
The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~6~17~12 Preparing for the Solstice Energy | The Galactic Free Press

SC: Okay, but in terms of the mass arrests themselves, like, you just said, that the time — I suppose the time-frame has changed. What is actually impacting on that time-frame? What is slowing it down? Or what can you tell us about what may be happening behind- the-scenes that keeps making it shift?


Cobra: The first factor here is concern by the positive light forces of the reaction of the general population upon this. Nobody actually knows how the general population will react when something like this happens.


There are some projections, there are models being made, computer simulations, but nobody really knows because nothing like this has ever happened on this planet. And this planet is so difficult to liberate just because the general population has been brainwashed so deeply. This is the main factor here. And a large part of the general population might not cooperate with the plan. So this is one of the main factors here.


SC: Do you think that’s the case, though? Because, say, for example — I mean, I know it usually blows people away. I mean, I talk to people quite regularly, friends and even family, and say, look, you know, these are some of the things that have happened, these are the things that could be possible.


Most people go, “Oh, I’d love my life to be different! I would love that I’m not constrained. I would love that there was no war. I’d love to know I had — to know I have no money worries and I didn’t have to work and leave my children.”


So, do you not think that the general population itself would really appreciate being liberated at last?

Cobra: They will liberate — they will appreciate it after this is over, but not during the process, because the process itself might not be completely peaceful or smooth. And they would not appreciate actively cooperating in this, they would just like to make it happen. But somebody has to do it.


And if there is a small, yet powerful, group doing it, we have to do it very carefully.

SC: And when you say “small, yet powerful,” you’ve told me in the past there’s around about 300 Resistance Movement members on the surface. Does that mean there are thousands of other Resistance Movement members underground, and then…

Cobra: There are 20 million at this moment underground.

SC: Oh, wow. Okay. I didn’t know that! [laugh] And are they human beings, or are they Pleiadian beings?


Cobra: They are beings in physical bodies, they look like humans, but they are — their origin is coming from other star systems, and basically they lived on Planet X for the last few incarnations at least. Some of them have already been incarnated on this planet in the past, some of them not. But they understand quite well our situation here. And they look like very much human.


SC: Okay. Planet X? Planet X — I’m not quite sure of Planet X. Can you tell me a little bit about what that is?

Cobra: Planet X is a planet on the outer — it’s on the outer — range of the solar system, beyond Pluto.

SC: Um-hmm.


Cobra: It’s a planet a little bit bigger than this planet. And there is a certain civilization living under the surface of that planet. And they came — they’re actually the ones who created the Resistance Movement, or actually they renewed the Resistance Movement, because it was almost destroyed about 12, 13 years ago.

SC: Okay. So they’re the people that will actually assist in, I suppose, bringing in the Cabal?


Cobra: They will assist, but actually it is the job of the positive military group to do that. The Resistance Movement will help behind-the-scenes, and they will become active on the surface only if there is need for that.



SC: Okay. So are you foreseeing that there will be need for that, based on the fact that we’re still dragging out month after month with no surrender or, you know, capitulation on behalf of the Cabal?


Cobra: They might be needed. It’s not known yet.

SC: Okay.

Cobra: So, I would give (it a) fifty percent chance that the Cabal surrenders, another fifty they will not. So, we’ll see what happens.


SC: Now, listening to you now, do you foresee that this is going to be … a horrific battle, or are we seriously hoping that this will be a peaceful and quiet and basically, generally, calm solution?


Cobra: I don’t know. At this moment, everything is put on the table. Things are not yet decided. There are many possible futures at this moment. We are doing everything we can for a peaceful transition, but it cannot be guaranteed.

" End of quotes

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