
The LIBOR Scandal for Dummies | The Galactic Free Press

Even when the MSM mention it, they brush over it like it like it is nothing.  This LIBOR rate has affected everyone in multiple ways, it has affected not only the profits the bank could make, it made the economy look better than it was, it affected the gold prices, it affected the oil prices, it affected the interest rates on eveyones savings, retirement, IRA's, mortages, and other loans.  There is not a person on this planet that hasn't been affected by this scandal, no one from the richest to the poorest.  Yet it transfered even more wealth again to the ones who don't need it.  I can't even imagine how much more far reaching it is than is known, because all we know at this time, is what there willing to talk about, or just what has been un-covered so far.  I'm sure it's just the tip of the iceburg, and doubt we'll ever know all the details in their entirety.  Still even yet, it isn't enough, they want even less regulation, honestly it's the one industry that should have the most.  Yet they seem to find time to regulate florist, plumbers, interior designers etc.  what a crock!!!!


If they can't fix the economy which they can't, then at a minimum we should expect from them is to stop the bleeding enough is enough.


Still there is divinity in it somewhere.





Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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