineal gland to higher states of awareness and other realms. The point is not to advocate or discourage psychedelic drug use, but to encourage health, meditation and spiritual growth by maintaining a fluoride free pineal gland. 2012 is approaching. Time to get in shape!

Article Sources

Fluoride: Friend or Foe? By Devid De Santo


Germans and Russians Used Fluoride to Make Prisoners Stupid and Docile, by Devvy Kidd


Fluoride Accumulates in the Pineal Gland, by Sepp Hasslberger of Health Supreme


Transcribed interview of journalist Christopher Bryson: The Fluoride Deception: How a Nuclear Waste Byproduct Made Its Way Into the Nation’s Drinking Water


Article by Ingrid Nairman highlighting Mayan lecture in Santa Fe, NM by Carlos Barrios

The Pineal Gland: Interface Between the Spiritual and Physical Planes?


The Fluoride Debate


About the author

Paul Fassa is dedicated to warning others about the current corruption of food and medicine and guiding others toward a direction for better health with no restrictions on health freedom. You can visit his blog at http://healthmaven.blogspot.com


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Brussels announces new law to fine offensive language

The Telegraph - 9/4/12

The people of Brussels will have to mind their manners from now on, with the city authorities announcing new fines of up to 250 euros (£200) for insults traded on the streets.

Brussels announces new law to fine offensive language

The issue was highlighted in a recent film by Belgian director Sofie Peeters Photo: Alamy

"Any form of insult is from now on punishable, whether it be racist, homophobic or otherwise," a spokesman quoted Socialist mayor Freddy Thielemans as saying.

Brussels, home to the EU and many top international institutions, is known for its family-friendly and cultivated lifestyle but the mayor wants to crack down on the everyday unpleasantness found in any big city.

More: telegraph.co.uk

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Why Do Schizophrenics Hear Voices?

Real Clear Science - Ross Pomeroy, 8/30/12

In a way, you're never alone. Your inner consciousness is always there to keep you company. That voice inside your head is reliably available for conversation. These intensely personal and comforting self-to-self dialogues are splayed across the humdrum of a typical day. "I think I'll wear the blue polo to my date tonight." "Enchiladas: that's what I want for lunch." "Oh my gosh, cute kittens!"

But what if there was a foreign voice inside your head? An entity over which you could exact no control. Wouldn't that be the worst invasion of privacy imaginable? Wouldn't that be disturbing?

More: realclearscience.com.

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Hungarian prime minister uses Facebook page to ‘unfriend’ IMF, rejects alleged loan conditions

Yahoo! News - AP, 9/6/12

BUDAPEST, Hungary — Hungary’s prime minister has long had a testy relationship with the International Monetary Fund — and on Thursday he used Facebook to unfriend the agency and reject its allegedly tough loan conditions.

Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in a video message on his official Facebook page that Hungary could not accept pension cuts, the elimination of a bank tax, fewer public employees and other conditions in exchange for an IMF loan that other officials have said could be about €15 billion ($18.9 billion).

More: news.yahoo.com.

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~Important Cobra Update~ Fall of the Reptilian Empire

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ This is a Very Important and We feel very accurate to what is happening behind the scenes. The Etheric realm he is speaking of is not the Etheric Realm, as this is Currently Present On this Planet and is the 5d Reality Consciousness. The astral realm although dissolved, is still here as many who are clinging to the past are projecting this out, which is also the food for the cabal. This is why we work so dilegently in getting everyone into The Present Moment of Now, for this is Humanity's Natural State of Being. Love The Earth Allies

Fall of the Reptilian Empire

We are in the last phase before the fall of the Reptilian empire. Reptilian empire on the etheric and astral planes around the surface of planet Earth under the dictate of the Archons and black nobility guided Cabal financial slavery system on the physical plane of the surface of this planet is the last stronghold of once vast Orion dark empire that was feared throughout the Galaxy for countless millennia.

However, the progress of Light in the last few decades was such that we are just before the final breakthrough that will bring this Reptilian empire to its knees. There was a very successful operation of the Light forces completed on this planet on August 25th that sent a very clear signal to the leading Archons that their defeat is near and undeniable. This has set them in panic mode and inside the time window between August 25th and October 7th they are trying to do everything they can to stop the progress of Light. This is their last chance to create as much division, confusion and conflict between all people that are working towards the liberation of this planet as possible. 

During this time frame you will read all kinds of accusations, distortions and disinformation on the internet. My suggestion would be for everybody to turn inside towards the still small voice of Truth and learn not to judge people or get involved into conflicts. The Archons will try to instill as much conflict as possible, commanding their Reptilian minions on the etheric and astral planes to pressure on the weak spots, doubts and insecurities of everybody.

During this time frame, fears about world war 3 and martial law will arise. Although the Cabal has plans to make those things happen, they will not be successful. Positive ET races and the Resistance Movement want peace and it is within their power to prevent world war 3 or martial law simply by pressuring the key members of the Cabal. 

Today is September 9th. No "doomsday clock" will go off as some people are afraid. Instead, this day is a portal of Light that is very much needed to brighten up the atmosphere. Today I would ask as many people as possible to join our Weekly Liberation Meditation to reinforce that Light.

Between September 15th and September 23rd there will be the most critical period as this is the exact time of the second Uranus Pluto square in 2012 and Archons will then try to provoke as much violence and conflict worldwide as possible.  This Uranus Pluto square will be even stronger than the one in June because its exact moment will happen just one day after Pluto turning direct:

This is Archons' last chance before the breakthrough of Light. As it was said in my previous post about Uranus square Pluto, here are instructions for that challenging time:

"Regardless of the events in the next few days, please remain calm, but alert.

Archons and their minions will try to provoke you. It is natural and human to feel anger, fear, doubt or impatience. But do not act on it. Just calmly observe your emotions, take a few breaths, maybe play your favourite song and then decide how to act.

Do not engage in violence, whether physical (rioting, violent revolution) or verbal (attacking messengers on the internet, hateful comments to anyone, relationship quarrels). Violence will NOT solve our problems. Clearly planned and focused action will.

Focus instead on beauty, nature, meditation. Find calmness within. And when you need to act, act from that calmness."

Before October 7th, billions upon billions of Reptilians will be cleared away daily from the astral and etheric planes by the Light forces. This is a very volatile time during which the Event will not happen as it would be very unwise to trigger things during the peak of the Archons attack as this could lead to many casualities.  After that,  more Light will come in and after October 7th I will be able to release more intel about the Event.

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