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This article was very funny! I enjoyed it. I second the notion of choosing freedom for all.


Not only freedom from the upper levels of oppression but also freedom on the smaller, more individual levels. Freedom to contemplate, question, and dis-cover truths for ourselves, while also respecting other people's choices to contemplate for themselves as well.


Yes, Obama must have a higher self ( just as we all do). I'm just over waiting for him to act on it. I'm open to him acting on it some day but after seeing the horrible things he's done so far, I can't help but regret voting for him and believing in him in the first place. 


In the meantime, I've chosen to find my answers inwardly from meditation, contemplation, working with my own ego, and from beings who have shown themselves to be compassionate in their actions.  


I certainly will not lull myself into a state of complacency and disempowerment by waiting for Obama, or any other external savior to solve the sufferings of the world (WHICH HAVE NOT magically disappeared as this article seems to suggest). That would be silly to do such a thing. 


Due to my freedom of choice, I believe that we as a human collective are the only one's who can save ourselves. This requires much more than the oligarchic efforts of one individual, regardless of whether this individual is named Obama, Zeal, or any other fantastically dazzling name. 


I do apologize if I offended, angered, or dashed anyone's higher-OBAMA hopes, and I hope I didn't hurt anyone's feelings. I'm just being honest and exercising my freedoms of speech, because if such freedoms don't get exercised, they'll cease to exist.



Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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