
Greg Giles – Message From The Galactic Federation Of Light – 2 June 2012

Response to The Galactics via Greg Giles:



Dearest Friends and Companions of Destiny- wherever you are!


You asked for more posititve feedback regarding this process of the expansion of One in this article channeled by Greg,,, and it is my humble perspective that the pulse of the frequencies may be the simplest explanation of the flip-flopping of that many exhibit.  I believe that the collective consciousness is slowly dividing like a cell and the "separation" that is experienced will "soon" enough disappear from our awareness. 

I, for One, am aware of the effects of my focus, and it seems that many othrs are as well... but there still seems to be alingering compulsion to "do" something about it. 


What is there to do beside persist our endeavours to turn and look in the direction of our deepest wanting individually first....and this will affect the Collective stream. 

It is so easy most of the Time.  Our patience and compassion filtered through forgiveness seems to straightn and smooth out the road long enough to see the actuality of the method of Presence of One focus. 


Personally, at this point, I AM aware that i no longer believe in the 3D reality for the better part of my day. yet i can still feel the fluttering of the pulses reflected in the presentation of the ourter reality with the "othersSelves" . 


Escaping duality as a collective is new to our global consciousness as a unit.  As a spark of One that has never fit in to the collective control madness, i nontheless unwittingly participated due to the fear programing that is the training field focus for our Divine Sovereignty.  I cried out "UNCLE!"  many times in my life only to implode at the thought of the ludacricy of the idea that i had to PAY for absolutely everything to survive and thrive here. 

I wake up daily and say: "This is NUTS! and, I'm OUT!" . 

I AM THAT I AM.  One with the Logos, so why is it i cant seem to focus on this long enough to break completely out of this constrictive Time dimension and into one that is more condusive to my unlimited Divine presence?   Pectice, Practice, Practice!

It has been my most persistent observation that we are simple here to test our Divine Love, and TRUST that this is simply a thought field, a dream- if you will- that is our training ground for this reclamation of our Divine Self, and our Sovereign birthright.


The cabal, etc are the gatekeepers, the test administrators of this expansion.  We dont move forward unless we hold the Knowledge in focus consistently.  How to measure this is becoming clear in the manifestations that we are only beginning to become accountable for, but perhaps it is safe to say that at least a majority percentage of our daily focus in Knowing that we are ONE, and All is Well will advance us to where we will not have toreturn to the testing center. 

We are constantly threatened with physical death in this illusion, but when we stop and take a few moments to ground and observe, we see that this threat is hollow, and we are free for a bit to ruminate on the simple beauty of our connection to Source and the "salvation" that this comforts us with. 


Meditation for the sake of being affectatious is spinning the wheels.  "Meditation " is any moment or span of focus in the NOW.  How hard is it to simply STOP and Be STILL so that you can actually HEAR your Self and observe what it is that you truly Know without outer diatractions.  Because distraction - smoke and mirrors- is exactly the work of the negative/fear pushing gatekeepers are there to do for us.  Love them, and tell them that you are "getting it" , daily.  Oh, maybe an occasional test might be warranted/needed- but on the whole- DON'T you get it Now?  Don't you see how this is all working toward the point of Divine SELF awareness, not 3d global awareness.

We don't need to "save" Gaia- that seems to be mis-place ego-centricity....we need to save our Divine Selves, and the rest of the relfection will heal in accordance with our awareness of One-ness.   


The Earth, as a sentient consciousness is aware fo our imminent graduation from 3-4D Time.  But, we will exit 3D first, and some will spend a while messing about with 4D until the illusion of Time is not longer needed.  As i listen to those speak of the diverse options available to each of us regarding where we are to go next, and many of them are very uplifting, i also continue to hear the gate keepers upholding their purpose of solidifying our Knowing of our Divinity and our unlimited choices of how to "Be". 


I, personally have begun remembering my commitment to be an "instigator" for the "return", but i have come to a larger understanding of this mission.  Realizing that: I AM THAT I AM was the illusion breaker for me, and each of my otherSelves are learning this as I unfold this more consistently to my Divine Self. 

In order for the Self to awaken, we are advised to remember that this reality experience is best understood through Allowing and Forgiving first, then the Love rushes in and seals the Knowing, which brings the Peace. 


Lately, i cry at anything and everything that inspires Love in my Heart Knowing. My heart swells and the tears begin to flow.  My motto has been "It's ALL Good", but i have been chastised for using the subjective word "good".    Woudl you all feel more comfortable if instead i  said: "All is Well."   Feels the same to me, so use whatever words you need to to make your self relax, hold the positin of observing and let the Love work it's magic.  Holding that moment of Satori, and milking it for as long as you can IS the "work" we can to do- NOW, anywhere.  All else will take care of itself....it's just a dream-field anyway, remember???  Yes, i know you do.   


