
Nassim Haramein – Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields – FULL VERSION – I can’t wait to watch this! Thanks to L.

astrology forecast for july 2012

Hold onto your hats because this month the wind is going to pick up!   This month may resemble the old western movie where the bad guy pulls his guns and shoots at the feet of the nice guy while laughing and says, “Dance, partner, dance!” These past six months have been more about getting our own “world” together, our health, our bank accounts, and our work have been a priority.  We may have held off focusing on fun, enjoyment, and romance (or simply had it not showing up for us) until we got our act together in other ways.  Well, let’s hope you got it together, or can put it on hold, or forget it for now, as it can be hard to focus and concentrate when relationship issues stir you up to the core.

This month Mars (the god of war) goes into Libra (the sign of partnership) to stir up the passions for good or ill.  Both Jupiter and Mars will have moved from the slow, practical, grounded signs into the light, airy, talkative, and changeable air signs.  That, along with the Sun moving through the feeling, intuitive, watery sign of Cancer for most of the month, we can take as indicating a time to come out of ourselves and talk, share, and communicate about things other than money, bills, schedules, and work.  It is time to get down to “the heart of the matter,” where the possibility of real change, growth, and evolution occur.

For better or for worse (usually worse), it just seems to be human nature that in our desire to maintain peace and harmony in our relationships we stuff and bury some of our deepest needs and desires. Whether for fear that they won’t get met, fear that we will look weak or foolish, or fear that we’ll have to explain/expose ourselves even more, we can tend to just blow it off until later.  Don’t mess up the nice dinner out, or date night, wait for the right moment to bring up those deeper issues.  Sometime, maybe over the weekend, when you’ll have time to sit and discuss it at length…….. NOT!  That’s called procrastination, avoidance, or denial and this month for sure it just won’t work.  We can tend to minimize our needs and desires to not put strain on our partnerships for fear they may break.

Well alas, guess what?  Here comes July!  And it will go down as a month when those little nasty issues that have been laying in wait, that haven’t gone away, need to come up for cleaning, clearing, and kicking out! The suggested way to handle some of these hot items is to try and listen (I know it’s hard) without over-reacting, getting defensive, shouting, and splitting.  Particularly from the 8th to the 21st (as Mars opposes Uranus and squares Pluto), the tendency maybe to throw in the towel rather than wrestle with the compromises expected, demanded, or needed to take that partnership to the next level.  It is a time to make tough choices and they will come up suddenly, from out of the blue, and surprise the best laid plans of mice and men (women).

Making some of these conversations even more difficult is the tendency we all have to dream on and pretend things may just go away or disappear if we wait long enough…. Again….. NOT!  Perhaps we think that if we just step on the gas and keep the boat moving forward some issues, demands, or disagreements will just be forgotten, left in the wake behind us.  The interesting game that we will all be playing this month is to know just when to fight or switch, when to give in and when to walk away, call it choosing the right battles.

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