
UntitledMichael Tellinger of South Africa: OUR COUNTRIES ARE CORPORATIONS; The Remedy: The People’s Trust 1776, Filings and Actions


UBUNTU Liberation Movement – Unity & Higher Consciousness for a New World
http://www.ubuntuparty.org.za/ oppt_logo_border10

The One People’s Public Trust – Guarding, preserving, protecting and implementing the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowledge from within










I realize I have not posted an overview of The One People’s Public Trust filings and actions, as my website here has been quite ‘off’ lately (and still in transition!).  American Kabuki’s posting of Michael Tellinger’s latest news prompted some thoughts, however…a convergence of the two.

Michael Tellinger, researcher of ancient civilizations in South Africa, has led a campaign recently against fraudulent and illegal banking practices in South Africa. As part of his research, he discovered, like others have, that many governments are actually set up as corporations. By and large, most citizens are not aware of this. What does this mean to the citizens, exactly? What does it mean to our laws? Our money, our taxes?

Included in this American Kabuki link I saw with Tellinger’s news about this: “The email below was written to the South Africa government on the 18th January 2013 asking for clarification on the registration of our country as a corporation.” Tellinger brings up some very good questions in this letter to a government official — what exactly are the citizens’ rights and/or responsibilities under this arrangement?

The Remedy:  The One People’s Public Trust – UCC Filings and Actions

After a 10+ year investigation, The One People’s Public Trust (The OPPT, AKA “People’s Trust 1776″) has also found the same results on a global scale, and regarding my interests, for the Republic of the USA, for the individual states, and even for local governments. Perhaps the newly appointed United States SEC Commissioner should know about this. (Ya think???)

In the Fall of 2012, the OPPT went one step further from their investigation and acted on an ingenuous remedy: Using the same system that government officials used to set up the governments as corporations, the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), The OPPT filed UCC documents to foreclose on the bankrupt government corporations and their agents (central banking, mostly), effectively nullifying the entire inter-connected, colluded political/legal/banking system. The OPPT documents make it clear that their actions are on behalf of all of humanity; this is a global action!

What’s more, some of the OPPT’s filings also state that rightful governments were re-instated (referenced with “CVAC”), to replace the defunct corporate governments. Granted, ‘official’ announcements of these actions have not graced our MSM yet; however the pressure for the first announcement is building, as knowledge of these actions are spreading like wildfire.

The OPPT’s UCC filings and actions are unrebutted and unrebuttable. For the corporate governments to rebut, or even address these actions, they would have to prove that they are NOT corporations and they can not do this; hence, unrebuttable.

What does THIS mean to the citizens?  In short, it means The OPPT actions have legally, lawfully and peacefully ended a charade that has caused war, poverty, disease, false debt and economic ‘bubbles’.  And, as newly sovereign BEings, we can ‘OPPT In’ to this new paradigm by refusing to consent to the old one.

The Higher Consciousness Aspect

Now for the ‘juicy’, esoteric part.  Of keen interest to me, as a metaphysician, is the level of extra-ordinary consciousness on the part of both Tellinger and The OPPT regarding their efforts.  I definitely sense a synergy and convergence.  Not knowing them personally, I can’t really say whether they came from metaphysical or spiritual backgrounds when they started their research and investigations, however their energy and vibration now, having traversed the ‘rabbit hole’ is quite ‘elevated’, in a quantum, multi-dimensional kind of way.  Tellinger’s UBUNTU Party, for instance, promotes “Unity and Higher Consciousness for a New World”, which to me definitely screams 5D goals.  The OPPT filings also are filled with what I call 5D language, which is a might confusing or ‘off-putting’ to some, especially in the context of a traditional legal document!

I may comment more on this later, but I do see this work as a beautiful example of what Albert Einstein conveyed, when he said that one cannot fix a problem with the same energy that created it.  This energy that is coming in now from these two sources (as well as from many, many others) is definitely at a 5D vibration, in my opinion, as evidenced by the verbiage and use of ‘conscious language’. While utilizing the tools of our 3D systems, they are speaking in the same terms and belief as when Jesus endeavored to convey the concepts of Oneness…that all of the Divine is not separate, not a separate ‘God-being’; rather, that Divine energy and consciousness is in each and every one of us, and we all share the gifts of higher consciousness, together, as One.  The One People.

Whether God, Planet or People, we are One…and, we are All.


Peggy's Headshot, Photo by Anita Long


That’s Peggy’s Perspective

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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