
The new global gold-backed financial system is now actively supported by 140 nations and opposed by only 28.


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  1. Hope eternal is rising its mighty head for all to see . . .
    Wouldn't it be swell for the stage to be set, by perhaps Pres. O because what appears to be is not always the case!!!!! :-), to allow the global financial/political elite who have participated in 'wrong doing in so, so many sectors' of our Western societies, to be brought to justice?????

    Let's envision this happening NOW, NOW, NOW. And a plan is in place and we are part of it. We can imagine this happening, our world turning to honest and healthy functions everywhere. Let it be, it is and so be it. We can do this! We are the creators of our own realities, let's create wildly for the good NOW, NOW, NOW.
    Two things:
    1. go to YouTube, search: Bill Wood and Eva Moore with Lisa Harrison, NEW INTERVIEW - MUST LISTEN

    2. go to: http://www.blogstalkradio.com, search: Drake Updates NOW, today, May 16, 2012


  2. I have been doing this envisioning all day so far and yes, that is what needs to be done. Picture in your minds eye that it is done, say over and over that the arrests and what you want is done. I too will be watching the new bill wood and drake update.

    Caught the one with wolf spirit radio last night and david wilcock`s new one, coast to coast, very good stuff! Thank you for the links YouMa. :) The NEW timeline is already set and it is the good one! Nothing can change that now. Think positive people, a lot of negativity floating around out there, it is up to you to change that, do you get it??


Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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