
Soul Hang Out, Transform your left brain into a hawk training your thoughts to partner 50/50 with your Inner Child, and the creativity of your right brain to become unstoppable in your purpose.

Let me elaborate…

In a nutshell,  I am a Thought Master… An Authority in Thoughts. I studied the human mind for a lifetime, researched the CRUCIAL field of thoughts in depth in relationship with marketing and the new business mindset for the last 4 years,  24/7  and the bottom line is reflected like a mirror  in the above title.

Transform your left brain into a hawk training  your thoughts  to partner 50/50 with your Inner Child, and the creativity of your right brain to become unstoppable in your purpose.

In other words, become a Black Belt Thought Master. An Expert in harnessing your thoughts to work for you, not against you.

After 4 years of developing my own coaching program I can say that the whole comprehensive program is  condensed in the above  title and the 3 following paragraphs…


I inspire Entrepreneurs  to train themselves to copy and paste” the model of a butterfly by breathing transformation.


Train themselves  to “copy and paste” the model of the Hawk Mindset to optimize their left brain, and…



partner with their Inner Child who is to hold and manage the passion and creativity of  their right brain, 50/50 in the magic middle line, where the expansion of  their Internal Visionary Team takes place.



I believe with all my heart in that quote of Albert Einstein that says: “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”   I believe with all my heart that aligning your thinking to work for you instead of against you in this time and age is imperative.


The huge 80% failure in small businesses comes straight from the thinking frequency you are vibrating. Therefore, getting on with your thoughts is needed not today. Yesterday!

The reality is that your thoughts are creating your reality as we speak and there are a lot of thoughts in that process that simply do not belong to you, you see?  So there is no time to waste. You have 2 choices.

  1. Train your Thoughts to work for you. Kiss the pain good bye.
  2. Or maintain the status quo.  Be the victim of Thoughts creating your reality that are not working for your benefit. …Those have to go, darling!

Here is to you and your success thinking, feeling  and speaking the language of the heart.

With a hawk as your  left hand and your Inner Child as your right hand ready to unite and partner supporting  your Internal Visionary Team for success in your business. Associating the Dissociated Inside Out.

Here are  some more details about the BIG WHY’S.

“Why the Hawk Mindset”


“Why the Inner Child”


If you want to go deeper on the Inner Child, this is for you. You will love it.


Here is the  real deal!


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