
The Millennial Revolution: Why Your Dad's Business Manual Belongs in the Trash | BarCamp Nashville 2010

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A lot of people think Millennials are broke, lazy, and still live at home with mom. Which is only partially true (not gonna lie - about 33% do).

But Millennials are also considered the most educated, the most technologically advanced, the most connected, and one of the most creative generations in history. However, because they don't "fit" within the traditional model of business, they're written off as immature.

Management techniques developed during the Industrial Revolution no longer work in a largely knowledge and service-based economy and it's been this generation that has fought back against them. Unfortunately, many businesses have been slow to respond while others refuse to adapt.

** 60% of Millennials say they've switched careers at least once.
** 60% of Millennials say it's not likely they'll stay with their current employer for the remainder of their career.
** Only 33% say their current job is their career.

So what's the fix? How should businesses adapt? What should we expect of Millennials? Will they eventually "grow up" and play by the old rules? And are Millennials the only generation tired of the status quo?

In what's sure to be a lively session, I'm going to offer up new ideas for conducting business in this new economy including:

** What changes I believe every business has to make.
** What I think every Millennial must do if they want to be fulfilled and successful in their career.
** The one technique I think every Millennial and business owner can use to increase opportunity and income through win-win relationships.

I will not be talking for the entire length of the session - where's the craziness in that? We'll have a lot of time for Q&A. Millennials, Xers, and Boomers - bring your questions and your passion!

About The Speaker
Travis Robertson is a business consultant, entrepreneurship coach, and tech writer for O'Reilly Media and the PayPalX Developer Portal. Prior to that, he spent 10 miserable years as a web application developer and executive for a number of startups and a Fortune 500 company. His passion is helping others launch and run their own business.

Travis writes about entrepreneurship, leadership, and Millennial issues on his blog at http://travisrobertson.com and is the author of an e-book titled "The Millennial Revolution: How to Harness the Greatness of a New Generation" which you should go grab at http://travisrobertson.com/tmr. It's 100% free and comes with a 25-minute MP3 of a talk he gave to Nashville-area business leaders.

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