
HeraldNet: How blog can be a great business resource

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Mike Benbow, Business Editor
Published: Monday, July 19, 2010

How blog can be a great business resource

By Pat Sisneros and Juergen Kneifel
For The Herald

With thousands of business blogs online, it can be tough to find the sites worth your time.

We’ve seen quite a few, and previously recommended that you develop a set of your favorites to use as a resource to run your business. Our list continues to grow and we have added a few recently in the areas of politics, economics and popular culture and technology.

We see these online resources as an opportunity to explore new ideas and take advantage of some of the best business minds in the world, who share their thoughts and advice for free through their musings on the Web. We believe that exploring these ideas are well worth your time.

Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0, blogs, wsj.com/management

Gary Hamel is a visiting professor at the London Business School and the author of “The Future of Management.” Hamel writes about developing more innovative management and leadership strategies. He believes the management strategies of the 20th century won’t work in today’s world. We find his blog entries especially helpful in thinking about developing a flatter, more responsive organizational structure. We always walk away with a new insight after reading one of his blogs.

Alan Webber’s Rules of Thumb, rulesofthumbbook.blogspot.com

Alan Webber was the co-founder of Fast Company magazine. His blog is one of the most applicable to small business on the blogosphere and focuses on the basic business rules all entrepreneurs should follow. Webber writes in an engaging style with a clear, insightful lesson in each blog entry. We think he is one of the most influential thinkers in the entrepreneurship community.

Brand Autopsy, brandautopsy.typepad.com

The author, John Moore, is a former marketing executive with Whole Food Markets and Starbucks. We highlight his blog because of his perspective and experience on building a brand. If you’re looking for interesting and useful marketing ideas, especially about using word of mouth to your advantage, this blog is a must-read.

Heath Brothers, heathbrothers.com

This blog is written is written by Chip and Dan Heath, authors of two best-selling books, “Made to Stick” and “Switch.” We especially like their viewpoint on what makes a new idea successful in the marketplace at a time when constantly innovating and improving your business is so critical. This blog will make you think differently about marketing your business.

Nudge, nudges.org

The site argues that the way choices are presented can be used to help “nudge” people to select better choices for themselves. We find this very interesting, especially in the areas of health and personal finance. This site promotes itself as a place where you can learn about “improving decisions about health, wealth and happiness.” We have found much food for thought in this blog and with ideas which we think will be helpful improving your business.

Real Clear Politics, www.realclearpolitics.com

Each day, this site lists all the major political opinion columns and stories from major newspapers and periodicals from across the country. The opinion columns cover the gamut of the political spectrum. We have found the site helpful as a one-stop place for keeping in touch with what the political chattering class is talking about in politics, economics and business.

Politico, www.politico.com

We like to think of Politico of as our daily source for national political news. The website has several former print columnists and news writers. We highlight this site because of its growing influence in the political conversation in Washington, D.C.

Boing Boing, boing.net

This blog is one of the more popular on the web. As the name indicates, the blog jumps from topic to topic, but focuses primarily on technology and popular culture. We find Boing Boing one of those websites that we need to check in with to see what Generation Y is talking about.

Pat Sisneros is the Vice President of College Services at Everett Community College. Juergen Kneifel is an associate faculty member in the EvCC Entrepreneurship program. Please send your comments to entrepreneurship@everettcc.edu

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