
Kauilapele's Blog:A Request to Hold the Light for the Middle East, Israel, and Iran

Posted on 2012/09/12

“Hold the Light” (click to enlarge)


This is not a political post, of any kind. I will not post details here. I simply point to this message posted by jhaines6. You may read this if you wish. And follow Higher Guidance.

The essence of the recent trip which we all took to Kauai, was to open new, and/or expand existing, Portals of Light in Hawaii, yes, and around the world. This was accomplished.

One of the photos taken at Kalalau (above left), demonstrates (to me, at least) that this Light has started to enter our planet, BIG time… from “without”, as well as from “within”. And, almost in an instant, it has permeated, to a much higher degree than before the mission, the consciousness of each and every human being upon this planet.


So when I read this this post by jhaines6, I knew that the so-called “dark ones” (sorry, cabal people… no capital first letters for you today) were having this tantrum fit, which is likely the first stage of their last stage on this planet.


So as you feel so guided, if you do, thank you for holding this beautiful region of our world in the Light and Love and Peace which we all have participated in bringing into the Planet.


I will be so bold as to say that, as we do this, in whatever way Guidance leads, the events described in the article will not materialize.


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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