
Kauilapele - There Comes a Time to Relax with the Changes…

Ive noticed a similar feeling with some other places along my journeys...something about the rat race here in the US...


I get the same feeling in Rosarito,MX, out near 28KM. A tad bit of Latin or English goes far down there. No passport needed. The minute you cros the border back North, its almost as if you feel the energy difference. Its so rushed, so mis-used and dark. You feel worse than sheep heading to slaughter.


Like as if everything and everyone got cutthroat all of a sudden.Everyone is so easy-going, pets included down in Rosa. They look out for you. Not so in San Diego.


Yes, I too know this feeling. Im grateful to have a place to go to escape from this FAKE CABAL pushed Reality, where people do actually care about one another. Its odd that the places I find most comfortable are OUTSIDE the North America continent, or outside the US.


Japan is another example. We have Allies there. Travel, as always expensive, but if any of you have oppourtunity(and I know they had help with DAI ICHI in Sendai) to go...DO SO. Sasebo, Tokyo, Yokouska, very nice places. Up North moreso, plan accordingly after fall if traveling, the winters are friggid with a capital F. Dont misunderestimate a Korean blanket, they are a godsend in winter.



Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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