
Be Aware of the Former “Lightworkers” Who May Have Switched or Who Are Stuck…


Be Aware of the Former “Lightworkers” Who May Have Switched or Who Are Stuck…


Posted on 2012/06/23

Why do I post this? Just as a note that those of us who have come this far, are not going to give up their journey. This journey continually encourages us, requires us to release where we have just been, and move on, and up.

Yet there are those who, in my view, in my “getting”, have somehow got stuck in a place they have felt comfortable, and perhaps are not yet releasing that place and moving on and up to the next.



Instead, I have seen and listened to a few, who I used to pay close attention to in one of my “waking up” phases, who now sound to me more like constantly throbbing bags of wind. Now I have no problem with bags of anything, or even bagpipes, which is a bag type instrument, pumping a bag generated “wind” through pipes and tubes, to make music.


But some of the ones I am speaking of, just sound like they’ve lost all their pipes, except one. The one they’ve been playing on for years and years and years and years and years and years. Same old tune, same old note. A note like, “The sky is still falling, no matter what positive news comes out.” or, “The world is going to he// in a hand basket and you’d better stock up on survival foods and guns and be in fear all the time… And by the way, did you know you can buy all the survival foods you need and all the guns you need, right here at my website? And did you know I’m going to play this message every day, every hour, every 5 minutes until you buy something from my store? Because if you don’t do that, you might go to he// in a hand basket.” (who ever came up with that saying, anyway? and what’s a ‘handbasket’?)


So what is the REAL message that these “stuck ones” send out there? “Be afraid. Be very afraid. The monster is coming. Be afraid. The asteroid is headed straight for YOU. Be afraid. Obama wants to be a dictator. Be afraid. Nuclear bomb. Be afraid. All of the news of positive progress in this world you are hearing now is a scam. Be afraid. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Be afraid.”


We may see and hear all those things. But personally, I remind myself, “Don’t buy into it. I am moving on. And up. Away from fear. And away from the monotonous bags of wind.”


I am here for the Light. I am a part of that Light. I am here to be that Light. I am here to share that Light. I am… that Light.



Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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