
RemovingTheShackles – Update March 12th : Communications Meltdown, Energetic Up Swing – 13 March 2013


Hey everyone!!  Sorry I’ve been offline running insanely all day (as per usual, only more so) so I haven’t been able to actually sit and write any updates.  Soooooo….. here it comes all at once.  Ready?

First off I have to thank Caleb from the top and bottom of my heart for his comments last night on the OPPT-IN Radio Show on Freedom Reigns- you can listen to the archive of the show HERE

Caleb held the contrast beautifully and opened a can of worms that needed to be opened- said words that needed to be said. A lot of people had expectations of what Caleb would sound like and were rather shocked when he wasn’t just a male version of Heather, lol! A lot of people listened to him with only half an ear it seems and put a lot of words into his mouth that he didn’t say. A lot of people created assumptions in their minds that had no basis in reality.

A lot of that will be addressed tonight on The Collective Imagination Radio show- you can listen in HERE at 8pm est. We will get Heather on tonight come hell or high water, lol.

I want to talk about communications, which of course leads into the first article I’m posting, but first I need to ask a favour.

I realize that people are on edge and wound pretty tightly right now. There are a lot of us hurting financially and struggling in daily life.  BUT….. I ask people to please use discernment. Please read things carefully.  The article I posted yesterday “From This Moment On” starts with a huge heading that states:


It is a work of Fiction.  A visualization and motivation, if you will.  IT IS NOT REAL.   I received texts in the middle of the night asking about when they would get their Liberty Cards.  One of my sources who’s highly involved in all aspects of the new financial system that the PTW have been trying to push, received calls all night (including at 2:30 in the morning) from people claiming that the OPPT has released Liberty cards and wanting him to tell them if these cards were part of the Prosperity Packages or part of the St. Germaine Trust……..

…….Seriously people?!  Please read things carefully.

Back to the communications topic.

There are days when we laugh our asses off because of the blatant interference going on in our daily communications.  Emails regularly go missing, skype rooms/conversations don’t update for hours and some messages don’t appear until sometimes a full day later. Computer files go missing- several times I’ve recorded important conversations (and KNOW that it’s recording) and the file mysteriously vanishes….. and of course the famous “drop off line as soon as a buzz word is mentioned”.  Heather and I can talk about family stuff no problem, then as soon as we start seriously talking…. she drops offline.  Or, AK will drop offline and Heather suddenly can’t hear me, or vice versa.  Hell, last week Heather mentioned “Rothchilds” on the TCL radio show and immediately no one in the radio audience could hear her…. until she said “Ok, no more mention of the Rothchilds”…..

…. it seriously is getting laughably ridiculous.

Hence AK’s letter below.  I laughed my ass off when I read it last night.

The last two articles tie in together nicely….. hot topics on my brain and heart right now.
Read more at www.removingtheshackles.blogspot.com / link to original article

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