
Eby Way Miracle

So, what's a miracle? Let's find out. The term is usually associated with some form of divine intervention. For me a miracle signifies unexpected relief from emotional or physical suffering. But, maybe what appears as miraculous is not so unusual. Maybe it's all about a positive process of manifesting unlimited possibilities into immediate reality. If this rings true to you, I hope what your read today will help produce more miracles in your life too.

Those of you who have read my Hub about trauma understand that I have experienced much adversity in my life. Are you ready to hear some good news?

I discovered a system or formula that can help all of us recover from any form of adversity. More information about this process is available in my self-help book, The Eby Way.

Everything you need to know about increasing miracles can be summarized in the following four points: honestly face stressful emotions; use positive thoughts to stay in balance; take positive action to overcome any challenge; hold to positive belief systems that give you hope, faith, and peace of mind. How does that sound to you?

Of course my "choose the positive" formula is easier said than done. But there is a wise saying that will help us maximize the skills of healing and recovery: "practice makes perfect." For the sake of this discussion, let me focus on each of my steps as they say, "one step at a time."

#1. Face Feelings.

I'm delighted to report that currently I'm retired as a mental health counselor, addiction therapist, and life coach. I worked in the helping profession for more than 40 years. One miracle I can speak to you about today is that I found a job as an addiction counselor after being unemployed for 18 months!

The Addiction Recovery Center (ARC) hired me last year. I taught my four healing steps to my clients, and the ARC expanded its unique veterans' transitional program from four veterans every 60 days to ten. That's more than a 100% increase. Does it qualify as a miracle?

Practicing a process of facing negative and stressful emotions can be painful and difficult. It actually requires one to identify what you are feeling; take some time to slow down to feel the sting of an unpleasant emotion; and then cultivate a willingness to move on to restoring balance with positive affirmations. In other words: vent; release; and replace with the positive.

#2. Positive Thoughts.

As you might recall, when I lost my job I felt depressed and ashamed. Over the years I have formulated a series of positive thoughts I say repeatedly to restore balance to my mind, body, and spirit. I encourage you to come up with your own approach. But, here is what really helped me:

A. I refuse to poison myself with negative thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

B. I deserve to have a better life today.

C. I have unconditional worth and value.

D. I walk in the Light of powerful wisdom and knowledge.

A really cool thing happened after I said these affirmations daily for 12 months: We were able to purchase our home despite my being unemployed and having bad credit. Sounds like a miracle to me. What do you think?

As it turned out we had been renting our home in a gated retirement community in Cave Junction, Oregon for a year. The owner of our home said he was impressed with us and was willing to carry the mortgage loan if we agreed to become home owners. Yeah, that's right; the American dream came true for us right in the middle of adversity!

#3. Positive Action

My clients have learned that the one skill I encourage them to practice the most is the process of stop and think. This means basically when you are upset, take a deep breath and slow yourself down before you return to self-defeating behavior. I've also learned to apply deep breathing to the power of positive imagery.

When I'm stressed out or having a bad day I take several deep breaths and then I create a mental time-out. In my mind's eye, I return to the Oregon Coast. I'm walking with my wife bare-foot through the crashing surf. The sun warms my face; a crystal-blue sky enhances the sea foam that tickles my feet. Pelicans dive bomb into the rolling waves. People are flying huge multicolored kites that look like rainbow banners, parasails, and strange monsters. The endless ocean looms in front of us framed by a rocky sea-wall on our right and a pine-covered peninsula on the left. Such mind pictures as these can soothe the soul.

#4. Positive Beliefs.

Whatever problem you are facing, it's important to take the steps necessary to overcome it. I might further recommend having a plan A and a plan B. But what I'm talking about here is more significant than going to a 12 step meeting or even attending church. In other words, what do you believe in deep in your heart that will give you relief from all trauma and suffering? For me I call this spiritual process my Love-Light within. My ultimate miracle is that this process works for me. Maybe it can work for you too.

Facing stressful emotions, using positive thoughts, taking positive action, holding to positive beliefs, has taken me through many storms, pitfalls, and failures. Even though we are on a fixed income, I'm retired and we enjoy our life in Cave Junction, Oregon. My wife has overcome and stabilized from a devastating BiPolar disease. She has even lost 90 pounds and she established an OA group in our rustic, small town. Currently I play the piano at the Chateau at the Oregon Caves every other Sunday from 4:00 to 7:00P.M. I'm also eternally grateful for our five adult children, eight grandchildren, and our two dogs.

So, what's a miracle? All of this and more: there is relief from any form of trauma. Just take the steps necessary to maximize the power of the positive over all that is negative.

Posted via email from soulhangout's posterous

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