As i tap into the global situations concerning environment, economics, human rights, etc.  i have to acknowledge that all of those issues are going on right inside of ME.  And, this is the connection : I AM ANOTHER YOURSELF.  I no longer need to pay anyone to tell me that.  Like Dorothy, Toto, we aren't in Kansas anymore.  I wear the ruby slippers- and always have this whole "Time". 


At this juncture of my personal awakening, I AM reflected in the collective shifts, and I AM accountable.  As i learn to focus more consistently, the pulses- or waves- of reactivity and manifestation move in accordance with these thoughts, and YOU are right here in me, participating.  this is why collective, focused intentions are all the rage right now....we are finally Knowing that it OUR intention that will dictate how this storyboard goes.  You would thing that participating as often as possible would expidite the process.  Yes.  It will, but where are we rushing off to, anyway?????  Yes, the focus WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE, but the axiety that we hav to do it ASAP is the shadowey mis-step that engages our fear buttons again adn thereby delaying the desired outcome. 

Now- is our point of power.  "WE", individually, might consider chilling and being NOW to serve the collective best.  Why do we need to make it so complicated?  It is not, that is the persistent illusion presented to test us.  We KNOW this, so let's just BE with that, and trust. 


In a sense, we are ALL Bohdissatva, are we not?  Earth Time is shifting out of the denser illusion and steppiing into the Next phase of our conscious integration, but these are pulses, waves, that are generally increasing.  does this pulse come from the Galactic Center... YES!  and, I AM One with the first source and Center- therfore the pulse is coming from ME. 


In a short while of Time, i will be moving on to my next place of focus, and i have to say- i am done here.  Oh, i know i still have a few fur-balls,and bubbles that have yet to surface for the clearing, but, I noticably less and less fear regarding them.  I give mySelf a Gold star, and a kiss on my forehead these days for sticking it out,...don't you?

I certainly appreciate what the gatekeepers have given me in mirroring a reality that is as limited as my Time within it.  But, there is no more "fight" with me, so please don't expect me to "do" anything except express my Now Beingness with more clarity and Peace.  I'm done performing stupid human tricks, and they'vbe become quite funny to me these days... and i can almost see the guides and the gatekeepers smiling and nodding in agreement just about everywhere i look. 


I'm almost ready to go "home", be that a hovering Biosphere where my galactic family awaits my return, or to a non-physical dimension that i Know is truly my Home, reunited fully with the ONE.  I don't think tha ti have decided yet. 

firstly, i do love to be challenged...and remaing within the galactic reality seems fun and exciting to me still, as a physically focused Being.  Secondly, i am still doing a bit of reconciling with the individual mirrors in my lifetimes that i am still attached to. 


I'm having bubbles of memories of people and past silly situations that i haven't thought of in years and years.  I'm going throught the file cabinets in my subconscous and clearing out the things i have been holding on to, both in my waking hours and in my dreams.  I AM experiencing my life review, absolutely!  I'm finally coming out the other end of the shadow world -- yep, i can see the Light at the end of the tunnel and there are moments when i really wish i could just step through and move on already!


I Know- even if i don't remember some moments- that If you/i are afraid of Self, and what it has experienced for your/my benefit, it WILL be painful.  The memories make you/me cringe that you did this or that and you wish you could go back and make it right/change it/appologize for your spiritual immaturity.  But, i have been assured by the many otherSelves that i am observing and hearing that this is not necessary. 

The only necessary action to take- if you can call it an "action"- it really is more an adoption and securing of an attitude: Forgiving.  Yep, we're hearing alot of expressions regarding this phase, this pulse of presence.   The more i fought certain memories that stimulated shame, the more painful it was- is. 

Cry if you need to- i do often lately, and it feels better afterward. Confess if you want to, but somehow we know we are always Loved and guided by the desire of Logos to expand- so talking about it again is NOT necessary....it might even keep the guilt and shame stimulated for longer if you persist in this expression.  And the LAST thing i'm going to do is PAY someone to listen to me regurgitate painful memmories, thereby enabling me to be stagnant.  But, hey, that's just ME.  YOU do what you gotts' do for your own Self.   I do however hve a couple of Loving friends who will listen then give me the push i need to keep it moving forward.  Now, THAT'S true Love! 


We have- ALL of us- perpetrated crimes upon our bretheren.  We are experiential Beings in the shadowey side of the classroom of Time.  The Love of our companions of Destiny, including all those Beings both physical and non=physical have been the relfection of our Self awakening, and I AM awake and aware of All of You Now. 

I encourage All of my otherSelves to take responsibility for what you are focusing on and creating!


I Love you, too!  And I'm anticipating many Joyful visits on this journey with you as I/WE move toward our full awakening, and our ultimate remembering of our Self as Sparks of the Source/Center/One.


See you in the Mirror!  Namaste'!

Rev. Dr. Carmelle, the Empress of Time









Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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