
Libyans Gather To Condemn Yesterday's US Embassy Attack

Yesterdays edition of news from Ben Fulford warned of this attack and more happening,he said that the seeds have been woken by  the cabal to go on a killing spree,these poor people have been acused of 9/11 there Profit slandered very bad and Mohamed was a great man,its a shame...Id like to know why the GFL isnt able to help these poor people who are being killed in Libya and anywhere else if they can guarantee were not going to have martial law or be sent to camps? HELP THEM!







and no of course Im not excusing what was done to the four that died but millions of there people are being killed,its gotta stop!



bring some light to them to,Im sure life much seem so dark for them


Namaste everyone

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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