

However, the ankle biters still have underground strongholds where they have been regrouping since last Sunday’s epic victory of the Light.

They also have control of another grid very close to the planet’s surface that is supposed to be a light grid, but has been taken over and corrupted into a dark grid for eons of time.  This “near surface” grid ties into their underground strongholds, so the group focus on Sunday, May 27th will be on completely removing them from the near surface grid and from their underground strongholds.

To participate, you’ll need to do the same thing you did last week:  Connect to the Galactic Core and visualize a pillar of electric blue light coming into your body, filling it with light, then anchor that light into the center of the planet.  Next, focus your intent that all of the ankle biters will be arrested and removed from the Earth’s near-surface grid as well as their underground strongholds.

Finally, visualize the highest, most enlightened future possible for all of humanity and planet earth that includes interaction with benevolent beings aligned with the Universal Christ / Divine Light. See every person filled with high-frequency divine light, acting in accordance with their Higher Self, uncorrupted by the lower ego. Imagine the amazing world that we can and will create together in cooperation and harmony.

Here is the link to Cobra’s blog where this global group meditation is being organized:


Let’s keep the momentum going and continue kicking these astral parasites out of our planetary sphere!

Thank you all for your support!

Much Love,
Cameron Day

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