
TheIntelHub – J.C. Vibes – Police Provocateurs Exposed At Spanish Protests – 28 September 2012

Police Agent Provocateurs were caught on video inciting violence by media cameras at the September 25th bailout and financial crisis protests in Madrid Spain.

There were also several videos uploaded to youtube and liveleak showing similar events.

As expected it is looking like there is a widespread coordinated effort on the part of the police to create violence, which they could then use to justify controlling the situation with violence.

A description of the video below was found through Spanish media organization “HispanTV”, according to their website:

“Our cameras collect when a plainclothes policeman is arrested and blindfolded by their peers in a burden UIP. The secret police is identified as a partner. It is proof that police had infiltrated the concentration of 25-S”


Agent Provocateurs are people that work for the police but pretend to be a part of an anti establishment mob.

While under cover these agents commit acts of violence and vandalism to give the police a pretense to use force against the demonstrators.

Once the agent smashes one window or throws one rock on behalf of the group they have infiltrated, the police are able to respond with whichever force they deem to be necessary and turn the demonstration into a war zone.

More information to come on this developing story as details become available.

J.G. Vibes is the author of an 87 chapter counter culture textbook called Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance and host of a show called Voluntary Hippie Radio.

He is also an artist with an established record label and event promotion company that hosts politically charged electronic dance music events. You can keep up with his work, which includes free podcasts, free e-books & free audiobooks at his website www.aotmr.com

www.theintelhub.com link to original article

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