
Global Focus on Breaking the Dark Grid Sunday, May 20th

GLR~ Cameron Day



Please stop by the blog and let us know if you will be participating:





Commentary from the Press~Just a ReHearter, Please Join us Live Beginning 2pm Pacific for the Love Party to Really Kick off the Energies! We will Post the Link and embbed this room to The Galactic Free Pree. We have an unlimited amount who can be there with us. The More We Focus our Unified collective Light, thie Quicker the Events will Manifest. Love Mother and Father God~ And The Earth Allies

Cameron Day~The idea of busting up the matrix, removing the ankle biters and freeing humanity from their invisible machinations is catching on.  A person who calls him/herself "Cobra" recently picked up the "Never Call Them Archons" post I wrote in January, linking to it on a post on his blog.  He/she also is organizing a large-scale group meditation on Sunday, May 20th during the eclipse and galactic alignment that is happening at that time.

I normally don't promote group meditations that are focused on an agenda or outcome, but this one is different.  The protocol being requested is almost exactly the same as the "Cosmic Flush" that I have been advocating publicly since 2008, with some added visualizations.  It also aligns perfectly with the messages I have been putting out over the last few months for how you and anyone sufficiently motivated can participate in breaking up the control matrix of the dark grid.

Here is the link to the Cobra "Portal" blog post about tomorrow's event: http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/2012/05/normal-0-microsoftinternetexplorer4_13.html

I will obviously be participating, since I do this every evening.  One big difference this time is that the "dark grid" is in extremely bad shape, which is GOOD for us!  I also see a LOT of people connecting to the Galactic Core and anchoring that frequency into the earth – more than I've ever seen before.  So I want to deeply THANK YOU for taking an active role in the Earth liberation process.

For the last two weeks, the dark grid has been looking very thin and weak, with many holes in it.  I have never seen it looking so weak for so long.  For the first few days, I kept checking in to see if it had self-repaired, which is what it used to do when weakened.   This time, however, repairs do not seem to be happening.  In fact, just a couple nights ago, I was guided to have some fun breaking up the grid in my local area, because it was weak enough to be affected by direct intervention. 

It was a good breaking that took out a decent chunk of the grid, which allowed me to expand the octahedron over my home as well as the one I maintain in the middle of the grid as a base of operations for my Family of Light and some members of the Forces of Divine light.  (See my previous blog post for more details about BREAKing ankle biter etheric and astral constructs.)

Another key difference is that the Galactic alignment occurring tomorrow night will bring more Galactic Core energy online than was available even just one week ago.  In fact, this energy started coming online last night, so you can get a feel for it right now by engaging a strong Cosmic Flush.  (Please read the Never Call Them Archons post for key details on engaging a connection to the Galactic Core.)

Will this be the final chapter in the story of the dark grid?  I don't know, but I sure hope so!  We will need a large number of people participating, so please check your time zone and participate with us.  If we don't finish off the grid this time, we WILL get it handled in the future…but there's no time like the present!  :-)
Much Love,
Cameron Day

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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