
If I Were Asked to Schedule NESARA….

If I were a member of the highest universal councils that Matthew Ward talks about so often, in my toga of light, and if someone asked me to choose the date for the announcement of NESARA, what date would I choose?

Well, I’d choose Sept. 11, 2012, exactly 11 years (11 is the number of the master revealer of truth) after the date on which the NESARA law was due to be signed into law in the first place. (1)

That has a certain ring to it.

NESARA would have been signed into law on Sept. 11, 2001 at 10 a.m. in the morning  had someone not arranged at 9 a.m. to have two planes either actually or apparently fly into the World Trade Centers 1 and 2 and have Building 7 self-destruct eight hours later by somehow neatly falling into its own footprint … as the result of a barely-visible fire.

That someone arranged to steal a huge amount of gold being held in the WTC as part of NESARA.  They then blew up three WTC buildings with sophisticated military-style thermite bombs and (allegedly) some small nukes as well.  They may have used other scalar weapons to boot. The operation saw, not 3,000 die, as the official story would have us believe, but more in the neighborhood of many tens of thousands.

Leonardo could read print backwards, but upside down?

The same conspirators planned a military exercise to take all fighter jets away from nearby areas, on a practice mission centering around a fictional attack on (guess what?) the World Trade Center. And sent the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs off to Europe, and located the President in a small Florida classroom, reading from an upside-down book.

All to thwart NESARA, kickstart wars designed to capture Mid-East Oil, cement elitist control over the world, do away with constitutional rights, and set the stage for a World War III that would reduce the world’s population from 7 billion to 500 million docile slaves.

Is this a prediction? Heavens no. No prediction about any major event has ever come true. And I don’t make predictions. It’s a daydream, a mere musing. Chances are 99% I’ll be wrong.

Of course if I said every day  NESARA will be declared tomorrow, there’s a 100 percent chance that on one day I’d prove correct.

That having been said, rumor has it that Basel 3 represents the new financial system, which is at present being engaged. Accounts are being opened in the banks.  Arrests are occurring of those who try to fiddle with any of it. Much of the initial funding has come from the dragons or elders in the East, who serve heaven. And … we are close. That I think can safely be said.


(1) For more articles on NESARA, see “NESARA or the Abundance Program” at  http://the2012scenario.com/nesara-or-the-abundance-program/


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